Hello and Welcome. Not sure if the game will be played without a hitch tonight, but, let’s see what happens. No game, then please join in the fun of socializing with us. Some jokes, good conversation and a get together while we wait for a game or whatever comes our way. For the format or how to play please read below.
I hope you are ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Hi Sheba. How are you tonight?
I am doing fine how are you? Take your time and I hope we have at least a couple
of questions. ✨😎 -
It was a busy day and I am still working on the house. Hubby had both the Visiting Nurse and the Physical Therapist today and we also had people come when I already asked for next week, but it seems they were in the neighborhood and knocked. These are people assessing our floor problem. Hopefully, it may be an easy repair.
Good evening! This is only my second time playing and the first question is the same as last weeks and you get no points??? Is this typical???
Hi and Good Evening Shiloh. Welcome Back. No, this is not typical. I have no idea why we are in such a rut, but rest assured, I will be on it sooner than later. The typical evening is that there are six questions each giving you 200 tickets if the answer is correct. You have a half hour to answer correctly. And that’s where we come in to give you the answer if for some reason it isn’t right. However, if you answered the same question even a year ago, there are no tickets added to your score. There are times, like now, that I wish they would give us all those tickets. Please do not be discouraged. We will keep trying.
Thank you for the information. Yes, it is discouraging but I will try to stay in the game.
Hi y’all, it’s Friday already? I see they haven’t updated the trivia question. How is everyone doing tonight? 😊🙃😏
Crazy week for sure! Thank you for the beautiful moon. 😄
Hi RosaTowwen. No they didn’t update the question. As the saying goes, “so what else is new.? I did send another inquiry to customer service and also duplicated it in the Arcade. I have no idea when or if we will get a response. I also have no idea if these are new people in the Tech Unit or the same crew. It seems there are many individuals who are really unhappy with the games and right now I am with them. Under the old regime we would have been up and running long ago. I just feel that these folks do not know what to do or how to get from Point A to Point B.
I’m not worried about trivia anymore. I just like to pop in, say hello, keep in touch with all of you nice people, while I am doing stuff around the house and the yard. Thank you for being such a diligent host! 🥰
RosaTowwen I am doing the same thing. It is now nighttime in Florida so cannot work outdoors. But am in the dining area and moving things around while looking for the box holding some face masks. Have no idea where that box is and on top of that cannot locate the cream my hubby needs for his painful knees. I have a feeling that cream is somewhere under the bed. Guess I will push the bed downstream tomorrow and take a look.
You have been in a state of transition for so long, going up north, coming back to Florida, all that stuff happening, it’s a wonder you can function as well as you seem to be. My hats off to you! Take care and remember that sleep is one of the best things you can do for yourself–and laughter–two very simple-but-effective things one can do, and free. 😘
Those two things are at the top of my list. It is really difficult at times to be in bed before 3 or 4 am. Hubby spends most of the day in bed and so I do what I can in the evening hours. Right now working on the dining area and will put the dishes into the dishwasher. Hubby wants to help, but right now that is quite limited. He is not supposed to do any bending until the next appointment with our physician which is in about three weeks. Other than that things are status quo.
Hello Rosatowwen, good to see you here. I bet the weather is nice in your neck of the woods.
Sorry … just got home from the lake!!
Good Evening everyone, I hope you all are well tonight. Looks like HSN doesn’t want to make it fun for its customers anymore. It seems they don’t have people working on Arcade like they did prior to QVC came on board.
Good Evening xango. I just posted to the customer service thread and also did the same just above our usual . Hope we get an answer.
@Sheba, Hi, its always fun communicating with the Trivia players. Between taking with the players here, my cousin on Whatsapp and watching TV is keeping me busy right now. A little of everything.
@oodiebom, How are you doing tonight? And how is your hubby doing?
Hubby is doing good. The physical therapist recommended an orthopedist. I have a name of a group here in Florida and I will contact them next week for an appointment. I just hope it does not require surgery. I really need him to recover a little more from all that has happened in the last few months.
@oodiebom, is it for his knees or hip?
@oodiebom or @sheba2011 — Or anyone who might know the answer to this–>>
Anyone know if VelveteenRabbit7 is okay?? -
I have no idea I do hope she is alright.
@sheba2011: A few nights ago, I went back and read ALL posts to and from myself. That was a real trip!! Sort of like reading thru an online diary. It took about 4 hours and my eyes hurt so bad! Very enlightening though. I had missed some sent to me back in the winter & spring!!😨😨 Great gifs and pics from you, of course!🙌🏻 Can’t thank you enough!💕💜💞
Hello Everyone!!
My alarm went off & I forgot what the alarm was for! Lol😄 Since I’m a ‘Nascar widow’ all weekend & it’s cooler weather tonite, I feel like cooking! Probably a cheesy pasta with chicken dish. Wish me luck! I’ll be checking in every 20 mins. or so. Hope everyone is doing well tonite! Hello to Sheba & Oodiebom! BTW, Oodiebom — What’s the story behind your ID name??🤔 I’ve wondered ever since I saw ‘Oodiebom’!!😊😁-
DEFG a cousin could not pronounce my name and ended up calling me oodie. It’s no where near my name but it stuck.
I see!😃 That is funny.😄
When my nephew was very young, he called me “Tar” for a few years! Nowhere near my name, but he couldn’t pronounce it, so I was “Aunt Tar” when he was a little boy.☺ -
Did you ever watch Art Linkletter with “Kids Say the Darnest Things.” Guess you can say are nicknames are one of them.
Yes, I sure did! Some of those old shows are free to watch on YouTube.
I received two Concierge Collection 400TC 100% Egyptian Cotton™ 4-piece Sheet Set
749-556 I ordered as a Today’s Special. Got the Rose Floral and the Olive Print. Washed both, and place the Olive on the bed, it looks very pretty. And it felt soft, will find out tonight.-
xango, those sheets didn’t shrink did they????
@oodiebom, No they didn’t shrink. As a matter of fact I was suprised to see a top sheet with lots of length. Hubby always pulls the covers his way. The top sheet is very roomy.
Thanks for the info on the sheets, good to know! 🥰
Thanks for the info on the sheets. Your husband sounds like mine. We have a queen bed, but I always purchase king size because everything ends up on his side and my side, well, maybe a toe or two. Sometimes I have to wake him in the middle of the night in order to redo the bedding. I thought that would teach him a lesson, but no, he still pulls everything to his chin on his side. LOL
Same thing here, and we have a king size bed!!😯😩😰
Lol, my husband also did that! My solution was to double-sheet that layer next to us, overlapping two sheets, so when he pulled, he had plenty and I still had something on my side. Making the bed was a little more complicated, but I was never without a sheet, and I also purchased king size bedspreads and blankets, so that worked for us.
Hello, xango. I ordered the same sheet set when it was a TS–it seems really nice. I got it for my brother for Christmas, the blue medallion print, I think. Trying to do early Christmas shopping this year.
We had some lightning storms last night. I hesitate to use the word storm, because there was no rain, some thunder rumbling, not even regular-sounding thunder, more like explosion sounds. I thought there might be an attack. I live near a military air field, and we don’t get rain storms in the summer or early fall. I am not one to panic, but that is where my mind went first. -
@rosatowwen, They are pretty and it was a good price. After washing they lost that nice sheen. But I think if you iron them, the luster might come back.
I am waiting for Perlier Honey Shower Cream 3-piece Set
749-204. I ordered when they ysd as this day only price. It usually comes from Piney Flats, Tennessee, but this time its coming from California. I sent one to a friend in Tennessee who are celebrating three wonderful celebrations. One, Cancer Free after treatments. Two, an Anniversary. And three, a Birthday.-
Hi, xango.👋 I just love that 3 pc set! I buy two at a time. Smells so darn good!!☺😏😌
@defg, Hi, it’s my favorite from Perlier, the Honey Miele. I get the three liter when it goes on sale. This last time I got both the Honey Orange and the Honey Miele. But I keep an eye on the other sizes and combinations for special price, or clearance. And grab them when the price is right stock up.
Yes!👍🏻 All great ideas!!😊
Enjoy all. ✨
Sheba, its exactly what I need. A good cup of tea and a slice of cake, thank you.
You are so welcome. ✨
Thanks for your thoughtfulness and sweet pictures. Have a great week! ❤️
I save these kind of items in my favorites, that way if they have a price reduction or if it goes on clearance I get an alert. About two or three years ago I purchased a sheet set on clearance. HSN had lots of sheets on clearance that time. It was a 400 threat count. I didn’t know the designer but I took a chance. When I removed from the package it was thin and I almost could see through it. I washed it placed on the bed and had a wonderful night’s sleep. It’s so soft and great to sleep on. And as of this day it’s still good, it has not fallen apart even though it is thin, good cotton.
Good Night everyone, tomorrow will be 9/11. Hard to believe its been 20 years. Have a great weekend everyone.
Thank you for hosting OODIEBOM. Stay safe out there. -
Goodnight sweet dreams thank you for hosting as always. Trivia Players goodnight see you
all next week stay safe. ✨😎 -
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
65 Replies
09.11.21 6:11 AM
8 Participants