From the Internet:
A first-grader came to the ophthalmology office where I work to have his vision checked. He sat down and I turned off the lights.
Then I switched on a projector that flashed the letters F, Z and B on a screen. I asked the boy what he saw.
Without hesitation he replied, “Consonants.”
My older son loves school, but his younger brother Tommy absolutely hates it. One weekend Tommy cried and fretted and tried every excuse not to go back on Monday. Sunday morning on the way home from church, the crying and whining built to a crescendo.
At the end of my rope, I finally stopped the car and explained, “Honey, it’s a law. If you don’t go to school, they’ll put Mommy in jail.”
Tommy looked at me, thought a moment, then asked, “How long would you have to stay?”
For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
I had way too much going on this week and Friday Night Trivia didn’t even occur to me. I thought it was Thursday. Hope you all had a great time. Hope to see you all next week…
Goodnight Trivia Players stay safe out there see you all next week. ✨✨
Oodiebom rest well.
Good Night everyone, I too will be existing early tonight. Thank you for hosting Oodiebom, I hope to get to be well soon.
Sheba, thank you for the drinks and delicious food. See you on your thread, have a great weekend. -
Well, everyone I am going to call it an evening. My headache is back full force. I need to get away from the lights. Hope you all have a great evening, a better tomorrow and sweet dreams. Until next week. Good night.
UPDATE: I am OK. Not to worry. Sinus headache or an extreme low that is approaching Florida. This is one reason I stress when you work outside to take the necessary precautions.
@oodiebom, Good Evening Oodie, I am glad you’re feeling better. Today I feel tired, felt like wanting to sleep all day long and having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I did take a small nap on the sofa after cleaning and putting away the groceries. There is a cricket outside my window just singing its little heart out and competing with the TV, It’s so lovely. This Afternoon a monarch Butterfly was around me as I walked in the front yard. Get some good rest Oodie, plenty of fluids and make sure you get to sleep well.
Goodnight and take it easy I know all about headaches. ✨
Thank you for hosting as always we all appreciate your efforts.
Please get some rest. 😘✨
Oodie, please feel better. Drink plenty of fluids, place a cold wet cloth over your eyes.
Keep us informed how you are doing. Be well oodie. 5ganks for hosting.
Sheba…I just saw this right now…A belated thanks….lol
Halloween is almost here. 😜
Love them, they are so cute 🥰
Sheba, that cocktail looks wonderfully witchy. I hope it has rum, 😋
You know it’s witchcraft. ✨😎You will be out in no time. 😜
Thank you for your post today I’ve never done that before but I like
how you did that. ✨Do you need anything else to eat?
Hi Sheba, somehow while playing games my pad became frozen. Had to close everything and come back in.
I will take any delicious treats you may have, that delicious cocktail goes with everything.
As to the videos, that must of been witchcraft, I don’t know how it happened. All I did was placed the link. -
That was absolutely delicious, thank you.
Good Evening everyone, hope your week went well.
Hi xango. Good evening to you.
Hi Oodiebom, I hope your headache is gone. I am glad you liked the music and beaches.
Unfortunately the headache is still here, but not as bad. Yes, I really enjoyed the music along with the sand and surf.
Pitman, I know you are busy with your exercise. Please drop in and let us know you are OK and that retirement agrees with you. You are missed.
MsKatz, hope you are OK as well as the vineyards.
Velveteen Rabbit, you are missed. Hope your back is better.
Sami, I see you on line sometimes. Are you OK?
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
39 Replies
10.24.21 3:54 AM
5 Participants