I hope you are ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Good Evening FBN. That is sooooooooooo cute.
That is so funny–love the humor you bring to us, fbn! ❣️
Hi RosaTowwen, good to see you this evening/oops still afternoon to you.
Hello Rosatowwen, how are you doing? So good to see you here. Happy Friday to you.
Hello, xango! It’s good to see you, too! It was a quick week for me, and the weather is a rollercoaster ride with a chilly fall evening, and it’s in the 90’s here today. How are you?
Good evening in New Jersey let’s make something with that Banana.
We are chilly in OZ I am sure Xango can make a nice Banana Pudding. ✨😎
Thanks to all…
Since it has been quite a while that we have seen a Trivia question, I searched the web and found the following questions and answers. If anything, hopefully, it will bring a smile to your face. OK….
ready…….on your mark………Let’s get started……..In California, you can’t legally buy a mousetrap without having what?
ANSWER: A mousetrapIn Georgia, it’s illegal to eat WHAT without a fork?
ANSWER: Fried ChickenWhat was Marilyn Monroe’s natural hair color?
ANSWER: RedAccording to Russian law, a homeless person must be WHERE after 10 pm?
ANSWER: At homeOn Average, what is the thing that Americans do 22 times per day?
ANSWER: Open the frig-
That is wild, Oodiebom! Thank you for hanging in there and “making some great lemonade”! 😍
RosaTowwen, we all need to smile more even though the lemons are being tossed by the Tech team. I’m just wondering if they are looking for a whole new crew. Just a thought.
The answer to the first question should be : A hunter’s license.
In all honesty, I was trying to make this the first part of the thread, but kept losing it. Finally gave up when it was five minutes to game time and did it after.
Yes, much funnier, lol–and it worked just fine posted that way. 😀
Good Evening everyone, I hope you all had a great week. Fbn135, I wish turn one banana into many just like that😆
@oodiebom Good Evening and Good Evening to all Trivia Players. ✨😎
Well, not quite like Florida, but will take the palms and the lilies. I often dream of a trip to Hawaii, Indonesia, or wherever…..Love the gif Sheba.
We will be in the 40’s in the morning oh boy. ✨ Oodie my head will be under the covers. 😜😘
I was complaining about 60, forgot about the 40s and what that feels like. Bet I would be the only person wearing a turtleneck long sleeved shirt with two sweatshirts and a jacket. Guess I will stay put and won’t complain. YIKES!!!!!! Geez
Hello Sheba, how is your Friday going? I will take a glass of Cabernet sauvignon to relax and play Trivia please. You always have such good vintage.
L’Chaim, Salut, I’ll drink to that, etc. etc..
That’s delicious, I am enjoying it is with my dinner. Today is chicken and potatoes.
Hold on let me get my broom and fly over to Florida Oodie I will pick you up on the way. ✨😎
I’m all set. Will meet you outside.
It is so calming watching these beautiful images, so thanks for posting these! 💖
Been a rough year for me I am so glad you enjoy them here is another one. ✨😘
Rosa so good to see you tonight. 😎
Oh so BEAUTIFUL !! It’s good to see you also, and I’m sorry to hear that it’s been a hard year for you. 😟💗😘
I want to be there now. It’s 45 here.
Hi Sanibel. I was just thinking of you. Sheba was just saying it will be in the 40s in her area tomorrow. It’s been almost two years since I felt temps that low and lower.
Good evening to all.
I was reading different articles on internet and ran across a new phrase. It was quite the eye catcher for me. I had to reread to see if I had read it correctly the first time. It was in an article from Scary Mommy.
“Opinions are like butts: everybody has one, and they all stink.”
I think that if they can post the same question week after week, then we should be able to give the same answer week after week and get the 200 tickets every time!!!
Hi diablo. I already said that and asked for triple points as well. I just wonder if we have a Tech Unit or if they have been laid off.
I went to online order something a couple of days ago, WEBSITE advertised everything was on 5 flex. The item I was ordering was a clearance jewelry piece. It was on 3 flex pays. I called CS and gave her the item # and asked why it wasn’t as advertised on 5 FP. I could tell she was checking, but dead air for several moments. She said, I was correct that everything should be on 5 FP, but she had no idea why this item was not coming up that way. Then she said that they had no way to alter it, even after an order has been placed.
Random things are continually surfacing on the website that make no logical sense. Later that day, I checked and the same item was now on 5 FP.
I would have cancelled the order and waited. If the 5 fp came up, would order with the 5, if not, I would hold or if on sale order if it was something I could not say NO to. Especially, if it was close to a sellout.
Wow, they seem to be catching up to us sometimes. It seems you may have prompted a query to her supervisor which corrected things eventually. I have also run into snags, and when that happened, customer service cancelled the original order and input a new order with the same items–as long as it’s within the 11:59 pm, midnight, Eastern time frame–in the same 24-hr. period that is, and the items are still available. In your case, they hadn’t changed the system yet.
Oh where oh where can those trivia fixers be;
we are all still waiting & waiting you see.That question of spring training is old as can be;
please get a new question so we don’t have to scream.Hello trivia waiters from North Dakota!
Very cute and very appropro chewfg
Good evening in North Dakota I hope you are warm. ✨
A poet in our midst–it’s not often one can use that word poet, lol. Very clever! 🙂
@rosatowwen, I have been well, with the exception of just being old and the body not cooperating with the brain. I have always liked the weather in California, you are lucky. Hubby and have been relaxing, he took some time off.
LOL–both you guys are funny!
Oh yeah, aging is not fun (but beats the alternative of course). Sweet times are indeed relaxing with the hubby! 🥰
@ SanibelSheller, Hi there, I like that opinion. I too have both, and yes, sometimes they both stink. 😆😆😆😆
Oodiebom, I left you a post earlier, then I made that bread, it’s quite delicious to my surprise. I baked it at 375 since I already sweet potatoes in the oven. I believe it baked for 20-25 minutes. It didn’t turn golden brown, just a slight color and when I inserted a toothpick came out clean. I made it for hubby but, I had two slices with butter of course. It was still very slightly warm, but not to warm. It came out fluffy, light, not dense.
Yum, nothing smells better than baked bread. My mouth is watering. What bread did you bake? Is it a new recipe?
@ SanibelSheller, Recently I ordered a bunch of different flours that are Diabetic friendly. I get lots of recipes from YouTube and found a channel from Brazil ( in Portuguese) that’s just for Diabetics. She basically makes her recipes for one, for herself.
2 whole eggs
5 Tbsp sesame seed flour
7 Tbsp Oat flour (she used rolled oats and Semi-processed ) but I used the Oat flour from a package.
1 Tbsp Yogurt
2 Tbsp Olive oil or Coconut oil
2 Teaspoon Baking powder
Pinch of salt
Pinch of sugar substitute
Sesame seeds for garnish
Beat eggs until foamy, add salt, sugar substitute, beat a little more. Add yogurt, oil, beat those ingredients in. I mixed the two flours and the baking powder together in a different bowl and then I added to the egg mixture. Use a loaf pan with parchment paper all over it. The hatter will be very soft/all most kind of liquid. Spread the batter into the pan sprinkle with sesame seeds .
Bake at 350 (she didn’t provide the amount of time, just said until golden brown but the one I made today didn’t turn golden brown. I baked it at 375 for about 25 minutes, but keep an eye on it. Insert a toothpick once it’s done take out not to over bake. It turned out quite delicious to my surprise. -
Thank you.
Do you speak Portuguese?
xango, our physician recommended butter instead of any subs. Said it was better. Most of the time hubby likes it dry, but when he does use the butter, he pats on just enough to melt after the bread has been toasted. It’s less than a pat, actually just a smidgen.
Oodie, yes Butter is better then others. I only use real Butter. I cook with Olive oil, I get it from Amazon on a regular basis and I get it from Walmart too.
xango, I read your post and answered. By the way now that you made the bread, could we have the recipe???? Our Farmer’s Market makes their own bread and all the bakery products as well as quite a few deli (chicken salad, potato salad, macroni salad, cole slaw and their cream cheese dips. Also soups) The chicken salad cannot be beat. Very little mayo and no salt.
A real question….
Pertinent to the season, even!
200 Tickets 🍾🍾🍾🍾🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
SanibelSheller, yes I speak Portuguese. I also speak Spanish, French and Italian. I like languages and did very well in school. Just don’t ask me to add two and two and expect me to give you a correct answer 😬
Very cool!
I stand corrected, they are working……….I think. Maybe it’s that they cannot remember what they did to bring a question up………hmmmm………………Or maybe they didn’t like my short version of what trivia would be like if it worked……………
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
72 Replies
10.16.21 2:46 AM
8 Participants