As my husband and I enjoyed our Thanksgiving Day, we couldn’t help but reminisce on our past holidays. There were many family and friends who shared their day with us and sadly some are no longer here. Yet the day does bring many a smile to our faces. In times like this I think back to my childhood when the family gathered at the grandparents home. The married “kids” sat at the big table while the younger ones gathered around several card tables in the living room. Also remember the hush that came when we walked through the dining room and into the kitchen to grab a second helping of everything. Those were the days that we could honestly sing “over the river and through the woods to grandma’s house we go. The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the white and drifting snow.” Yes, it was cold then too. Hope your Thanksgiving brought many memories and the goodness that comes with it. Also, this time of year is when people seem to smile more. Strangers say hello. I wish we could see this all year round.
For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Hi Sheba. Florida is also on the cool side. Temps in the low 70s. Supposed to be low 50s tonight. Still, it’s warmer than the North and in the West.
Someone in the North has a few inches of snow. ✨
Hi FBN. Hope you had a great Turkey Day. Thanks for making me smile.
Good evening trivia players, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Day. Mine was quiet and cold (15 degress), but great food.
Brr…..Sanibel. It’s been years since we have experienced real cold temps. Good night for hot tea, hot cocoa, a bowl of soup or whatever will warm the heart.
Guess we are back to the ole spring training question.
Good Evening everyone, I hope you all had a Great Thanksgiving Day.
Shout out to OODIEBOM, Sheba, fbn135, Sanibelsheller and Rosatowwen.
I can’t remember if and when I ever experienced 15 degrees weather. I don’t think my bones would survive.😄-
Good Evening xango. My bones certainly would feel the cold. It’s been a few years since we’ve been North for winter.
Here is something to warm everyone up a bit. ✨
Yum, makes me feel warmer.
Love the gif, Sheba.
I’m going to make me something very similar right now! Fresh out of marshmallows, but I think I have some whip creme!!☕ Making hot chocolate, for sure!👍🏻
The part that made it difficult to adjust is it was in the 50s the day before. In my weather app on my iPhone I always keep Alaska cities to make me appreciate it is really cold there. It is -29 in Eagle. Brrr 🥶.
Does anyone know when the term Black Friday was used?
Answer: 1966
Thank you. 😎
How about that, a real question.
OODIEBOM, last time I was up north was in the 1990’s and it was Autumn.-
That was the best time to be there. Foliage must have been beautiful.
It was, we visit friends and family in Virginia and Maryland.
However, I must admit that autumn was not that special to me. The smell of dead leaves was great for the sinuses. And it also meant that the snowy weather was not too far behind. However, being that I was born in a blizzard, the cold was something I looked forward to. Shoveling snow, not so much.
Anyone found any good Black Friday deals?
In the past I always started with Walmart. They seemed to have the things I needed, like a coffee maker or an electric broom. This year it was very disappointing. I do not know how you all felt but there was nothing to buy on line or in the store. I don’t know if it was the inflated prices or that most of what we were looking for are stuck in containers in California. This year I just purchased what we needed. Nothing spectacular. Though the items were on sale, the prices left quite a bit to be desired.
Walmart does have some decent price on items that shows up in other places with inflated prices.
I got a couple gift cards from a local restaurant, buy a $100 and get a $35 one for free. During bad COVID19 months, they had curbside pickup. A local grocery store had Black Friday prices on food, etc. : buy one candle get one free, buy $20 of any beef get $3 off, etc.
I refused to stand in any lines.
I don’t like lines either. My feet , legs, hip and back just doesn’t take the walking around a store and then standing in line to make the purchase.
A shout out to the following and if I missed someone, please ad them to this list.
Velveteen Rabbit
Sam’s Lil Ange;
A big HELLO to everyone here, and I hope you’re all having a great holiday week & weekend!!
🎆🎈🎇🎉✨🎃🍗🦃🍾🍷☕🍰 -
I’m here usually and enjoy reading what y’all write and getting answers from you. I just don’t usually say anything. I actually got married on Thanksgiving Day in 1972. Our anniversary is November 23. In that year it was Thanksgiving Day. Hope you all have a good day tomorrow.
Hello Oodiebom..thx for the shout out this past “post TG” I am here waiting for trivia to work,or kinda work ..lol.I will say hello and happy holidays to all playing tonight.Both behind the scenes:those sharing their stories:and those on the oodiebom list.Perhaps in the new year trivia will get kicked into place and the people will cheer !! Continue to stay safe in your daily life one and all.This is our new way of life,whether we like it or not ;^)
Thanks for the shout back. We do miss you on this thread. Say hello whenever you can. Stay well.
Goodnight and stay warm. ✨
Ditto Sheba…
Thank you for hosting as always and please get some rest. ✨
Oz is chilly tonight.
Trivia Players enjoy your weekend and I hope to see all back here next week. ✨😎
Happy Holidays. 😘✨
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
46 Replies
11.28.21 5:39 PM
9 Participants