Hi Everyone. I’m still not sure if we will have a game tonight. I have noticed that some games in the Arcade are OK while others do not give points and some still have a blank screen. However, we will continue with conversation, enjoy the gifs from FBN and Sheba as well as many of the specialty drinks and desserts that Sheba brings each week that we all can indulge in without adding those extra calories. Here’s to a great evening.
Sorry, I put the link to the page that advertises the class & it brought in the website header.
“Annagriffin” Dot “com”
cre8ivecrafter 37 mins ago
Is there a way to watch “Anna Griffin Creates” from a desktop computer (for those of us without cell phones or tablets)?Here is her question on the Anna Griffin Thread.
They must have given up on us, when we couldn’t answer last week’s question. 😟
Someone has a question about watching Anna Griffin on Desktop do anyone know that
answer I think it can be done. ✨-
Is she broadcasting? Is it on Facebook, Zoom or?
The poster is on the Anna Griffin Thread.
The name is
@cre8ivecrafterYou will see a post from me she wants to watch it on HSN on her computer.
That drink, I will have it as my dessert. I see you will be in the 30’s. Family in Minnesota sent us photos from the first snow fall. Don’t mean to brag but, I am glad I live in Florida. We were out all day, didn’t even need a jacket. It was a beautiful day even with the clouds and peeking through Sun.-
@Sheba, Hubby said Thank you for the drink. He enjoyed it. He also said Thank you for the Veterans Day shout out.
ZIKES……..i don’t believe I have seen anything that tall……..😁😀
Oh please, please Mr. Fixer fix trivia for me
We just want a new question, how hard can that be?I would fix it myself if I only knew how,
We would give you a shout out with a great big WOW111Hi all from ND where it’s 30 & our first snow
Love the poetry–and the sentiment behind it! 👍😀
Good Evening Chewfg. OM…….first snowfall of the season…….YUK. That could either mean a real long winter or an early spring. Most likely an early spring. At least that’s my guess.
Hello lovely people! It’s always worth coming here Friday evenings to see what y’all are doing, even without any trivia. Sheba, those drinks look so inviting, I think I would like to try them all, one by one, lol !! Shout out to Oodie, Sheba, fbn, xango, Sanibel, and all the rest of you out there “listening”. 😄
Hi RosaTowwen. How is Ca???
Hello, Oodiebom! I am hesitant to say, but we are experiencing summer weather here these past few days (in the 80’s), with cooler weather next week (in the mid-sixties). My ❤️ goes out to all of you that are having to bundle up with freezing temperatures and storms. The weather is just out of control these days, resulting in floods and worse, and also severe long-term droughts and the inevitable fires that follow.
Lol, looks like I am getting tipsy tonight! 🥴
Good Friday Evening to all reading here. Other than those in Florida, it sounds too cold everywhere. I don’t know the temp in MD, but unless it’s dropped big time since 6pm, it’s probably still 50-something. I’ll pop in here when possible while cutting up veggies & waiting for Blue Bloods at 10pm.😊 BBL..☺🤗
I just checked– 51°. It could be worse!🙂-
Hi DEFG. Happy to see you. Still pleasant in Florida, though a cold front is approaching. Cold front that will put temps in the 70s during the day and 60s at night. However no humidity. Should be pleasant for a few days next week.
Curtis has now branched out to wine. Earlier today, if you purchased a certain piece of his cookware, you would be invited to join a virtual live Curtis cooking class sometime in December. I think is something new, I don’t remember this being offered before.
Hi xango. We just finished dinner. I forgot to make the string beans. Well tomorrow is another day. Did make a couple of strip steaks in the air fryer. Very tender.
OODIEBOM, Ah, green beans is one of my favorite vegetables. I must have on Thanksgiving with sweet potatoes. I prefer it simply sauté in Olive oil and garlic after blanching.
We made a stop at Aldi’s today, hubby took the day off since he had yesterday off. It was a full day with appointments and shopping. -
xango, I make them as a stir fry on top of the stove with the same ingredients as you. I also add dill. I may make them with yellow and orange peppers along with shallots/vidalia onions and then add some meatballs/turkey balls and mix with rice and tomato sauce. I know you probably make your own tomato sauce. Me, I take the easy way out. Open the jar and pour about a quarter of a cup just for an added flavor. May add some fresh fruit to the mix as well.
I haven’t attempted air frying yet. Do you use a marinade or something else to assure the tender steak? Sounds so yummy.
You can use a marinade if you like. I use just our everyday spices. It just melted in your mouth. II also added fresh plums. I cut them up and just threw them into the air fryer. Some landed on the meat and it was just heavenly. Tasted like plum sauce without the sugar, corn starch, corn syrup, etc. etc.. The flavor is similar to using a grill.
To all having fun tonight. 😎✨
Good Evening everyone shout out to our hostess Oodiebom.
And a shout out to Sheba, fbn135 Sanibelsheller, Rosatowwen.
I am in the kitchen making me a bite to eat. -
I thought I would share some of the fortunes I got from takeout. I have a little pile of them collecting on my counter.
>Common sense is not so common.
>Energy spent now preparing for tomorrow is sure to bear tasty fruit.
>Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.
>Great acts of kindness will befall you in the coming months. (Still waiting LOL)
>Better be the head of a chicken than the tail of an ox. (Why only these 2 choices)
>Begin nothing until you have considered how it is to be finished. ( the Arcade IT team must have have gotten this one too)
>Enjoy the small things you find on your path. (Snow storm is predicted for here-I hate snow so this is a very difficult one)
>Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money, power, and influence. (I don’t agree, does anyone else?)
>Good people are good because they’ve come to wisdom through failure. (Kinda depressing)
Whatever happened to “you will come into loads of money”?
Those are some of the best ones. Most make no sense.
It is 36 here headed for predicted low of 31. Brrrr.
Yikes!!!!! Sheba. I cannot fathom 30 degress at this time of year. I just turned our A/C on. Temp in the house was 81. Florida will be getting a cold front this weekend. Temps will be in the 70s next week along with the mid 60s in the evening. No warm coats needed here.
The Midwest always gets cold before the Gulf. I am in my Uggs boots and leggings with
a sweater and believe me the heat is on. My husband has a head cold. ✨ Mommy
dearest is doing just fine. 😜😎No sugar! This is pure tea. 😘
Sheba, those drinks look fantastic.
So clever FBN. I do not recall this one either. Hope you enjoyed Veterans Day.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
70 Replies
11.13.21 3:56 AM
12 Participants