“Summer is not obligatory. We can start an infernally hard jigsaw puzzle in June with the knowledge that, if there are enough rainy days, we may just finish it by Labor Day, but if not, there’s no harm, no penalty. We may have better things to do.” – Nancy Gibbs
As the days get longer, we think of the beach, barbecues, being with family and friends, long walks, warm temperatures, ice cream, blue skies and all the daydreams we can muster because life is an adventure no matter when.
The questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm DST depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….
Good Evening good to see you how are the storms gathering somewhere in Florida?
Good Evening Trivia Players stay safe and enjoy the games.
Good evening Sheba. It just started to rain a bit. Nothing much. Just returned home from a bit of shopping. I surmise it won’t be too bad.
Hi FBN. Good evening and thanks for the answer.
Love it, FBN!!
I’m a big fan of The Simpsons!! -
Hi DEFG. Happy new month to you.
Happy June to you as well, Oodiebom.
I definitely could not handle the humidity and heat that you have in Florida.. You’re certainly a trooper!! Like Sheba, I so wish you had a close friend or relative to help you out at your home. -
Thanks a lot.
Happy Friday, Trivia Players
Good Evening everyone, let’s play Trivia and have fun.
Shout out to OODIEBOM, Sheba, fbn135, Sanibelsheller and Rosatowwen.-
Good evening, Xango. Hope you are doing well.
Hi Sanibel. Welcome to a new month.
Hi Sanibelsheller, yes doing alright and hope you are too. Just a year older and the old bones squeak more more now
@xango and all,
@Sheba, how are you doing? what are you serving us tonight? I will take one of your delicious drink.
You can have whatever you like it’s your birthday weekend.
Xango thank you for asking
as you know I have had a week I am doing great tonight. Oz will rain all weekend. -
Good Evening to all.
I will be popping in & out. I hope everyone is well & ready to party!
Thank you for the great gifs & pretty pics, Sheba!!
Good evening xango and a happy birthday to you. It is raining where I am, but nothing to speak of as yet. I have a feeling that you will enjoy the much needed showers.
Oodiebom, we do need the rain. And it seems just the right amount of it will be coming our way.
I hope all is well with you. -
All is well. Just took a walk towards the kitchen and the sky looks really funny. It’s a funny looking
yellow. -
Stay safe Miss X
Hi to everyone. Hope you all had a nice Memorial Day. Happy Birthday to Xango.
“pbjelley”, thank you. Sometimes it falls on Memorial Day. This time it didn’t, it was a good day nevertheless.
Good evening pbjelly. Had a great Memorial Day. I hope you enjoyed the day also.
Greetings from West Virginia. Happy to see almost all the gang is here. I LOVE all the comments and pictures. I’m ready for a Chardonnay and help with the answers.
Me! Me too please!
Thank you Sheba
Hi Sweeney. Love west Virginia. It’s one of our stops on our way North.
We’re in Charles Town about 7 miles from Harpers Ferry. Do you come thru here?
Hmm…….We take I-81 and usually get off at Exit 15 or so. We love stopping at Gabes.
It just dawned me that I’ve seen the Harper’s Ferry sign. There is one in Ct. as well off of I-84.
LOVE that area & beautiful Harper’s Ferry. We’ve also been to Charles Town. We were on vaca & also visited Natural Bridge, VA.
We love this location and can be in Maryland in 20 minutes and Virginia in 5 minutes. Takes about an hour to drive to Washington DC. History is on every corner and quaint is my favorite adjective
Sounds like a perfect location – except in bad winters & horribly hot and humid summers sometimes. So beautiful in the fall when the foliage colors are in full swing, too! I took many photos when we were there.
Good wine in Virginia!
Odie…stay safe! Will this storm be close to you?
sorry..my fingers got away from me…*Odie!
Good evening MzKatz. Direct hit. But, I’m not so sure if we will be getting the brunt of it. Xango is right in the middle. Both of us will see lots of rain and neither of us is complaining. We are in a drought situation, so every bit helps.
Gosh I hate to hear this! We are in a drought area as well. Hoping for no fires this year and lots of grapes!
Thank you for showing how to post it.
Maxienne…thanks! tried everything..never thought of President!
Yep, had to try it 3-4 times before it “took”
RosaTowwen: If you can read my note and still having problems getting to the bottom of the page, the following could help. In the upper right hand corner of your tablet are three dots… that go either vertical or diagnonal. Using your fingers or a sylus, press on those three dots. Now you will see a list of things. Scroll down to desktop. Press desktop. You are now mobile and it will enable you to scroll down to the end of the page and also to read our comments and to answer us. Just press reply next to the person you wish to correspond with. Don’t forget when you are done, press “recaptcha.”
Oodiebom, is this your first direct hit one? Are you prepared for the winds and rain? I know it’s not large or a true hurricane and that is a good thing and we are lucky at that.
Xango not our first. Don’t forget New England also gets these hurricanes. Don’t forget we also get noreasters in the winter. Those winds can be real fierce. We have plenty of food including canned goods, flashlights, candle, etc..This may not be as big as some of the others, but don’t forget, it can pose a threat and give a good wallop as well.
Oodie, you are right. We can’t take any of these storms for granted. A lot of times it starts off small, then hits warm waters and becomes monster storms.
I am glad are experiencedand are prepared. I changed to beds, did the laundry and filled and ran the dishes washer. I go into hurricane mode, get everything washed, make sure there is enough cooked food. When there is a hurricane coming our way, I usually roast something. Sometimes a whole chicken or something else. Keep can food available in the summer even though I am not a fan of cam food. You be careful Oodie, and I hope you and your hubby will all be well.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
68 Replies
06.04.22 2:53 AM
10 Participants