Tis the season when people greet strangers as old friends. Though we are still fighting the many sides to Covid, there is a smile in a voice and a welcoming that we do not see at any other time. In New York City I often think that no matter how cold it is there is always a warmth coming from the subways below. There are also many carts with vendors offering a taste or two of a pretzel or even chestnuts. May this season bring joy to everyone’s heart that will continue all through the year. Yes, tis the season when everyone comes together to sing, to laugh and to commiserate with friends as well as with family. No one is a stranger at this time of year.
For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….
Good Evening OODIEBOM, how have you been?
Thank you for hosting.-
I am fine xango. I expect to be up and about tonight even though it has been a rough week.
I am glad you are fine, you hadn’t posted in three days so I was just little worried. So good to see you, Chag Sameach.
Funny, this one I remember. Yep, I remember it well, Was the time we really had a Trivia Game.
It’s still cute FBN. -
Hi fbn135, that chicken drives better than I do.
I see we have started this evening with Spring training. Hmm……..I could have sworn that this was Fall with the leaves changing color. Oh well, tis the season.
Me too.
Hi Sheba. I didn’t realize I hadn’t posted in a few days. I could have sworn that I left a message last night.
I saw your message from today. I know you had a rough day and I am so sorry.
I hope you are relaxing now. I have some concerns but will talk about them at another
time this is your time to have a little fun. -
Hi Sheba, Happy Holidays
And from Florida
A piece of that gorgeous cake, and I am in heaven. Yes feeling better, thank you.
I really enjoy these cyber desserts. No Guilt. And non fattening.
I wish there was a way for us to send an e-mail to our missing friends. I just hope that everyone is feeling OK. I see Sam on-line every now and then. Have not seen Luvsweets, Frank or Velveteen Rabbit.
This is how it is today.
Oops, My bad….I posted today and didn’t go back in. So I didn’t see you post today. I just read it, and I knew you had a full plate this week. I am sorry, I wish I could help in some way.-
Thanks all. I am OK. Just a bit concerned with hubby. This too, shall pass. I will be upping hubby’s liquid intake once I receive the Ninja. Will see if that helps the areas that our physician is concerned with. This week I have been watching him very closely and now realize he isn’t eating properly or drinking liquids the way he should. I have to say, he is walking better and the physical therapy seems to be helping. I did purchase a half of an Italian grinder from our Farmer’s Market and he ate it all.
OODIEBON thank you for a lovely expression of the season. I miss my trips to NY to see the store windows, the tree & the treats from the vendors. I’am not a regular in the group but have played for a long time until recently. Wishing you all happiness, a warm smile & kindness from others.
Hi Hidalgo. I am actually from the Northeast and for many years enjoyed the train trip on Metro North to Grand Central and then either the N or the R train to Chinatown, the Bowery and the Italian area. Most of the time we stayed a few nights in a suite hotel across from Penn Station. We always seemed to find the coldest times for these jaunts. But, so much fun dodging from one store to another to keep warm. Those were the days that I looked forward to the chestnuts and oh how delicious they were. Hubby would purchase the pretzel and I would take a bite, but always went back to those chestnuts. I think I have only seen them once while in Florida and the price was so high that I just left them alone. I think last year they were $10.99/lb. Talk about inflation.
I’m in NE PA now but originally from Montclair NJ it was a short car ride into the city. I agree we always seemed to find the coldest day to visit the xmas displays. I also miss the Rockets,Plays,Operas & the Ballet. On my bucket list is to figure skate in rockefeller center always wanted to & still do, haha only at 68 I could break a hip. Should I not be back on again I would like to wish the warmest loving holidays season.
I also enjoyed looking at the Christmas displays in the store windows. They were amazing. Skating in Rockefeller Plaza was a dream of mine also. An ice skater I never was, but always seemed to daydream that I was a star. Like you I enjoyed all the venues that NYC had to offer. Besides eating there was so much to do and so much to see. Problem was that there was too little time to take everything in. I also used to enjoy the Stagedoor Deli. Most of the time we used to be there in time for lunch and always looked forward to their corned beef sandwich which was piled a mile high. What we didn’t eat went with us to the hotel. Back in those days our suite had a full size kitchen. Guess I’m having a nostalgia time.
Good evening all. I am late to a couple drive-ups @ Target.
Hope you are all well.
I stopped at LeeAnn chins on the way home. They added cashew chicken to their menu, so I thought I would try it it is a third celery, a third broccoli and the remaining is chicken, peppers, water chestnuts, and cashews. I’ll pass on this next time.
Hi Sanibel. I love Asian food and like you have ordered the cashew chicken. When hubby would check on our home in the Northeast I would drive to the Asian take out and this was what I always ordered along with spareribs. At that time they used baby bok choy instead of celery. You had some large pieces of chicken and yes, they included water chestnuts and some broccoli along with the cashews. The cashews they used were raw and unsalted. Today it seems this dish is loaded with salt and tons of celery. You have to do hunt and peck to find the chicken and the cashews. I now make my own.
I don’t like cooked broccoli and celery (maybe a little for flavor), but my dog does. So, she is happy.
I think FBN’s chicken must be on tranquilizers. When I was growing up, our chickens would never sit still that long.
Hi everyone from cold ND. It has been warm enough though to melt our snow but we are supposed to get more snow this weekend. Think I would be used to it since lived here my whole life. All the pictures on here are more real than trivia
. Hope all is well for everyone
Yep, I agree, Trivia leaves a lot to be desired these days. Glad you are enjoying the gifs.
We’ve been lucky so far in the Twin Cities. We had a little rain, but that won’t last forever.
Good Night everyone, have a great weekend and a safe week. Happy Holidays to all.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
42 Replies
12.04.21 3:43 AM
7 Participants