“It’s beginning to look like Christmas everywhere I go.” In Florida, because of the hot sun the trees are under a tent. Though it’s not cold here, and though we do not have snow, so instead of a sleigh ride we have the hay rides. The decorations are up and look beautiful on the lake. So much work goes into this and yet, before nightfall they are glowing. Anyway, I just couldn’t help to reminisce a bit. I do miss going into NYC and gaze at the window displays. I do not miss the cold and NYC you do feel it. So, instead of gazing we would try to find a hotel lobby, or a restaurant to warm our hands and our toes. Anyway, it’s a week before Christmas and hopefully Santa will come a little early and deliver some Trivia questions.
For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂🧨🍾🎄🎁🎅🤶
FBN, great driver. And the way he’s going, he will be the first one there.
no points for right answer?
It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. 😘✨✨
Good evening to you and good evening Trivia Players. ✨✨
Very cute magic tree.
Hi Sanibel. Hope all is well with you.
Same to you Sheba
Half of my family live in Minnesota and it is cold. Enjoy! ✨
Good Evening everyone and Happy Holidays to all 🌲🌲🌲🌲⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴
Hi xango. Your International Market sounds heavenly. There is a good possibility that we may head that way after the holidays. At least I hope we can.
Hi Oodiebom, Seabra Foods is amazing. I was like a kid in a candy store. Orlando has two and
they are in Panpano Beach. -
If and when we decide to travel I will write for directions. Love to try new places and enjoy new experiences.
There is a game tonight. The first answer is 1870
For 200
First answer 1870
Hi, there are new holiday games. 2 are Christmasy and one is Thanksgiving. So fun to see these new games to play!
Good Evening Sweeney22. The holiday games started under Barry Diller. So glad that the new regime has kept it up. They are fun to play.
Celebration time! I was notified that I won a jewelry stud. I don’t recall this ever being offered so will have to wait to see what it is. On another story . . . Iowa had some of that exceptional weather Wednesday, Dec. 15. The temp hit an all time high for December of 74. Unfortunately, you couldn’t really go out and enjoy it due to very high winds. It was announced earlier today that some winds hit a high of 121 mph. In Metro Des Moines mostly high wind gusts of 40 to 70 mph most of the day. Other parts of the state had some strong tornadoes and dorechos which are very strong straight line winds that can take out anything and everything in their path. It was a very interesting day and night!
obedjudge it is so good to see your post. We do have a game tonight, I think. At least the first question does not have anything to do with spring training.
obedjudge I am glad you are now safe from those storms. It is difficult to fathom that the winds were as strong as some of our hurricanes in the Northeast and Florida. And a big congratulations on thos stud earrings. Wear them in the best of health.
I see our game was short lived. Second question may have posted on TV. At least the first question was not a dud.
OODIebom, thanks for hosting. Where is Xango and ddshoppy? The second question is what do kids leave out under the tree for Santa. Milk and cookies. So enter cookies in the spring training box for 200 tx.
Thank you! Can’t watch the tv now so your a great help.
Hi fern. Posting the answer does give you the 200 points. Welcome back.
Thank you Oodiebom. Yes it worked. Hello & Happy Holidays to all trivians! Hope someone with the tv on HSN can post other questions that may appear only there. Maybe it’s every other question?
That was my sentiment. At least it looks that way as far as the questions go. Just happy to see that people see the question and then post it to our thread.
Thank you thank you and thank you. It worked. Xango posted here and as far as I can tell she is still here, though she may have stepped away to check on her Christmas cookies. Post under her name or reply or just say hi beneath me.
ddshoppy is here, but have not seen her post as yet this evening. Hope this helps in some way.
Dang! Got here late again!!😠😡
But those cookies look de-lish!! Having chocolate cravings for a week now! Finally bought me a chocolate shake with whip cream topping!!🙌👌👍🏻
According to google it’s 1931, but points are given for 1933.
fern, I saw that as well. I even tried entering Christmas Eve 1931 and received the red oops. Thanks
to Sanibel for coming up with the correct answer. -
Wonder why their answers are different from what we find? I started randomly entering years around 1931 til it took 1933.
Looks to be that way tonight- every other question they post in the Rewards Store. Going for 6 out of 6 questions in Holiday Trivia tonight – hopefully.
Thanks to Siri
Good Evening Everyone, Just got on a few minutes ago. Spring training ? was on & then a couple minutes later was about when was the first Christmas tree? I put in 1870 but no go. Got the Oops! Hope everyone is well & ok from all the terrible storms we’ve had. Chi town ok. Almost missed the ?’s again tonight. I usually remember it’s Friday about 9:30 at night. Really missed the posts on Friday. Everybody OK? Shopping all done?
I am hanging in there how are you? I am so glad to see you post. ✨What a year we both
have had let me wish you a Merry Christmas to you and your family. -
God bless you, Sheba. Your posts & beautiful gif’s always bring a smile to my face. We’re hanging in there. Been praying for you & your family & others on Community. Hubby has brain scan coming up & appt. w/specialist first of next year. Sure been a rough year for us both, but praying ’22 will get better. New Year’s Eve will be next court date for son & his soon-to-be ex (never knew they held court on New Year’s Eve!). Her girlfriend is still living with them which has really been tough on him. They (ex & her lover) are all excited for their upcoming wedding. You’d think they’d wait until divorce comes thru. Son just lives downstairs & never goes up. He’s lost about 35 pounds. Grandson is still struggling. He’s 9 yrs. old & was hospitalizing with breakdown when she moved her girlfriend in. Breaks my heart but I put them in God’s hands. No better place to be. Hope I remember next Friday before 7:00pm but that will be our 43rd anniversary & “maybe” he’ll take me out! If I don’t get home, wishing you & yours a very Merry & Blessed Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah . Hope I didn’t leave any out.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. 😘✨🌹
debhlynn, i have been quite concerned. The last we heard from you was sometime in August with a court date in September. Isn’t it against the law to marry when you are still married to someone else??? What’s the status of your grandson?
Oodie, I didn’t realize it was so long ago. In emergency court date the judge decided it was not to the detriment of grandson or son for his wife to bring her girlfriend in to live with them. Son found out she had been cheating on him for a couple years with men in hotels. She left the proof on his computer that she had used for her work when hers was down. It’s not the point of whether she cheated with men or women, just that she cheated. Son could use this in court but judges don’t really care & he figured it would only delay getting it all over with. They pretty much agreed on everything such as joint custody of their son, etc. He just wants it over with. The lawyer he has didn’t do a very good job for him. Everything in court was “hearsay”, i.e. did he actually see them drink all the alcohol they bought, etc. It also didn’t matter that they were smoking pot while grandson was still awake early in the evening. Lawyer only met with him 15 minutes before court & never brought up what he wanted him to address. We just pray it’s over soon so my son can get on with new life with his son. Grandson sees therapist & is on medication that has helped him. Of course it’s ridiculous that his (soon-to-be) ex & her friend are planning their wedding before the divorce is thru, but they are. Court didn’t see any problem with her decisions. Mind boggling!
Greetings debhlynn. Shopping all done thanks to the Internet. Never had to leave the house. I think i t looks like every other question is on Tv and then a half hour later in the Rewards Store. Hope you are safe where you are. At least from the elements of winter.
Oodiebom, It was after 10:00 last week (or week before) when you posted about your hubby. Been praying for you both & was so glad to hear he was doing better. We prayed for you guys when all the storms hit. Cousins lives in TN & we were glad we didn’t get word that they were affected. Always hold our breath when we hear. I don’t know if I have all the presents done or not. Haven’t been able to think too well lately. Another Christmas with no tree or decorations. Still too many boxes from my Mom’s house not cleared out. Sleeping 12 hrs. a day with meds (15 hrs. without meds), I never seem to get much done. Thanks again for your help will son’s situation. Your ideas were amazing. They really helped. Wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday season whether it’s Christmas, Kwanza or Hanukkah.
Stocking for 200
What item do you traditionally hang above the fireplace for Santa to stuff goods in?
Thank you Sanibel. Do they leave the questions up all half hour or just flash it?
Quickly flash, good thing I have DVR, so I could backup
Thank you so much!
Hey pbjelly, where have you been??? Welcome back. nice to see you.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
77 Replies
12.25.21 1:07 AM
15 Participants