Good Evening and welcome to Trivia. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Which was the last state in the United States that declared Christmas a legal holiday?
Shout out to RosaTowwen. You are missed.
I second that….you are missing a good night Rosatowwen we miss you.
Anyone see the next question. Hubby is watching a movie
Looked up a few minutes ago..missed it
iDeaPLAY 10,000mAh Digital Display Power Bank 3-pack
I just ordered this as a Christmas gift for my niece and two grand nieces in Maryland.I took advantage of the Perlier products that was on promotion, and ordered for my niece in North Carolina, she loves shower and creams .
Perlier Raw Sugar Honey 3-Piece Holiday Set
Perlier Raw Sugar Honey 3-Piece Holiday Set-
Good catch! Your family will love it. ✨✨
It worked this time. I just wonder why they are giving the questions on TV rather than our usual spot in the Rewards Store. It’s just a thought.
Sorry guys, but I got the ooops in red.
No spaces one long answer from Xango.
New question it is gingerbreadhouse I just won 200 tickets thanks to Xango.
Wow, gingerbreadhouse ! Thank you, I was trying ginger bread, gingerbread and still got the OOPS, Thanks, Xango
Hi vacuumlover and welcome to Trivia. Thank you for the heads up. I surmise I must have been a little too late for question one, but was able to answer the second one.
Thanks, Xango. I tried to watch for the question. But, cooking dinner too.
Merci beacoup✨✨
What type of craft House is popular to make and eat for Christmas?
FYI Trivia people, they are flashing the trivia questions on LIVE TV every half-hour, the first question is… The First Xmas tree appeared in the United States. Answer: False. So enter false in the spring training box and you get 200 tickets. Yeah!
Thank you so much for the info. I have been wondering how to play because all I saw was the baseball question. I did not know that the questions are now shown on live hsn. I wish I had gone to community sooner! Again , thank you!
Hi vacuumlover1..and thx for giving everyone the heads up!!🤔🙄😮 to say things are messed up is an understatement at this point! 💥sheesh
ddshoppy, I actually was watching HSN on TV and saw the Trivia question flash on (and it is fast), and I knew the answer, so went to the Arcade Rewards page and entered the answer in the Spring Training box and viola! got the 200 tickets. I surmise that HSN wants the Arcade players to shop more and play the games less, maybe that is why they are only flashing the question on LIVE TV as opposed to posting the question on the Arcade page.
vacuumlover, you could be right. Seems their survey always asks how you knew what the TS was. I usually see it on line. However, looks like to watch it live from your computer the chances of seeing the question for trivia is nil. It’s not shown. The other side of this, is if you have new players, are they telling them where to post the answers. Anyway, thanks so much for posting and giving us a heads up. I think everyone was glad to see something for their efforts. We haven’t had a real question since March something of this year. It’s been a long time coming. Again, thanks for posting and do not be a stranger. Have a great week and hopefully we will see you next Friday night.
Thanks, that worked.
Enjoy Trivia Players. ✨
Looks good enough to eat😊🎄 always taking care of our appetites Sheba🤗
Hi ddshoppy. So happy that you are able to join us this evening.
Thx ,strange way to play though one day trivia will get the kinks out??🙄🤔
Sheba, delicious my kind of a spread with cheese, fruit, salami and crackers. I do enjoy it with a glass of Cabernet sauvignon.
Yesterday at Seabra Foods I got two bottles of red table wine, it’s what they called it. Haven’t had that one before, going to open one bottle for Christmas eve. Hope its good😄
Good Evening everyone, Happy Friday to all we are at 15 days to Christmas. Oh, December is flying by.
I made it. The cooking demo only lasted 45-50 minutes.
Good evening Trivia players. I see we started out with default question.
We have heavy snowfall here in the MN Twin Cities.
How was the demo?
It was good. Filet Migno & broccolini in the grill pan. The one thing missing is the tasting. 😀
Hi FBN. See we are ready for the race on land/sea. Love it. Never thought of using
my shoelaces as oars. 🎄🎁😀😂😂 -
Hi Sheba and a good evening to you. Love the sunset.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
96 Replies
12.12.21 11:17 PM
11 Participants