Good Evening and welcome to Trivia. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
How many points does a snowflake usually have?
HSN showing such great products this evening, I already got two items. Having fun, laughing away and shopping, only on HSN🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲
Good game tonight wishing you a nice evening and thank you as always for hosting. 😘✨
Goodnight Trivia Players and stay warm and cozy. ✨
Dpfbn, goodnight
I have been doing this with hubby for years. Best question ever! 💕😎✨
I’ve joined that club also. nothing like hugs and xxx’s. Sheba, you and xango are not the only one’s who are bad on this thread……. 😂😂🎁🎄🍾🧨🌹
I love it when you are having a good time on this Thread or any Thread. 😎✨
I still don’t understand what is going on with Trivia I am happy to get the questions
anyway we can just not on any social media outside of HSN and the HSN Channel. 😘😎✨ -
That’s how I feel also. I was once on Facebook and it took me a long time to erase everything. I really do not wish to do that again. I learned a hard lesson and I will not repeat myself.
I don’t know about you but, in my house I am sharing more than just a kiss😜😂😂😂
I can’t find Facebook live of Amy & Adam now, so I guess won’t get more questions.
When you stand under mistletoe with someone you’re supposed to share a -?
We all know the answer is kiss💋
When you stand under mistletoe with someone, you are supposed to share a____?
It’s too bad that the Tech Unit cannot use both areas for the questions. I am wondering now if Trivia is being moved to Facebook. Just a thought. I do not know how many in our group enjoy social media. I for one, do not.
What do you mean? Trivia is now on Facebook? I am a little confused I know it is sometimes
on TV during a show but I’ve never heard of it being on Facebook. -
Sheba, it has not gone to Facebook. I just have a feeling that it might since HSN is doing more and more with that venue. I just wouldn’t be surprised if that happened.
I missed the first 3 questions, because I didn’t come to “Community”. Thanks for telling the question that they are flashing on TV. They should let is know they are doing it though. I did get the last question. Thanks for all the help from everyone here.
Hey pbelly, welcome back. I am depending on our trivia friends in this thread for the answers. My husband is watching a movie and I would hate to interrupt.
I’ve been watching the TV and didn’t see a question. HOpe someone puts it up here. I’m glad your husband is enjoying the movie. Hope he continues to get better. I enjoy reading how things are going for you.
pbelly, thank you. My husband had a day a couple of weeks ago where he scared me half to death. Seemed dementia was setting in. The next day, for some reason, he remembered what was going on. Said it was like an out of body experience where he could see but could not do anything to stop it. It was if a fog descended on him. From that day on it’s been like night and day. His memory is good and the confidence is starting to return. He was able to use the stove for breakfast and dinner. Something he has not been able to do for months. Knock on wood, he is improving.
That would have scared me to death also. It is strange, but at least he’s better now. My sister-in-law has dementia and I think it is slowly getting worse. I hope he doesn’t have that problem again. Hope you both have a nice weekend.
Which of santas reindeer is named after another animal?
Well done. Thank you. ✨
Sheba its funny I remembered that answer from Trivia of old🤗
OODIEBOM, we found out about a supermarket called SEABRA FOODS, much to my surprise there are two in Orlando. It’s an International food market, and a great majority of the products are from Brazil and through out South America. They do have from other countries and from the USA too. I heard lots of people speaking Portuguese and some Spanish.
They have prepared food, I thought I was back in Brazil with the smells of the prepared foods. That’s where I got the Dragon fruit for $1.99 each. Thanks for the different ways you suggested to have.-
The problem with the Dragon fruit is that it virtually has no taste. But when added with other things it enhances the taste buds and thus makes it an exciting fruit. Please let it stand out in the open for a few days to ripen. I do this with most of our fruits and then refrigerate. You can also bake it with a main dish. I usually use this with pineapple and plums. Goes great with lamb or beef or pork. Due to my food allergies I found a way to enjoy the fruit. I put the fruit in towards the last few minutes of the cooking time. I mainly air fry so the juices usually stay within. The flavor on the main dish is something beyond anything I have ever done.
I think you know how much I love Dragon Fruit. 😘😎✨I read up on it and it is great
for the body.This is Dragon Fruit Lemonade. I think this is Florida Style. ✨
I have the recipe should you or Xango want to try this. 😎
I wish Andrew Lessman made a drink out of this. 💕
Sheba, the drink looks delicious. Will try once I get the Ninja on my countertop. Still looking for space for the ice machine. Need to put it somewhere where it would be easy to pick up and bring to the counter. I need a larger kitchen, or a new home in Florida with loads of counter space.
Thx trivia wizards
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
96 Replies
12.12.21 11:17 PM
11 Participants