An oldie from the late comedian Alan King
Penitent Parrot
A young man named Alan received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary.
Every word out of the bird’s mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. Alan tried and tried to change the bird’s attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to ‘clean up’ the bird’s vocabulary.
Finally, Alan was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. Alan shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and
even more rude. Alan, in desperation, threw up his hand, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed.
Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute.
Fearing that he’d hurt the parrot, Alan quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto Alan’s outstretched arms and said “I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I’m sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behaviour.”
Alan was stunned at the change in the bird’s attitude.
As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a
dramatic change in his behaviour, the bird spoke-up, very
softly, “May I ask what the turkey did?”
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Beautiful for “Mother’s Day ” and all year long.
Hi Sheba. Beautiful pictures once again!
And being that Sunday is Mother’s Day
Son: “Mom, can I have $20?”
Mom: “Does it look like I am made of money?”
Son: “Well, isn’t that what M-O-M stands for?”Mom’s recipe for iced coffee:
“Have kids.
Make coffee.
Forget you made coffee.
Put it in the microwave.
Forget you put it in the microwave.
Drink it cold.” -
To All The Mother’s, Fur Mothers and 4 Mother’s in Heaven. 💕
Happy Mothers Day to all! This year it will be a double celebration, it’s our 57th wedding anniversary! I will never forget going to the church and the radio was on. The song? “Going to the Chapel” (and we’re going to get married)! If anyone remembers it, I know you are in the same age range! LOL!
A wee bit before my time. I do love the song as my parents loved music. 😎
The Crystals
“Going To The Chapel”Going to the chapel and we’re gonna to get married
Going to the chapel and we’re gonna to get married
Gee, I really love you and we’re gonna to get married
Going to the chapel of loveSpring is here
The sky is blue
Whoa! the birds all sing as if they knew
Today’s the day, we’ll say, “I do”
And we’ll never be lonely anymoreBecause we’re going to the chapel and we’re gonna get married
Going to the chapel and we’re gonna get married
Gee, I really love you and we’re gonna get married
Going to the chapel of loveBells will ring
The sun will shine
Whoa, I’ll be his and he’ll be mine
We’ll love until the end of time
And we’ll never be lonely anymoreBecause we’re going to the chapel and we’re gonna get married
Going to the chapel and we’re gonna get married
Gee, I really love you and we’re gonna get married
Going to the chapel of love
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Going to the chapel of love
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Going to the chapel of love… -
Aww Sheba, Thank you! I too played music when my sons were growing up and they also remember songs when they hear 60 & 70’s music on the radio.
Hmm, Gabbie. I do not think age has anything to do with the song. It’s played every so often. But, yes I’ll admit to humming the tune (off key, of course). Happy 57th to you and to Mr. Gabbie. May you continue to have love, friendship, good health and laughter today and always. Great milestone.
Thank you Oodiebom! I remember that day like it was yesterday!
Love hearing that story and yes, I am old enough to firsthand remember the radio playing that song.!
Oh, and Happy 57th Anniversary wow!
Thank you Rosa. Positive thinking and our faith have brought us through many health issues. We are so thankful to have celebrated so many years together.
I sure do miss the Friday night trivia!
Msjb, I think most of us feel that way. Welcome to Trivia and Chat. This may continue until mid June. Just have patience.
No trivia tonight?? This is so frustrating!! I don’t understand why they can’t fix trivia.
Hi diablo1. There is an Arcade Team and Tech Unit. I think they are working on all the games but are also trying several platforms. With Flash gone, not all games will be able to run. I was told that by the third week in June things should be up and running. Some games will be lost, but there will also be new ones. Patience for the time being is what we all must try. Sorry that I do not have better or exciting news.
Why can they fix trivia in June but not now???
It’s not only Trivia, but the entire Arcade that is at issue. Trivia is not the only game that has a problem. June is not the best answer, but it is all I have at the moment. I really think there are many circumstances that are preventing the Arcade from working the way it should. Seeing the same question as a broken record every Friday for two and a half hours may mean this game may run again in June. Let’s hope for the best and be surprised if we are up and running sooner rather than later.
Hi all. I’ve been watching Shannon trying to connect with Andrew Lessman via phone and lost track of time. I guess their tech difficulties are not just Friday Trivia. After many tries, they have been unable to connect with Andrew. They are presenting TS Presale.
Hi Sanibel, good evening. So they were having problems connecting with Andrew. Might be something on his end. Tech Unit is probably working on that issue so he can do the Today’s Special in a few hours.
Another old GIF. Bad day…got my eye shot. Sorry no trivia. c U next week…
Good evening fbn, looks like it’s a baseball night again!
Hi Gabbie. Guess we all must have a bit of patience. Meanwhile, enjoy our chatroom.
Good Evening
Good Evening to you I do like your image as always. 🌹I hope you are feeling better.
Thank You
Feel better fbn. See ya next week. But surprise us tonight if you feel like popping in.
You are very brave getting those shots in the eyes, it gives me the heebies just thinking about it. Stay well and safe my friend.
Good evening Velvet. I agree with you. However, I have a friend with the same eye problem. She goes for the injections every so often to give her better sight. Doesn’t last long, but it is something until another something comes along that is better.
Just desperate….Thanks my friend.
fbn, I hope you feel better, it’s no fun when you have eye problems. Take care, we love your GIF’s and will look forward to seeing you next week! Stay safe!
Thanks a lot.
Hi Oodiebom! Loved the bird story but I have to admit, I heard a different end version that was not as nice as yours! (And I won’t repeat it! LOL!) Loved the M-O-M story too!
Thanks gabbie. Smiling is good, laughter even better. We’ve been through so much with Trivia lately, that it’s time for both.
Good Evening everyone, I hope your week went well and this Friday finds you in good spirits.
Here is wishing all Moms a Wonderful Mother’s Day🌹🌹🌹🍷🍷🍷🍾🍾🍾🍸🍸🍸🌹🌹🌹🌹
OODIEBOM, that’s some good reading.
Let’s Chat everyone! Since we have no Trivia.-
Hi xango. Have to bring a smile to everyone, even if it’s for a little while.
OODIEBOM, you always bringing a smile to my face. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Gee, tanks 😎😎😎😍
And a happy weekend to you, xango! 💃🍹
4 all to enjoy. 😘😎
And to you as well 😍
I’m enjoying the humor and cool pics and the company already. They flashed a teaser on the tv during Shannon’s show with a new question and it says to go to the arcade–but … oh well. 🤪
Good evening RosaTowwen. Well at least they are trying to get people to play Trivia. Maybe that’s a good thing in that the hosts will now know what we have been up against. If not the hosts, then whomever said to try Trivia.
I agree that it was a good thing to see–thinking positive thoughts here, going with today’s “theme” and that it might be a sign of things to come. As for the notice of changes in June, I’m thinking that is when the regular full time staff that handles these things is scheduled to come back into work at the studio rather than working from home. They are expecting perhaps to return to normal scheduling, with staff being vaccinated and all.–just my thoughts here with no info from anywhere else.
The trivia question and notice to go to the Arcade at HSN.com was in a banner flashed momentarily at the bottom of the screen–about an hour ago–no mention by the host.
LOL Rosa! Guess they want everyone to know when baseball season starts!
😁 lol
why am I getting the same trivia ,about baseball for weeks???
Hi wilmarocks and welcome to Trivia and our Friday night chat. I will try to answer your question as best as I can. Adobe did away with Flash which was the platform the Arcade games played on. In December Adobe took Flash down because it was causing or could cause a virus to those who used it. Of course, my question at the time was why not repair it. There was no real answer. Anyway, because there is no Flash, the Tech team has been using other means for our games to run. They are having problems which I thought meant there were no staff to repair or give us the games. I thought the Arcade Team as well as the Technical Unit were working from home because of the pandemic. Well, that was true until recently. There are other platforms that they are trying. I was told that there will be new games coming on or about June 21st. Some games will come down permanently and others will remain. I do not know the answer of what games will stay and which ones will be replaced. Like you, I have to wait for an answer. There are many alternatives that the Tech Unit is trying. And, I surmise, this is behind the scenes and may be the reason why so many games are not working as they should. I know it is difficult to wait until June, but, I for one, will give it a try. I have no choice. So, in the meantime I have instituted the chat to coincide with Trivia. I hope you will join us for light conversation, some jokes and a get together. This will continue even when Trivia returns or not.
In Texas they are testing vaccine on very young child:
At just 16 months old, he has had little opportunity to socialize with anyone outside of his nuclear family. But that could soon change for Nathan, the first child in a Pfizer vaccine study run by Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital. The study will evaluate the COVID-19 vaccine in children under 2..-
Hi Sanibel. In my opinion, giving any child the vaccine is insane. They do not know the long term effects. Children are not as likely to get the virus, and if they do, they fair much better than adults. There are medications they can administer to treat them if they should contract the virus.
Gabbie, you bring up a very good point. Last year at this time I was just getting over the virus. My question then as it is today, does getting the virus make you immune forever or just a few months. The same holds true for the vaccine. I have had the first shot and tomorrow is the second. Moderna thinks that their vaccine is good for only six months and they are working on the booster which may be mixed with the flu. Then the next question. Is Covid a form of the flu? If that’s the case, I’ve been told that when you catch the flu, you have immunity for life with that particular strain. Therefore, for that strain, vaccination is not necessary. Here we go again. In 🔴🔵🟠🟡🟢
Oodiebom, I have physicians in my family. When I ask that question they say that the virus is mutating into different strains. I don’t feel they really know the answer except it does give you some immunity.
Sheba, those are lovely pics, I hope you are having the start of a great weekend. 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
90 Replies
05.15.21 12:31 AM
12 Participants