Hi Everyone. This is the 2nd week of our own Trivia game. Your input is very important. I need to know what you like and what you do not. The game goes from 8pm to 9:30pm EST. Anyone can ask a question, but, if no one answers correctly, I hope you have the correct response. There are no points given because I have no way to record them. However, if we decide on points for the correct answer, then it will be up to you to keep the score for yourself. Conversations will continue during and after the game.
Question K:
Who was the actress that played Elaine on the Seinfeld sitcoms?-
Yes. Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Question J:
What is a taradiddle? – A type of riddle? Or a petty falsehood?-
Nope – It’s a petty falsehood.
Question I:
What is the unfortunate medical condition that affects the eyes? (Hint: Starts with a G)-
Glaucoma is correct!👍
Question H:
The Cabot Strait runs between Nova Scotia and what other Canadian province?-
Newfoundland is correct!
You ladies are too fast!!
Let me get more questions – after a short break.. Does anyone else have some questions to contribute?? -
Question G:
A flattop, a bob, and a shag – are all types of what?-
haircuts or style.
Correct! Types of hair styles.👍
Question F:
Was The Beatle’s debut single released in 1960, 1962, or 1964?-
Question E:
Did the popular dish veal scaloppini originate in Germany – or in Italy?-
Correct on Italy!👍
Question D:
In the world of basketball – Who was known as “Houdini of the Hardwood”?-
Bob Cousy
Correct, Oodie!👍
Question C:
Yes or No ->> Are bats categorized as mammals?-
Correct! Bats are mammals.👍
Question B:
Which fruit has more vitamin C? An orange or a kiwi?-
Kiwi is correct.👍
Question A:
What are the top universities in the United States called?-
Ivy League
Correct, Oodie!💫🗯💯
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Harvard UniversityI am guessing.
Just going for the general term — initials are “I L” , if that helps..
Ivy League
My bad I did not read the question right. Oops!
Good evening. Trivia is about to start. Sit back, relax and enjoy tonight’s game.
DEFG. I hope you can start us off.
I can & will. I’m going to do this a little differently this Friday because I don’t want to be staying online here from 8 to 10pm. And if anyone one else wants to post trivia questions also — Please feel free to help.🫶
I will post a group of 5 to 10 questions at 8pm & 9pm. They will be labeled A through P or whatever, and I will post the answers in a string at 8:30pm & more questions & answers at 9pm – all eastern times. For Example:
Question A: What does BTU stand for?
Answer A: British Thermal Unit
… And so on.
Okay with you, @oodiebom? -
Ok with me. Now at the rehab. Gave hubby horror and soda from Costco. Two thumbs up.
You gave your husband ‘horror’?!??!!🤣😂😅
Oops. I didn’t see that coming. He ate a hotdog with gusto and enjoyed the soda.
Hi sheba. I promise to be careful. Sometimes scary driving alone at night.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
98 Replies
10.25.23 6:23 PM
4 Participants