Hi Everyone. This is the 2nd week of our own Trivia game. Your input is very important. I need to know what you like and what you do not. The game goes from 8pm to 9:30pm EST. Anyone can ask a question, but, if no one answers correctly, I hope you have the correct response. There are no points given because I have no way to record them. However, if we decide on points for the correct answer, then it will be up to you to keep the score for yourself. Conversations will continue during and after the game.
Thank you DEFG for the questions and answers. Have a great weekend and hopefully we will see you next week. And Sheba is right. I am here for the long haul.
Good morning, Oodiebom,
I will be available this Friday evening. Should I just show up at 8pm & post Trivia questions like last Friday? Let me know if there’s any change or if you want to change the method or whatever, please. Thanks!😸
Hi. The format is. Ok. Hoping more people will join us. If you wish to change the format that’s ok as well. Seems the players find tickets and points are most important and not the game itself.
You’re very welcome, Oodie, & as long as I don’t have some event going on on Friday nights, I’ll be in trivia.
I hope you have a nice, stress free weekend.🤗
Good night.💜💫🙏💤
Sorry for all the misspellings. It is actually a Kindle thing and also a me thing in that I do not check what I wrote until after the fact. Sometimes an extra letter is thrown in t hat I do see and can be corrected prior to posting.
Goodnight to everyone. Hope you all have a good weekend and hope next week will be good for all of you.
I found Mary Hunt at –>>
I’ll put her on my reading list. She looks familiar. I think I saw her on Oprah years ago. Thanks for the heads up, pbjelly.😊
And a Good Night to all!!🫶🙏💤 -
I will give credit where credit is due good job with the questions I know Oodiebom
will not give up.Just keep doing what you are doing people will come back.
Thank you, Sheba.😊
Don’t worry – I have stacks of trivia Qs & As. I used to do a daily trivia thread for years.
Game Of The Week.
Home, finally. Left later than planned. Nurse wasn’t feeling well. Helped where I could.
I will be leaving in 6 minutes. Takes about 20-30 minutes depending on traffic and lights.
I know I saw last week where you said something about your husband going to have surgery. What kind of surgery and when will it be.? Hope all goes well for him and you. I know it’s exhausting going to see him every day and taking food and then getting home late. Wish it wasn’t so hard on you and him.
Hi pbjelly. Missed you and I know you had a few questions. Hubby has a slight obstruction. Near the bladder that prevents him from going. To the bathroom without pain.The surgery is non invasive, but require anesthesia.. Following surgery the catheter will be removed. He will spend the day of surgery in the hospital and possibility the next two days just to be sure that he is alright surgery is scheduled for November 27th.th.
Thanks for letting me know what it is. I sure hope it helps him. Seems like he’s going to have to have the pain until the date for his surgery. That’s not good. I know he must be anxious to get it done and over with. Hope you two enjoy the weekend the best you can.
He isn’t in any pain because he has a catheter. The pain is caused by a blockage. Test results revealed a tiny obstruction.
I’ll check back in 15 mins.
Oodie – Have any idea why only you, me, & Sheba showed up tonight?
I’m a ‘wordie’. I do trivia for fun – not points and/or prizes. Have you or Sheba heard anything at all about this new arcade coming? Any inside info.?? -
DEFG have no idea what is going on. My guess is that people enjoyed the 200 points when answering correctly and the tickets. I am sure also that they did not like the way this was handled. Since the “new arcade” will not be starting until after the first of the year, I question why no tickets and trivjia. I am positive this was a game that many enjoyed even though they didn’t post.M
I haven’t heard a thing about the knee Arcade. I have checked other game sights and found that Trivia was a part of it.
I wanted to thank you for doing all the trivia questions. That takes a lot of your time, and I appreciate it. I haven’t answered any tonight, but I did look at all of them and the answers. Maybe I’ll learn a little Maybe some more players will take notice and participate eventually.
All I know is new games are coming in 2024.
I was hoping we would have the same crowd and more people.
I wondered if you saw where I told you the answer for my trivia question from last week. You said you would love to know the answer but you got off, so I didn’t know if you saw it. My question from last week about someone who gave advice and got herself out of $100,000 debt was Mary Hunt and she can be reached at maryhunt@cheapskate.com. She gives advice and helpful ideas about many things.
Thank you very much I did see your post and I am reading about her.
What a woman. ✨🌹I am so glad to see you how are you tonight?
Thank you for letting me know you did see it and putting her picture up. I am doing okay and got on here late. To tell the truth, I don’t really enjoy doing trivia unless I’m getting points but I did look at all the trivia questions for tonight and find the answers. Maybe some more will give it a try.
I think things will get better. 🌹✨I am sorry I did not post back I had logged off
and saw it the next day. I was a little bit under the weather last week due to the weather
change I felt like .I am getting better now. Thank you for such a heads up. 😎
I think we can stop the s questions. I need to drive home and leT hubby get some sleep. Conversation can continue. I will return to the thread when I arrive and after I put a couple of items in the frig.
Question R:
What is known as the “good fat” that helps reduce cholesterol?-
Unsaturated fats
No, but close. They’re called monounsaturated fats.
What the heck –
Two more questions ->>
Question Q:
The Woodward Academy in Atlanta, GA, is supposedly haunted by a ghost carrying a giant WHAT??-
ANSWER IS – A giant pair of scissors ✂️!!
One more – until the last Qs are answered..
Question P:
What is the average weight of a baby elephant?-
200+’ I thinK I read somewhere they could weigh up to 500 lbs.
A baby elephant’s average weight is – ->>
264 pounds.
Question O:
If you were traveling and you came across Stonehenge – what country would you be in?-
England is correct!
Question N:
How many suspects are there in the game of Clue?-
Six is correct!👍
Tonight I posted this thread in the Arcade. I have a feeling that many are disappointed.
Its ok. We have to start somewhere.
I don’t understand??
Thought we would see more players..
I did as well. Oh well, nothing we can do about it..🙁
Should I stop with the questions now? -
I thought we would see more players too.
Question M:
Two words – What is a worthless medicinal product often called?-
THE ANSWER IS — snake oil
Question L:
George de Mestral invented Velcro – which is a combination of what 2 things?-
Only thing I know is that it contains two sheets of plastic.
The word Velcro – comes from combining the words velvet – and crochet.🫠
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
98 Replies
10.25.23 6:23 PM
4 Participants