points on games
what is going on I heard they were stopping the pt system on games but why is there still pts. on some of games and not on others. One of the reasons why I SHOP ON HSN is because of the games and the pts but If hsn is getting rid of the pts there no reason to keep my card and account open I will wait to january to see how the arcade is going to work.
@gizmo987, you still get points/a score on the games. You no longer get tickets because they are discontinuing the rewards store prizes at the end of the year.
Well said, I thought and read the same thing, Thanks
I play a game, I get a score, but how do I enter to win a prize without points?
Hi all! As of 10/2, tickets are no longer being awarded for playing games. Your points earned during the game should still be showing at the end of each game however. If they’re not showing up for you, please let us know!
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
5 Replies
10.15.23 12:14 AM
5 Participants