OK Tap-Zap-Boomers
I don’t think I have the patience to get all the way through this game. I’ve gotten to level 12 and then hit a 3rd wall with only 2 remaining. Rats.
What happens if you complete level 12 — does the game end? Is there any bonus for time?
I can answer your questions. I have been lucky and finished this game several times. First let me say you are right about the patience part…lol This game is all about just that.
When you finish part 12 the game just ends. No time no nothing…it is just over. It gives you your score and exits. I have learned one thing about this game that might help you. The more chances you take the higher your score if you make the move successfully.
I really like this game and I will continue to play it if they up the tickets. I have the 2nd highest all time score and I got 40 tickets. That will not cut it….lol Have fun and enjoy!!
Thanks I’ll keep trying. Patience is a virtue.
Many of these new games are stingy with tickets. Good if you want to end the day with a nice round number of all time tickets I suppose.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
3 Replies
05.29.20 3:35 PM
2 Participants