I finally figured out how to sign into community without any instructions from HSN . Which should have been placed in the Arcade Rewards Store page. Instructions that you need a different password to get into Community then the same we use to log in to order and check our account.
After calling customer service several times, they didn’t know how to advise getting in.
So, I took a chance and went back to the WordPress page and selected “forgot password” put in my Email and they sent a link to chance password, (It did go into my spam) which is actually not a change, but a brad new password to get into Community. Totally different than the one we use to order merchandise. This is ridiculous and not user friendly.
xango, I totally agree with you. The first time I contacted CS was on a Friday, the day after I was able to post. The answer I received was they were able to get into Community from their web page without a problem. I made another phone call a few days later and this time my concern went immediately to the Tech unit. A few days later another call. CS said that they would try to expedite my concern. I actually thought the Forum was a dead issue and it was not going to return. You are right. There was no explanation anywhere, not even in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. I had checked that area also. I also checked my virus software for viruses. And I agree that we should not need two different passwords for posting in Community. Thank goodness I wrote the new password down so I can remember it and won’t need to go through this rigmarole again, ever, denada……
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
2 Replies
02.03.24 5:16 PM
2 Participants