Her Hands
© Maggie Pittman
Published: February 2006
Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.
Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.
Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.
Her hands were there to brush my hair, or straighten a wayward bow.
Her hands were often there to comfort the hurts that didn’t always show.
Her hands helped hold the stars in place, and encouraged me to reach.
Her hands would clap and cheer and praise when I captured them at length.
Her hands would also push me, though not down or in harm’s way.
Her hands would punctuate the words, just do what I say.
Her hands sometimes had to discipline, to help bend this young tree.
Her hands would shape and mold me into all she knew I could be.
Her hands are now twisting with age and years of work,
Her hand now needs my gentle touch to rub away the hurt.
Her hands are more beautiful than anything can be.
Her hands are the reason I am me.
Hello Oodie, Sheba and everyone. Hope you have a great Mother’s Day holiday.
Hi TACI. Hope you can stay.
Oodie, just put a dish in the oven to bake. Hope your day is going well.
Emerald birthstone: May
Hi all. Almost missed trivia. I was in cleaning mode & lost track of time.
Oops—–Hi Sanibel. You just reminded me that I have clothes in the dryer. YIKES !!!!
Hi to everyone and Happy Mother’s Day to you all. My birthday is also May 10th. Hope we all enjoy our weekend. Thanks, Odiebom, for the poem.
Hi pbjelly. Guess you have a double whammy. My dad had the same problem in June. Hope you have a great Mother’s Day and Birthday.
Glad you enjoyed the poem.
Oodie, how very beautiful! If only her hands were still here to wipe these tears away. Thank you so much for reminding us just how much those hands were there; thanks to Maggie Pittman for her composing it. Bless both your hearts.
Hi deb. Great to see you. Hope you will have a great mother’s day
You too Oodie! Hope you & hubby are doing better.
We are doing better, though I am still concerned with hubby. He sees the orthopedist on Monday. Hoping that the surgery will be scheduled and we can get this behind us and drive North.
Oodie, will be keeping you both in prayers.
Sorry I spelled your name wrong. I tried to correct it, but it said “an error” and wouldn’t let me submit it.
Not a problem. There are other things to worry about. This is minor.
Hanging in there Sheba. How have you & family been? Wishing all the mothers out there a very blessed Mother’s Day!
We are all doing well. I see you may have won a prize in the Arcade Store congrats if you
did. ✨😎 -
Thanks Sheba! Glad you are all doing well. I did win Diamond Paper Dolls Stamp & Die Set. I don’t have the equipment to use it. I did win it a long time ago & donated it to a teacher at the school, so I’ll forward this onto her now. She was so appreciative for it. Hadn’t won in ages. Was really surprised but happy. Her kids love all she’s done with it.
Good Evening Obedjudge. Hope you will have a great Mother’s Day.
My little 12 y.o. Papillon will start my day with little nose kisses as she does most every day. I’m also babysitting another little female Pap that is very affectionate. She thinks my house is her second home! I’ll have her for a total of 2 weeks and adore every minute of it since my oldest girl went to doggy heaven last year at the age of 16-1/2 years. No 2 legged kids but these little ones do a pretty good job of keeping me going.
We were not blessed with children. However, our four legged friends are
just like kids and the kid in all of us. Your sound precious. -
This is my baby also a Papillon and this is the look on his face right now. 😜
I love him so much his name is Poppy. ✨😘💕
You too Oodiebom and all the rest
First Answer: Mothering
and good evening all
Hi maxienne. Hope you have a great mother’s day.
Good evening Sheba. The roses are beautiful.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
68 Replies
05.07.22 3:00 AM
9 Participants