Did you know that today is the 119th day of the year, and there are 246 days left of the year.
Did you know that April is the best month to watch meteor showers?
April had only 29 days, but a 30th day was added when Julius Caesar established the Julian Calendar.
Diamonds are the birthstone for those born in April. It represents innocence. Their birth flower is either a daisy or sweetpea.
There are two zodiac signs in April. Aries until April 19th and Taurus which begins on April 20th.
And now, the Friday Night Game: The questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm DST depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….
Hi Oodibom. I had a bad day yesterday & today. Nasty flu symptoms or food poisoning. It seems to be getting better.
Hi Sanibelsheller, I hope you get well soon.
Thank you, Xango.
Thank you, Sheba
Sanibel, I hope you are feeling better. Glad it’s the flu and not Covid which surprisingly has similar symptoms.
Hi, and thanks for the info. on April. I have 2 Taureans in my family
Glad you enjoy the opening. Happy Birthday to those in your family that are Taurusians.
Good Evening everyone, I hope your week has gone well.
Hello OODIEBOM, how are you and your husband?
Good evening xango. Other than both are backs are bothering us today, we are fine. Still waiting for the orthopedist to reschedule the surgery. Will make a phone call next week if we don’t hear anything in a few days.
Hi maxienne and Sanibel. Thanx for the answers.
Good Evening Sheba.
Hi Sheba
Sheba, great minds think alike. I was just about to go into the kitchen. How did you know????
You are on the Gulf Coast and it gets humid there at times. I know you are busy around
the house too. We all are. Oodie Storm is on it’s way to OZ.If you see a house fly over your house I will wave at ya.
Better be careful, Sheba. That ole witch rides her bike day and night. Keep an eye on Poppy. I’ll watch for you just in case. That ole witch knows I cannot have any furry friends in this house. As you go by, hand me Poppy and I will keep him safe until you are in OZ. Better yet, if you find those ruby slippers, just tell the good witch that you need to make one stop to pick up Poppy at our home.
Thank you Sheba, so refreshing. We have been cloudy and dark as if its going to storm. Unfortunately all it does is cause large gusts of wind and jo rain.
thank you Sheba! you’re the best! Enjoying a glass of wine and watching the football draft rooting for the Seahawks! Go Hawks!
Hello everyone ,
Thank you for posting the answers . I will help soon . Dealing with a few Health issues that want allow me to sit up for a long time . Hugggggggggs
Hope you are better soon.
Thank you everyone for the well wishes .
I feel for you. I somehow managed to pinch a nerve in my back last Wednesday and it is threatening to derail me whenever I try to walk or sit!
obedjudge. Hang in there. Warm shower may help along with a good massage. Sometimes Aspirin helps. This is the time of year you really don’t want to have aches and pains or sinus issues. A comfy chair with a good back is helpful.
Good evening ladybiker and welcome to Trivia. Oh how I know the feeling . Best advice may be to purchase one of those shelving units that sits on your desk. You put your computer or whatever you are using for Internet access on this shelf. You can move it up or let it rest on the desk. When you raise it, you can stand and type. I forgot what you call it. But you can check HSN and other web sites. Comes in many price ranges.
Thank you .
Good evening Mz Katz. I hope you are OK
Good now Odie…had a bout of anemia for about a month but doing better . Thanks!
You better take the time to eat. No excuse. Kitty will not like it either. You need to eat your fruit and veggies along with a main dish.
Geeze Odie you sound like my Doctor!! I need to eat more protein!
since my husband passed I really don’t have much of an appetite. I think Kitty eats more than me! I promised my boys I will improve! They do bring me yummy dinners so I am in good hands.
Lots of vitamins…B12 D2 iron and something elseI’m good! Oh yeah…wine!!
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
69 Replies
04.30.22 7:03 PM
9 Participants