Did you know that today is the 119th day of the year, and there are 246 days left of the year.
Did you know that April is the best month to watch meteor showers?
April had only 29 days, but a 30th day was added when Julius Caesar established the Julian Calendar.
Diamonds are the birthstone for those born in April. It represents innocence. Their birth flower is either a daisy or sweetpea.
There are two zodiac signs in April. Aries until April 19th and Taurus which begins on April 20th.
And now, the Friday Night Game: The questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm DST depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Good night. This was the last Trivia game for April. One more day for Customer Appreciation. Hope HSN makes the last day something memorable. Enjoy the weekend and the rest of the week. We will resume playing Trivia on May 6th. Until then I hope you have pleasant dreams. Good night.
OK FBN, where were you????? You were missed. I hope you are OK.
Good night Oodie sleep well. Thanks as always for being a gracious hostess. 😘✨
Good night Trivia Players see you all next week. 😎
good night…sleep tight…don’t let the bed bugs bite❤
Good Night everyone. Thank you OODIEBOM for hosting. ❤
I hope those that are not feeling well get better soon. 🙏
Have a great weekend and week everyone. 🌻 -
as a former flight attendant ……………correct!
Thank you for being a great hostess, Oodiebom.
we are up and running once again
how/where did you access the question?
I kept trying the Rewards Store until it displayed
I can’t get to the Rewards Store.
Answer-Ice… 🤗
Hi Delray. We haven’t seen you in sometime. Welcome back.
Hi Y’all … yeah, I’m here “in the shadows” ALWAYS WISHING EVERYONE WELL! I enJOY playing in the Arcade & reading the forum(s). Oodiebom-you are really AWESOME! BEST WISHES AND HAPPY WEEKEND TO ALL! 😊💛
the arcade page where the questions are posted has disappeared from my site. anyone else having the same problem?
Hi all. Seems the Arcade page is down. For those of you who have the TV on, you may want to go to HSN and see the question there. I received a note in that area. You may be able to return to the Arcade prior to the half hour being up to post the correct answer.
Food for thought for those of you suffering with back problems, sciatica, leg cramps, etc.. Not good to sit all day or be in bed all day. Not a good idea to become a “”couch potato.” I know it’s uncomfortable, but not using your muscles to offset some of the pain makes everything worse. Rest a bit, but then get up and move around. Don’t stand in one position for too long either. You need to move. I am speaking, I mean writing, from experience. I had a dear friend whose legs gave her problems. She ended up sleeping on a couch in the family room. She could barely walk from the couch to the bathroom. One day she fell and broke her hip. The pain was excruciating. Did she go for physical therapy. NO. She ended up in a nursing home unable to walk, cook, dress herself, etc.. Please don’t let this happen to you.
OMG! This is one of the reason I ride my bike and walk a mile daily. ✨If I am doing yard
work then I will ease of a bit on the biking but I will still walk. 😎 -
My hubby has both knee and lower back problems. The pain is almost unbearable. He would like nothing better than to be in bed all day. I won’t let him. There are times my lower back is bad as well. I end up doing stretches to relieve the tension. Most times it works. When it doesn’t, I sit in my desk chair which is comfortable and wait for the pain to pass. It does. Then I return to where I left off. Please keep on pushing and plugging. Your pain will soon disappear except when storms come. I try to do what I can and then some.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
69 Replies
04.30.22 7:03 PM
9 Participants