Though August does not have any holidays where there is a day off, it does have many observations and other observances. Here are a few from August 1st to August 12th. The list will continue next week.
August 1
British Columbia Day
Colorado Day
Homemade Pie Day
Swiss National Day
National Mountain Climbing Day
August 2
National Coloring Book Day
National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
August 3
Clean Your Floors Day
National Watermelon Day
August 4
National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
National White Wine Day
August 5
International Beer Day
National Oyster Day
National Water Balloon Day
August 6
Farmworker Appreciation Day
Fiesta de San Salvador
National Disc Golf Day
National Mustard Day
National Root Beer Float Day
Sandcastle Day
August 7
National Friendship Day
National Lighthouse Day
National Sisters Day
August 8
International Cat Day
National Frozen Custard Day
National Pickleball Day
August 9
International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
National Book Lovers Day
National Women’s Day
August 10
Ecuador Independence Day
National Lazy Day
National S’mores Day
National Spoil Your Dog Day
World Lion Day
August 11
Play in the Sand Day
National Hip Hop Day
National Raspberry Bombe Day
August 12
National Middle Child Day
National Vinyl Record Day
World Elephant Day
Here’s how to play the game….The questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm DST depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….😀😀😀🍕🍔🍟🌭🌭🍿
Thank you hosting and as always you do a great job. 😘🌹✨
Trivia Players thank you for the answers and please be safe and cool. ✨✨
Thank you, Oodiebom for hosting.
Sheba2011 . out of all the beautiful pictures you post this is the only one I see something different in it.
Looks like an alien face, 2 eyes, open mouth, few upper teeth.
Sorry, I just had to comment.-
Sometimes when we are too close to the subject, we really don’t see all that it shows.
Glad you see it too. It is pretty funny, when you think about it LoL -
I am so glad you know my work this is something I would have saved for Halloween. 😜😎
Thank you for pointing that out. I wish you would post more. I remember you from the
Community. ✨🌹 -
If you look at the one behind, I also see a face, a little sideways.
Round head, 2 eyes, dot nose, small smile. LOL
Very interesting picture of iced tea.
Good evening everyone. Just popping in to say hello and to thank you all for your lovely and positive words.
Iam absolutely exhausted, hardly any sleep and was up at 4AM.
We had to be at the hospital at 6AM. The angiogram showed major blockage. The doctor explained that the right part is totally blocked, the left front also and the back is 80 percent blocked. We spent to day in the recovery room, waited for the surgeon to come and talk to us and then waiting for na available room to admit hubby. He will be have a triple bypass. They may schedule it for Monday the 8th.
Around 5PM he was moved into a room and they were able to order him dinner. He was starving, earlier for lunch he had a salad. I had taked some fruit that he could eat and for snack he had a Peach.
Good night and have a great weekend. 🦋🦋🌻🌻🌴🌴🏝🏝🏖🏖-
So sorry you and your husband are having to go through this. I hope the surgery is a success and he has a quick recovery. Hope you are able to sleep tonight. I know how bad that make you feel if you don’t sleep. Try to rest – both of you and hopefully it will be better health for him soon.
Thank you so much, those are very beautiful and kind words.
Take care -
Best wishes for your husband and you.
My father had a triple bypass when he was living in Las Vegas. I was concerned about Vegas medical care, but it was a one. He recovered quickly and it was a total success. I hope the same for your hubbie.
Thank you for you kind words. I am very tired and can’t even think straight. My body hasn’t stopped shaking since I got in. Had some chicken broth, just can’t eat anything.
Take care -
Please get some rest we are here for you. I know about being hungry my husband
was the same way. Hey just eat and rest. -
@ Sheba
Thank you, those hugs really help.
Can’t stop shaking and my stomach is in knots.
I am just very tired.
Take care Sheba
Here is some Ice Cold Tea for anyone who is hot, hot, hot and it is hot in OZ! 😎✨
My photo is from my Peru trip, where I was white-water rafting on the Urubamba River. We also visited Machu Picchu. Since the pandemic I have no desire to go on such adventurous trips, but it is fun to think back about them.
I was just thinking. Did anyone come up with the answer to the first question last week?
Before the questions began tonight, I was hoping they wouldn’t be quite so challenging.
Thanks for the answer Eaglealll. I thought it was 17 and received the red “oops.”
Capybara means one who eats slender leaves or grass-eater. Oh my, I think I have been watching too many Big Bang Theory episodes.
RosaTowwen, a brief note to let you know that you are missed on this thread. Hope you are OK.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
49 Replies
08.06.22 3:05 AM
10 Participants