It’s two weeks since Ian paid a visit and we are still looking for a roofer. The roofers in Florida need the structure first before pricing etc.. Most are now working in Ft. Myers and the surrounding Islands. I am also hearing that there are many who say they are contractors and are not. Unfortunately, the case in Ft. Myers many do not have phone service, electricity or a home to return to. Hopefully, things will change in the upcoming weeks. Our prayers and hopes are with them not only today, but every day.
I heard that Trivia did not have one question last week. If it’s any consolation, I found playing the games in the Arcade were almost non existent. I try to smile even though things are not happening. However, if it’s any consolation you need to remember that there was a hurricane in Florida. Many people, including myself, were without electricity for almost a week. Computers were down and that included WiFi, Television, Cable, etc.. As of now, things are running a little smoother. So hopefully, we will play and if not, there is always conversation as well as being together. May it be a fun evening for all.
Here’s how the game is played….The questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm DST depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….😀😀😀🍕🍔🍟🌭🌭🍿
NOTE; Sometimes a little gremlin will pose a question that requires a number. In those instances it may not accept for example 16. It’s the correct response, but you may need to spell it out: sixteen. Other times there may be a two word answer such as: Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday may need to be written as one word: Happybirthday. There are also times when the answer is a plural even though the question seems to reflect something that isn’t. However, sometimes it is easier to check this thread for the correct response.
Good night everyone, Oodiebom thank you for hosting.
Have a great weekend everyone. And those that received a taste of Winter already, stay warm. -
Goodnight Oodiebom sleep well. ✨✨
Goodnight Trivia Players see ya next week sleep well. ✨✨😜
Thank you! It looks like it will take the chill off.
Hello anyone home?
This year the 31st falls on Monday. Our community always celebrates on the 31st. We get lots of kids here. And because I don’t like being eaten by mosquitoes and do the up and down dance. I get up answer the door, give out candy and sit back down on the sofa. Until I hear another knock at the door. Sometimes we get a huge group altogether. The tiny ones are the most fun, some don’t even knowvwhatv8s happening they just look at you and smile as you place candy in their parents bucket.
Good evening everyone, I am a bit late. Shout out to our hoste Oodiebom and to Sheba, Sanibelsheller and Fbn135.
I’m a lot late.😄
The arcade games have been a bit wonky for me for the last week. They start and stop and then I go back track and try to finish the entire game. It may take a few days but it usually lets me finish but it’s no fun playing it that way!
Hello to Xango & everyone here tonight!😊🙂☺ -
Hi there, I had to switch to Firefox in order for the Arcade to work properly.
I might want to try different browsers. -
Good idea!👌🙌👍🏻
If it doesn’t work smoothly this evening, I’ll try a different browser. I always play daily at 11:55pm.😘 -
Have you noticed no Trivia tonight or last week. I hope the Arcade will be fixed soon. ✨
Yes, I noticed. I don’t post a whole lot, but I do read all the posts in your thread – every reply, too. I’ll read posts here right now until it’s time to play my daily game close to midnight.😘🙂☺
Good evening, Xango.
Nice arrangement. I enjoy the fall colors.
Good evening Sheba.
Well, i woke up to a dusting of snow this morning. It is early snowfall – not a good sign for this winter.
Hi Sanibel. Guess Mother Nature has problems with dandruff. However, The Weather Channel and others have predicted a real cold winter for your area. And, you are right. It is starting very early. With your frost and snow I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if New England would be on the warmer side of things.
First Question: There is no question. Hopefully, it will be an easy fix.
Ditto Thanks…
Hi FBN. Another cute opening. If it’s an oldie, I do not remember this one.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
28 Replies
10.15.22 3:18 AM
6 Participants