Well, it may be cold outside, but it is warm in here. Forget about the woes of “old man winter,” and enjoy the evening.
For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Good evening everyone! Got on 40 minutes late but 0 tickets for the 2 answers posted. I must be missing it by just a few minutes. Hope everyone is staying warm. Love the gif’s Sheba & FBN.
Hi Sheba & Oodie, How’re you guys doing? I put up a post to you both but it didn’t go thru. Really weird. Lost a question to help hubby figure out new meds. Probably won’t be on next week as I’m scheduled for scopes & throat stretch & will probably be wiped out from anesthesia. Please let me know how you both (& families) are doing. Think they FINALLY figured out what’s wrong after 2 yrs. & 4 mos. of sleeping 12 hrs a day (w/medication not to sleep & 15-16 hrs without it). They tested for antibodies to see if it’s hashimoto’s disease (an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid & pituitary). Finally an answer to all the symptoms. Prayers finally being answered. Snowed yesterday & again today. Hard to keep up with it all. Just get snow shoveled & then start all over.
Hi deblyn. So good to see you.
I know Shannon was on Facebook, but don’t know if DG is.
Thank you.
You can watch for questions on TV or on Facebook HSN Live
Sanibel, hubby is watching TV. For some reason I cannot see the question on the computer. And last, not on Facebook. I will check live again tonight.
Same here. No way I can change the channel or interrupt!!☹🙁
A checkered or tartan article of clothing is better known as what design?
Sanibel, thank you. Ok, what was the question to go with plaid?
thank you Sanibel!
Does anyone know the current question between 0:30 and 0:00? Getting to the point where I’m ready to throw something when I see “spring training” in the question area!
Hi obedjudge. I haven’t said anything to the CS or the MODS. I was trying to give them a break. I think those days are now gone and I will start complaining again. The questions are on TV on the half hour. You do have to be quick to see it. I’m hoping that someone who is watching will give us the question. I also do not know if the question is repeated.
And now we’re back to baseball.
Good evening how are things in Colorado? All I have to do is call maybe 40 family
members and find out. LOL! 🤣I have more than that. Don’t get me started on Illinois
and Minnesota. Still OZ is frozen. ✨✨ -
Hey! I totally missed this. 40 relatives in CO? Holy cow. I have no relatives in this state. Crazy. Until next week.
May be someone saw the question on their TV and will relay the question to us.
Thanks! for all the answers they’re working for me.It’s been a long time since I played games or trivia.
YAY! We have a question on the Rewards Store!
Did we always get 200 pts?? It’s been so long I can’t remember??-
Hi MzKatz. Trivia has always been 200 pts. But under Barry Diller there were times that we had double points. Like Christmas for the entire month of December. Other times was when the Tech unit left on Friday and forgot to turn the computers on for the questions and answers. Those were either 300 or 400 pts.,.
I do remember those times Odie! And playing games whatever the game of the week was you received double points for a couple of hours……those were the days! Hope you are staying warm as well…with the freezing temps in Florida I imagine OJ will be expensive again 🤣
Not sure of the price will go up. That depends on how hard a frost we will get. Most times the farmers turn the water on so the oranges do not freeze. I’m sure they are in the process of doing that as I type.
I’ve never seen snow at any beach before, but Ocean City may get up to one foot! That sounds crazy!! It’s really coming down there right now!!🌨❄🌨🌬🌨❄⛄❄☃️❄🌨
Thousands of flights already canceled for this weekend!😩 -
Good to see you and I hope you are warm tonight. ✨✨
Thanks Sheba! It was down right balmy today with a high of 20! Getting down to the teens at night. We haven’t seen the sun for weeks…..please tell me its still there! Keeping warm in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine and my kitty!
Perfect! Too bad you can’t see my cute kitty on my lap❣
On TV & on the Rewards page!
In Australia, Australia Day is celebrated on January____?
xango, I’m doing my happy dance. The question also appeared in the Reward’s Store. YIPPEE😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
89 Replies
01.29.22 9:52 PM
13 Participants