This is already the beginning of the new month and we now know that we will have at least another 6 weeks of winter. The Chinese New Year is from February 1st and ends on February 11th and is the year of the Tiger. “Chinese New Year is the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar and solar Chinese calendar. In Chinese and other East Asian cultures, the festival is commonly referred to as the Spring Festival.” It is a goodbye to winter and hello to spring. Hmmm….wonder who said that spring comes in February???? You could have fooled me…..
For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Hi Oodiebom, Missed Friday night completely. It’s Sunday afternoon & none of the games in Monday Night MahJongg scores will enter. Is anyone else having this problem? Don’t know if it’s just us or other people too. Son & Grandson over yesterday. Knew my grandson had a fever; son didn’t think so. Sure enough 100.9 & confirmed Covid today. Jim has er visit to Spine Pain Clinic tomorrow & now I don’t he should go. He was supposed to get shot in the back; I think he should cancel for 5 days. He said he can’t take the pain any longer & has to go. Prayers please! I wouldn’t want anyone to catch it if we’ve been exposed, but he’s in absolute agony.
Hi debhlynn. If your son has been vaccinated with all three shots, maybe he can go. Please tell him to mask up and not take any chances. My gut feeling says he should cancel, but I understand what he is going through. My hubby has been between bed and chair and standing with severe pain not only in the knee, but the back as well. I will be contacting the orthopedist tomorrow since he is scheduled for knee surgery the end of this month. Also tell him to check his mattress and box spring. May not be appropriate for a back ache. Also the pillows and how he sleeps at night. Covid is very catchy. I was sick on the cruise from the first night. Hubby got it the next day. Best advice is to sleep on your stomach and walk around as much as possible so it doesn’t get into the lungs. Soup is the best medicine because you really do not feel like eating. Hot tea, warm milk, etc… Hubby liked ice cream. I liked oatmeal or cream of wheat and soup. Both easy to swallow and makes you feel nice and warm on the inside. Don’t be a couch potato with this virus. Hope this helps in some way. Please keep me posted. I will try to help as much as I can.
Well said and true. ✨✨
Good night everyone, thank you for all the answers.
Thank you for our lovely hostess Oodiebom, sorry I wasn’t any help today.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. And be safe.-
Hmm……I should have been in your kitchen watching you bake all those delightful goodies. The aroma was heavenly.
Thank you all for the questions and the answers. It has been fun and now the time has come to bid everyone a good night. May the weekend and the rest of your week be beautiful. Until next week good night and pleasant dreams.
P.S. If anyone sees the code, please post it in the February 4th thread. This way more people will be able to add the tickets to their score. If you have any questions, just post it here and I will try to obtain an answer. This is something new and it will take a little bit of time to get used to it.
Again, have a pleasant evening and bundle up when you are out and about. Do not forget to mask up when going out, continue to social distance and make sure your hands are clean. I hope I’ve been able to answer the new daily code correctly. Night all.
Goodnight Oodiebom and thank you for being a great Host. ✨💕
Thank you all Trivia Players and please stay safe and warm. ✨✨
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Thank you Oodiebom for hosting.
Everyone have a great week ahead & be safe out there (Hill Street Blues from older Sergeant).
Roman is the answer
Thank you all ladies! I was doing this while watching the Olympics colorful Parade of Nations. It re-airs later if you want to set your DVRs.
Thanks Amanda. Enjoy the games. Hope to see you next week.
Valentines Day originated from what culture?
Sorry I gave question after answer, but I’m such a slow typer on my tablet. One finger picking away. 😜
Ok. Heads Up Everyone. Looks like if you watch HSN daily there will be a code. I surmise that code will or should be entered in the Rewards Store.
I think the reasoning behind this is to get more people to watch the hosts and products on their TV or in Facebook. I’m not sure if your computer will catch it. I think they want more people to watch rather than browse the program guide or the vendor’s site within HsN . I don’t think they realize that many of their customers gravitate back and forth because of the hype or some of the information that may not be correct. If there is something that interests me, I rather watch the video and see what I may be purchasing.
Adios everyone….love the camaraderie of this site.
Sleep tight! Don’t let the bed begs bite ❣
lupercalia for 200 points
Good evening ioule and welcome to Trivia. Hope you are enjoying the game.
So if they now have a daily code, I wonder where/when you enter it? Because the baseball question only has appeared on Fridays.
Thank you for all the answers, I am watching the opening of the Olympics. We have 224 athletes representing the United States. I baked some snacks and poured myself a glass of wine. I was surprised China population 1.4 billion and 173 athletes in this Winter Olympics.
Thanks Sanibel.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
105 Replies
02.07.22 2:05 AM
17 Participants