It is almost time for the first question. For the first timers, here are the directions: The questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm DST depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Good evening, Oodiebom & FBN135
Hi Sanibel, hope it’s a bit warmer
Thank you. It got up to 46. How about where you’re at?
It reached 80 something today along with humidity and sunny all day.
ok, FBN, this one I remember and it’s one of my favorites. 😀😀😀😀
Good Evening everyone, sit back with a glass of your favorite drink and let’s have some fun playing Trivia. Spring is coming 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
ooooooooohhhh Love me some bubbly❣
Good evening MzKatz and purrkat
What can I get you to drink or eat?
Hi Sheba. Pill for cough is working. I’m drinking water and hot tea with lemon and ginger.
Oodie I am sneezing and we are raining I hope you feel better soon. ✨✨
Glad the pills are working on the cough. -
Sheba, thanks for the tea with lemon and ginger. So happens I have a grater right next to me.
For the cough I have a prescrption. Supposed to take 2 every 8 hours. I’m doing one every 8. It’s too potent. Besides, I am the chauffeur for Mr. Daisy. Cannot fall asleep behind the wheel. The 2 are 200 mgms. 100 is working just fine.
Minuka honey really good for sore throat & cough. Walmart has it. It’s a bit expensive but works. Hope you feel better soon.
Oodie, I ran out of Minuka honey at Christmas & should have bought some for this. Wonder if it works for covid! Will have to have son buy some to see.
deb, Manuka does not work on covid. Nothing works on Covid. Manuka is great for the sore throat and laryngitis. However, what I have learned in the past few months is that the higher the number on the front of the jar the more it does. Take a look at Amazon and HSN. Both deliver. Amazon delivers within 24-48 hours. HSN within a week.
This is sinus season in Florida. The pollen count has been above 11 all week. Never had this problem in New England and I suppose it was because of the rain and snow. When the pollen count goes down I’m almost human again…LOL
Hi Sheba, that’s delicious thank you. 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼
@oodiebom and Trivia Players. ✨✨
Holy Smoke! You are correct. ✨I tried Egg. 😎
Hi Sheba. Good evening.
BARBO19 thanx for the answer. I also tried an egg. Received the OOPS no matter how I wrote it.
I try an egg, but its not correct.
Good evening everyone. Love, love, love the gifs. Down with covid since Feb. 8. Does anyone know how long this can last? Getting very frustrated. Just had CT for possible blood clots. Finally getting back on here where all the fun is. Hope everyone is doing ok. OOOO . . . Look – A question. Help please?
I heard from one person who came down with early on & 2+ years she is still not back 100%. I think it is different for everyone.
Thanks Sanibel, I think I’ll stay positive & think this is the last bad day. Hubby loves that I haven’t had a voice all this time. My but it’s been quiet ’round here!
Losing the voice sounds very familiar. You need to keep walking around even if it’s in the house and in one room. At night, be sure to sleep on your stomach. This should make your breathing a lot easier. Covid has a tendency to be pneumonia and that’s the reason you should sleep on your stomach. Makes breathing a bit easier for the lungs. The fever is what drove me crazy. One day normal the next day 101 and even 102. Because of Covid I now use Andrew’s Immune vitamins.
I’ll try sleeping on stomach but there’s 2 three inch pcs. of wood under the bed posts that I can’t get out. Maybe son can get them out. Bed weighs a ton. We’ve been taking vitamins for immunity, ie, zinc/copper, vit. D, vit. C, folic acid, Lion’s Mane (for memory) & Andrew’s Immunity supplement too. Chest x-ray done last week – ok.
Deb, sleep on your side if you can. The lungs are towards your back and that is why you should sleep on your stomach. I slept on my side. The pain does disappear. All of a sudden you will notice this and you will smile more. When we had Covid there were no testing sights. If is wasn’t for MSNBC and CNN we would not have known. If you have laryngitis, try hot tea with Manuka honey. The higher the number, the more potent it is. Trust me, I don’t know what is in this honey, but it worked miracles. HSN did sell this a few months ago and I purchased it to try. The number is a bit low, but for some reason it works. The price is higher than other honey’s you purchase in the market. But none of these works as well. Go figure.
Oodiebom, side sleeper for sure. Didn’t know about numbers with Minuka, Is this the “K Factor”? Never knew what that was for. Jim did do shopping & bought tons of soup. Been living on it along with Ensure high protein. Jim’s not suppose to drive but I couldn’t get him to stay home. Thanks so much for help with this.
Several of my family members have had it and it can vary from person to person.
Can you smell and taste? Are you Vaxed? Oodie knows from first hand how it will go.
Never lost smell or taste, thank God. Still have hard time breathing & chest pains & fever up & down. Had both vaxes (Moderna). Been taking care of hubby too. He had a miracle with his back. Was supposed to have a shot for it & surgery (they still want him to follow up with surgeon tho) & he got up one morning & it’s been fine! He tested + for covid 2 days after I did; he didn’t have any symptoms for about 5 days, was sick then for about 3 & then was fine. Thanks for teddie & rose – so sweet!
Hi debhlynn. Covid leaves when it wants to. Hubby had it for about three weeks. Mine lasted three months. Probably because I was taking care of hubby and shopping a bit. You really need to rest. Most of the time you do not feel ill, at least that’s the way mine was. It was the fever that wouldn’t let go. One day 96, the next 101 and so on. Take your vitamins. Have soup. Most importantly, you really need to eat even if the food doesn’t taste that good. Also, sleep on your stomach.
Oodie, thanks for info. Fever up & down also. Terrible time being short of breathe & chest pains, weakness has been terrible. Doing paperwork is all I’ve been able to do except for washing bathroom fixtures & letting Lucy outside (little stuff). Sometimes I’m too tired to make anything to eat. Son & grandson come over “to help” but seems like I have more to do when they go home just picking up. LOL Of course it helps son when we’re buying dinner!!! Oh & can’t sleep on stomach cause I have to have the bed raised so I can breathe & for heartburn.
Deb, try sleeping on your side. Please do not sleep on your back. It is not good for breathing. Hubby had the chest pains as well. Yes, you do lose energy. It’s like having the flu. Try eating light meals. Stay away from tomatoes and any tomato sauces until you feel well enough. Try making a huge pot of soup with veggies and chicken. When we returned home I made a huge pot and kept some in the refrigerator and froze the remainder. It was what actually made me feel human again. If you don’t have the energy for making the soup, I sort of cheated by purchasing a soup broth from Amazon along with Healthy Choice. For the most part I didn’t need to go out since the stores delivered and when they didn’t, they brought the order to the car.
Oh, forgot to mention. I also added honeydew melon to sweeten the pot. I always use fresh vegetables and fresh fruit in my meals when I can. Sure helps. Pineapple is good also. Even the can. Unfortunately, I have to read all labels because I have an allergy to sulfites.
Deb, yep, shortness of breath also. If you have time, go into MSNnews.com and write in the search area Covid symptoms. I bet you will have almost everyone on the list.
Hi to everyone!
Good Evening. 🌹✨
Good evening pbjelly. Hope you answered the first question.
Yes, I was able to get all the questions answered so far, thanks for the help from ya’ll.
Having not been on for weeks, when did more questions than one come back? Thanks for help!
First they started by posting the questions on HSN1 & then you answered as usual. Posting in here started after that. Maybe March 4th
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
91 Replies
03.26.22 12:03 AM
11 Participants