HSN Arcade needs to look at themselves to see how much JOKE they really are🤔 They could care less toward the customer or players. Arcade is so awful, all the issues involved that never get fixed or looked into. You can’t email them anymore, only chat👎 or call👎. Their ARCADE system needs a complete OVERHAUL. COMMUNITY itself is another waste of time, another JOKE. WHAT DOES THIS ACCOMPLISH for the player because nothing happens. Just a place to vent your frustrations over a SORRY OPERATION🤮 I HAVE HAD ONGOING ISSUES now over 1 year, complained of black screen no tickets, fast clock, 1/2 screens, emailed when they responded to them, they called me too but NOTHING EVER HAPPENEN, still same old 💩 excuse causing the problem but I proved them wrong and they have been 💩ty eversense.I have lost all respect to HSN, HSN ARCADE AND HSN CUSTOMER SERVICE.
AS FOR ARCADE, THESE ARCADE MISFIT MORONS ARE JUST THAT, PURE MORONS.My guess is this will not get posted because the TRUTH HURTS😱🤮👎
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
1 Replies
12.01.20 4:14 AM
1 Participants