How to Play the Arcade …
On a laptop – When the little disk is spinning just right click and then click on Refresh – Game comes right up and you don’t have to watch the ads! It’s very easy!
That works! THANK YOU!!
Oh…duh. Thanks for making it simple!
did not change anything…wah! when i try toopen 5 Roll i get a screen that is blank except for a small border on the right and bottom of the screen. that is all there is. and absolutely nothing happens when i hit the refresh button. I was hoping HSN had a thingy to click on to alleviate the mess this place had become…other than the close window button!
Oh Well!
Hi oblival, what did you expect from the company🤔. Just the sign of the times and is just the beginning. Day 11 and still spinning out of control with no end in sight.😱😵
The little spinning disc is the “refresh button in the top left hand corner of the computer. It does work but I have to hit it each time between games. At least I can play. Thanks everyone!
what little spinning disc? Been playing, on a laotop for over a decade here and i have never seeen a spinning disc anywhere?
For the ones that don’t have the luxury of having a laptop, desktop , my phone won’t work 99% of the time and is 8 months old. Don’t play much anymore because of all the drama. Arcade👎👎👎👎👎
Thank-you Spearhead. It worked for me!
GLAd this works for you,however on my laptop I get a straight black line.I play on an IPAD WITH SOME SUCCESS.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
10 Replies
02.12.21 8:14 PM
7 Participants