Good evening all. It’s almost time for Trivia which begins at 8 pm and ends at 9:30 pm. Anyone can pose a question during this time, but, hopefully, you will know the correct response so that our players won’t be left in the dark.
I will be missing during tonight’s game. I will be meeting with the caregivers at the Rehab to go over some plans for bringing hubby home. I need to have some information as to the care he will need upon release. On one hand I am excited, but on the other, I’m hoping that I can continue giving him the care he needs. I am not the type of person who gives up easily and that is how this will be approached. For me, this is a CAN DO situation. On that note, have a great game and if I am able will pop in if possible.
Good night to all. Hope you all have a nice weekend. Don’t forget to set your clocks back on Sunday.
I’m so glad you made it home and was able to give us an update. I always love hearing how it’s going for you. Hoping and praying surgery will go well and he will be able to come home and hope it will not be too hard on you. Hope also you have a nice weekend. -
Hi. I am home. Tired and happy. As far as I can tell hubby will remain in rehab until after surgery. At that time a determination will be made as to whether he can return home or will need a little more care. I will have some help along with a visiting nurse to check at least once per week. This will change following the results of removing the catheter and his ability to get from bed to bathroom. It’s a wait and see situation.
DEFG, sorry about the mixup. You are doing a great job and I admire you for helping us with the Trivia. I do enjoy the five questions in a row and time to answer. This to me is the way Trivia has always been played. However, I do miss the points and the tickets and in essence wish it could stay. Points do help in keeping up with others and knowing that either you are at the top or down in the gutter. Guess, like the rest, I will have to wait and see what happens after the holidays. Meanwhile, DEFG, if you don’t mind, would love to see your questions weekly along with the rest of the players jumping in when they can.
Sweeney, congratulations on your win. Having hubby home will certainly make my day a bit easier. Juggling between redoing the house and rushing to the Rehab with food in hand has had it’s ups and downs. One thing I have done is leaving some snacks in a drawer for him to go to whenever he needs a tasty treat. Food on the weekends leaves something to be desired. I now wait until I am at the Rehab before making a decision to go out or order out.
Thank you Sheba for stepping in. Hope you all have a great weekend and some warmer temps where you are during the week.
I only had 5 questions ready, so the rest were off the top of my head. I’ll do 5 at a time starting next Friday, Nov. 10th.
So glad things are progressing for you at home & with your husband. He’s been in rehab such a long time. I hope you are almost well, too.
Good Night😘 -
Thank you so much for doing the questions. Hope you have a very nice weekend. -
I appreciate your acknowledgement, pbjelly, and hope you have a great weekend as well.😘😺😸
Goodnight defg good questions. Oodiebom please get some rest.
I hope more will join next week. 😎✨
Thanks, Sheba.
And a Good Night To All reading here!💙💜🩵 -
Thanks Sheba, but, I have clothes in the dryer and I need to clean the shelves for towels.
Go Superwoman. ✨😎
One more??
What iconic beverage just turned 20 years old?(Hint: Sold at Starbucks)
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Correct on the PS Latte👏
What does “phubbed” mean?
Have you ever been phubbed or phubbed someone??-
Being snubbed.
Technically correct ->>
“Researchers found that people who are “phubbed” (snubbed in favor of a cell phone) by their partner are less satisfied with their relationship”.
Which of your fingernails grows at the slowest rate? (scientifically proven!)-
hmm…This is difficult. Seems it is my middle finger, though the fourth one is not far behind.
Scientists – who I assume have tested & measured – say its the little finger – the pinky finger.😊
Don’t tell my “pinky” that DEFG. It is always my longest nail….LOL
# 9)
What FOOD will never expire in it’s edible form for at least 1,000 years?-
Honey is correct👌
In a deck of playing cards, WHO do the kings represent? Which kings??-
The 4 kings are:
King David, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Charlemagne👍
Congratulations on winning something this week!
Hi pbjelly. Glad to see you here this week. Hope all is well.
In 2028 – What new sports games will be featured at the Olympics?-
No ladies. They will be ->>
No, pbjelly. Try again??
6) What is the only 5-letter word in the English language that is pronounced the same way even if you take away the last 4 letters of the word?!?
Correct on queue.
Just curious – did you already know, or did you look it up?😉 -
I knew I read a lot.
I’ll just throw out 5 questions at a time :
1) Which rock band has Stevie Nicks as a member?2) What does vacuous mean?
Or protected?3) “First quarter” and “waning crescent” are phases of what?
4) In the nursery rhyme – “One, two, buckle my shoe”, what follows for “three, four…”?
5) What is the top part of a carving knife called? (Not the sharp edge!)
Answer to #5 question is: the spine
4. 3 – 4 Shut the door!
Correct pbjelly.. You’re on a roll!!
3. the moon?
The moon is correct.😊
What does vacuous mean?
Correct on ’empty’.
1) Which rock band has Stevie Nicks as a member?
Fleetwood Mac
Correct on Fleetwood Mac😊
Good Evening Trivia Players and welcome to Oodiebom’s Trivia. ✨✨
What vendor on HSN designs Art Deco Jewels?
Answer: Heidi Daus
Hoping you will be able to make the smoothest transition from rehab to home. It is a bit daunting because you are taking care of someone you love and only want the best for them. Just keep a calm mind and a steady pace. One thing at a time, one day at a time.
On the plus side of HSN, I actually won something this week – Andrew Lessman Turmeric-400, 120 capsules. Wonder if these will help with all my stress???
Take care Oodie and have safe travels home.
I didn’t hear from you this week. I’ll get some questions posted when I get back home from dinner.
Anyone reading this is welcome to contribute questions & answers.
Be back soon..
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
54 Replies
11.04.23 2:32 AM
5 Participants