This is the next to last game in Trivia unless by some unseen something or other the game continues. Since they are not doing an accumulative score, I don’t see why we caonot have a score for the evening that we could try to beat on a weekly basis. The player, naturally, will keep a record of his/her’s score each week. It would be almost like playing the game with friends in your home.
Sunday, September 24th marks the Day of Atonement, the highest of all the Jewish Holidays. From Yahoo comes the following:
This year, it will be observed for more than 24 hours, beginning at sunset on Sept. 24 to when the stars are visible in the sky on Sept. 25. A solemn day marked by fasting and introspection, Yom Kippur is considered the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, said Rabbi Eric Eisenkramer of Temple B’nai Shalom, a Reform Judaism congregation in East Brunswick.
The holiday is a solemn one, dedicated to asking for forgiveness, introspection and how one can do better.
“This is the day when we really think about teshuvah or repentance, and that repentance is where we seek to go in a new direction in our lives for the new year,” Eisenkramer said. “And we seek to repair the mistakes and the misdeeds that we’ve committed. And those mistakes the rabbis have taught fall into two categories. For mistakes and misdeeds and wrongs that were committed against God, we fast and pray on Yom Kippur, and we atone for them through our prayer and fasting. But for misdeeds we commit against other people, Yom Kippur does not atone. We have to go out and approach them, apologize and seek forgiveness.”
We usually break our fast around 8pm the following day at our place of worship. Food usually consists of what a person would eat at breakfast along with coffee, tea, milk, soda and water.
This is our new beginning when we hope and pray that our names are inscribed in the Book of Life for another year. Hopefully, we have learned from our past mistakes and to continue along a new path where the sins of the past will not creep into our future.
Good Evening Sheba and Barbo. I finally made it home and all is well. So far, that is. Thank you Sheba for the opening.
To All In The HSN Community. 😎
Looking forward to hearing from you please take your time.
Good Evening Trivia Players. 😎
Hi Oodie! You have so many good ideas and I would love to continue with this group. It is such a nice way to spend a rather boring Friday evening so I do look forward to this post. Not much is going on here in Ranson, WV. We are about an hour from D.C. and get their local news on our TV. They seem to think we will be having some major wind and rain this weekend. My migraines always hit hard with any kind of atmospheric changes. I hope we will miss most of the action. HaHa. Wishing you a very calm and peaceful weekend and continued progress for your hubby.
Hi Sweeny. I saw your post quite a few hours ago but could not reply. No WiFi. To give you t he main reason is that hubby is in the hospital. I have a habit of bringing him dinner daily whether I make it or I pick it up. I also bring fresh fruit which he loves. Thursday night I reminded him as I left to take small bites out of the apples I left. That went on deaf ears in the early hours of the AM. I received a phone call that hubby was rushed to the hospital. He had a coughing fit because he took to big of a bite out of the apple and consequently he lodged somewhere in his esophagus. He was able to bring it us, however, the head nurse felt he should have an x-ray of the area to be sure that it all was dislodged and that none of it entered his lungs. Guess everything was OK. At least that way. He was then put on C-pak and is now doing better. Yesterday for me was terrifying. Today is somewhat back to his normal self. I left him hungry. Dinner was served at 4:30pm and he wanted something else. As I left, the nurses were working on it.
Sorry about the headaches when a storm is coming or there is a low in the atmosphere. I get those migraines as well. I now take two Excedrin and go back to bed and a few minutes later the pain is gone. Oops. Also need to take sinus meds as well.
I always feel so special when you reply – doesn’t matter when! You really have had a busy week and I’m sure the apple episode was scary. Men just never listen, do they? You would never believe the conversations I have with my hubby. If you’ve seen the movie, Groundhogs Day, that’s my life now. Same conversation over and over and over. But he is still the love of my life and I’m honored to be his wife. Tomorrow my Texas Longhorns will be on TV and we both will be watching as I’m a UT graduate, class of 1970! Thank you again for reaching out and for just being so darn NICE.
HOW TO PLAY HSN’S TRIVIA: Questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade, And begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….
NOTE; Sometimes a little gremlin will pose a question that requires a number. In those instances it may not accept for example 16. It’s the correct response, but you may need to spell it out: sixteen. Other times there may be a two word answer such as: Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday may need to be written as one word: HappyBirthday. There are also times when the answer is a plural even though the question seems to reflect something that isn’t. However, sometimes it is easier to check this thread for the correct response.🍦🍿😃🌴🍧🍧🎂
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
46 Replies
09.23.23 2:53 AM
9 Participants