This is the next to last game in Trivia unless by some unseen something or other the game continues. Since they are not doing an accumulative score, I don’t see why we caonot have a score for the evening that we could try to beat on a weekly basis. The player, naturally, will keep a record of his/her’s score each week. It would be almost like playing the game with friends in your home.
Sunday, September 24th marks the Day of Atonement, the highest of all the Jewish Holidays. From Yahoo comes the following:
This year, it will be observed for more than 24 hours, beginning at sunset on Sept. 24 to when the stars are visible in the sky on Sept. 25. A solemn day marked by fasting and introspection, Yom Kippur is considered the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, said Rabbi Eric Eisenkramer of Temple B’nai Shalom, a Reform Judaism congregation in East Brunswick.
The holiday is a solemn one, dedicated to asking for forgiveness, introspection and how one can do better.
“This is the day when we really think about teshuvah or repentance, and that repentance is where we seek to go in a new direction in our lives for the new year,” Eisenkramer said. “And we seek to repair the mistakes and the misdeeds that we’ve committed. And those mistakes the rabbis have taught fall into two categories. For mistakes and misdeeds and wrongs that were committed against God, we fast and pray on Yom Kippur, and we atone for them through our prayer and fasting. But for misdeeds we commit against other people, Yom Kippur does not atone. We have to go out and approach them, apologize and seek forgiveness.”
We usually break our fast around 8pm the following day at our place of worship. Food usually consists of what a person would eat at breakfast along with coffee, tea, milk, soda and water.
This is our new beginning when we hope and pray that our names are inscribed in the Book of Life for another year. Hopefully, we have learned from our past mistakes and to continue along a new path where the sins of the past will not creep into our future.
Hello Arcadians! Happy Friday.
Oodie, glad to see you made it. -
Good Evening and may this be a nice evening for you and the family.
Goodnight and rest well. Trivia Players enjoy your evening and see all next week.
Great job hosting Oodie.
I am now going to call it a night. It has been a rough two days. I wish you a great first weekend in autumn. May you have warm days and cool nights. May the week ahead bring many smiles and until next Friday may you all have pleasant dreams.
Hi Tuti. Pumpkin needs a capital P
Apple is Apples. Hope this is the answer you are looking for.
Hi all Trivia players. It is a great Friday evening for trivia. We have rain forecasted, which I enjoy in the Fall.
Fall, always the time for vaccine visits. I had Flu vaccine on Wednesday @ my Doctor’s clinic. No side effects so far.
Today I got the RSV @ a CVS pharmacy, located in a Target store. Don’t know why, but BCBS would only cover if given in a pharmacy. So far, so good.
Looking forward (not really) to the arrivals of the updated COVID variant vaccine. Suppose to be available late September, early October.
Has anyone had any ill affects from the Fall vaccines?
Wishing good health to all!
Had my flu and shingles today….oooowwwie! I am not a woos either!
Covid in 2 weeks Not sure about the rsv yet -
Hello, I’m on the fence about the Covid Vax this year. Leaning towards skipping it.
Had the flu shot about 2 weeks ago and got a black and blue mark which never happened before. I’m a no to the rsv vax. It doesn’t sound like the general population needs it. -
yes….the wine definitely helps.
Harvest going great! hopefully finished by Halloween! -
Hi MzKatz, Skoal to you and may you have a successful harvest.
thank you Oodie!
Next Friday would have been my husbands 80th birthday. Going to celebrate it with my sons and family. Hope to be able to log on at some time.
Going to miss my time together with everyone.
Also, thank you for sharing your Jewish customs….love the traditions.
Much Love to everyone.
Cheers! -
Funny you should ask — haven’t received the new fall vaccines yet because I came down with Covid the day after working at our local Des Moines Kennel Club annual fall dog shows. Was there for three long days doing my volunteer stint and on Monday woke up to a raging sinus headache and extremely sore throat. That was on Monday. On Thursday with worsening symptoms took a Covid test which proved to be positive so have been secluded in the house for the last week and a half. Hope to get my vaccines next week but only time will tell since I don’t know how long I have to be “well” before they will administer the shots. Sigh.
obedjudge, Hope you feel better soon. Would you say your symptoms are mild? They say Covid is now more contagious but less severe.
obedjudge, all you need to do is inquire at one of the pharmacies or your physician. Both should know that answer.
obedjudge, after my first episode with Covid our physician recommended waiting at least 6 weeks. I do not know if that holds true now. I think I’ve had Covid twice, and one thing for sure, I do not want it ever again.
Hi Sanibel. So good to see you. Thought you forgot what day it was. Anyway I missed seeing you at the opening. Hope all is well. Temp in Florida is in the 70s and the humidity is low, I think, it’s in the 60s. Hope it lasts. For awhile anyway.
Sorry to hear about your husband’s choking episode. They are very scary for both the family and the individual. Maybe you need to carry a paring knife with you to cut up the apples into bite sized pieces. Because Men will be Men (no offense meant).
Sanibel, I learnt that lesson. Suffice to say the hard way. Not only will I be cutting them up in small pieces,, each will have a toothpick. But knowing my hubby, if hungry, he will probably pick up more than he can swallow. At least I will give it a try.
I hope he doesn’t break off a toothpick & ingest it. Another choking hazard.
Sorry, but I tend to be a worrywart.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
46 Replies
09.23.23 2:53 AM
9 Participants