Here are 3 more examples of how whoever is running Outspell is cheating
I just played Outspell again and two words that were allowed by the official scrabble dictionary were disallowed by whoever runs the computer game. They were zo and ze.
In the second game of Outspell, I checked with the official scrabble dictionary and found that oxer is an accepted word. Again, whoever is running the Outspell game disallowed that one, too.
On some occasions, the computer disallows my word, only to play a letter it wants to in the same place. Why is the game cheating?
I hear you loud and clear on this one. This game makes me laugh. I play common words that are spelled correctly all the time and it will tell me it’s not a word. I just shake my head and think to myself that they could have at least hired a designer for this game that could spell correctly.
Yes, you’re learning that that while there are similarities, this is not Scrabble. Outspell has its own rules, its own scoring, and its own dictionary.
It can be helpful to try words in the Word List. By doing so, you may see words you can use that you’ve never heard of before.
Hahaha. It’s own rules… of course it does. Don’t forget games are designed with psychological got you’s and what seem like glitches that purposely cause you to fail. Science shows the angrier you get the more you play. The angrier you get at what you see happening the more loss of control you have and that is when impulses will drive you into buying something before you calmly take your time and do some research on reviews or to clearly see what a return will cost you. Or simply you are feeling the loss the game is designed for and then buy something you don’t really need to fill up that low feeling. When you stop having fun stop playing. These games are conditioning you for loss of impulse control and you have caught on. Of course they are also designed to let you win big and often so you reward all that dopamine with buying yourself something usually expensive and that unchecked begins the cycle of game addiction. You can still have fun but don’t let the games set you up for spending. Probably cheaper to pay to play in some instances.
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Posted in HSN Arcade
4 Replies
12.07.22 1:51 PM
4 Participants