Hi everyone. I Hope you are ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Has anyone heard from Pookie? I do not know where she lives but I find it odd she hasn’t posted anything about South Florida’s building collapse . Sending prayers for all. <3
Hi Boot. I was thinking the same thing. Haven’t seen a post or a thread in months.
praying she is okay. I feel so sorry for all those searching for their loved ones. I would be going crazy. God Bless them all. ❤
Prayers up. 🌹 I can’t wrap my head how something like this could happen.
Hello in Texas. 🌹
Goodnight everyone, have a great week!
Good night everyone.
OODIEBOM thank you for hosting. Have a great weekend you and your husband.
Please be safe everybody. -
Is it that time already???? Where did the hours go????? Well, guess another night has gone. Before I leave, a special shout out to Frank, Luvsweets, Sami, Ms.Katz. I hope you are all well and staying safe. Please, everyone, continue to wear your masks when out and about. Social distance and keep your hands clean. There is still a virus out there and though most of us have been vaccinated, it is still better to be safe than sorry later. Take care of yourselves. See you next week at the same time and at the same place. Until then, pleasant dreams and good night.
It’s late here and luvsweets is out for a few, I hope! Thank you for the prayers and well wishes. They never could find out what caused the glands to swell up on one of our grandchildren. She went through torture and we are far away from them. Then our daughter had her yearly MM and now need a biopsy. My wife stress level is so high, she is shutting down. No ice cream or any of her favorite things to see interests her. Off and on, she is here for a few. She is a strong woman and what I see now, worries me. She loves you all and we believe! GOD bless you all! -
Hi John508. Children can feel sick one day and be fine the next. It could be anything. And then nothing. I am sure they needled him and took many samples. It could be anything from an allergy to something that happened just by being outside. Tell him to wear shoes when playing outdoors. It could be a bacteria infection and some physicians are not up on this. It’s trial and error. If he/she is OK now, just watch for the next six months. Hopefully, it is nothing.
On your daughter. The Mam is scary enough. A biopsy makes you so apprehensive. Last year both hubby and I had covid while on a cruise. About a month following covid we had our regular physical and all was fine. A few days later I had my regular Mam. They found something and did an ultra sound. The ultra sound showed a tumor that did not look like a regular tumor, but something quite different. I went for the biopsy and yes, I was scared to death. I hate to say what my blood pressure was that day. Anyway, it turned out to be benign. I had asked at that time if it could have been caused by Covid. “Definitely not,” said the radiologist. Could it have been scar tissue, Not sure. Now there is a cyst in that area that they are watching. This time I will get a second opinion if it looks like something else. Diet plays an important part. Stay away from soda (I enjoy soda water, and will make it a point to watch intake), coffee as well. Stay away from preservatives in food. Eat organic if possible.. Let me know how things turn out. I”m as concerned as you are. Tell luvsweets that she is not helping the situation by not eating, sleeping etc.. She needs to build up her strength and to get well for herself, you and your daughter.
I am taking medication and try not to mess up. I had my surgery, took longer then thought. Two days later one of my grandchildren was rushed to the ER and suffered unmanageable tests and then was flown to a children’s hospital. Then, one of my daughters has to have a biopsy! All I ask from you, who believe in miracles to pray. I am not healing, the stress is not helping. But this is not about me, it’s a child and her mother , who need all the prayers. Love you all!🙏❤️ -
Hi. I’m really happy that you were finally able to post. I saw your avatar on-line a couple of days ago and went immediately to last week’s Trivia thread. I surmise you were posting while I checked a few times. You certainly had some rough times this year. Please keep us posted on your grandchild. The unimaginable tests were probably because they needed more info for making the diagnosis. If your daughter has had Covid, chances are that may be one of the side affects. I will pray that both come out OK. Please keep us posted. Hopefully, we will have Trivia tonight instead of the broken record. Please join us if you are able and that goes for hubby also.
Dear lord I am so sorry for all you have endured. I was concern about your surgery
and I knew you were recovering. I believe in miracles and I will say a prayer. 🌹Oodiebom will be so please to see your post. 💕 I hope you, your husband and children
can weather this storm. I am in one too. 🌹 -
Sheba2011, luvsweets wants to send her love and her humble thank you to you. When she has strong storms to face, she kind of withdraws. It’s worrisome and thank you for caring. I hope, whatever you are facing, that shall pass too. My wife loves your pictures and your style. Talk to you soon!😴🙏💫
Thank you for such a nice post. 🌹💕Give your wife Luvsweets my best.
I will be praying for her I have been through a couple of biopsies and then
some. Please let us know how things are going. Believe me when I say you
and Luvsweets are on my mind. I know your wife from the Heidi Daus Thread
and she is so funny. Oodiebom will be so pleased to hear from you both.Have a nice Father’s Day. 🌹
Thank you for being a great Hostess for Trivia. 😘😎🌹
Good night to all the Trivia Players see you all next week. 😎
Good night FBN135 please take care. 🌹
Goodnight my friend, sleep well and sweet dreams. ♡♡♡
Ditto Velvet my friend…..Hang in there@@@
I guess that’s it for tonight.
Thank you Oodiebom for hosting.
Everyone have a great week.
ANNFEATHERKAT40, Congratulations to you.
ANNFEATHERKAT40 welcome to Friday Night Trivia. I hope you will no longer be a stranger here. We do laugh quite a bit and enjoy the gifs from FBN and Sheba. It’s a fun night even when Trivia is not working as it should.
How come the game isn’t working??? it keeps saying oops! Plus the Daily puzzle doesn’t work either and When is HSN going to tell us what browser to use since the old one is no longer available???? Adobe is gone…UGH….
In Chrome, sometimes the response slows or hangs. I click on the “…” in the upper right corner,
History, and Clear Browsing Data 3 times. Then I x the tab and close chrome. Then when I reopen HSN.com in Chrome, it resets everything and works. -
Sometimes when things aren’t working for me, I check to see if I’m signed in; even though I was signed in already, even minutes before, the system can kick you out–happens a lot. I know it’s elementary, but it is something to check and an easy fix.
By the way, congratulations on winning the Bose soundbar!
ANNFEATHER. Please have patience, From what I was told several months ago is that the Arcade Team/Tech Support are working on alternative plans and that we should be up and running sometime around June 21st. In the process of changing over, we will lose some games while new ones will be added an a replacement. I have no idea which games will be lost or what new games are coming on board. I hope this helps to answer that question.
“{Oops” occurs if you answered the question at some time or the spelling is incorrect or the answer is wrong. Sometimes it happens when you are late in answering. You have a half hour to come up with the correct response from the time the question is posted. I hope this helps to clarify the red OOPS.
Congrats on your huge win. 😂😃
Thank you! My Prize came today! Can’t wait to set it up! I’ve been playing for many years and it really feels good to Win!
They work for me in Chrome on my iPad Pro
OMG you won the Bose soundbar!!!!!
Congrats I think you won something. 🌹
Argan for 200 tickets
Good evening all. I see #1 trivia is back to baseball.
I was just outside trimming some trees brush sprouting in my flower bed. I’m very warm. It’s 87 degrees & 45% humidity. So it’s cooled down a little.
I just turned the A/C on in Florida. We try to keep the temp in the house 78 or higher and in the evening down to 75. The temp is set by the county to keep costs down as well as to keep the electric grid running.
Hi OODIEBOM, we have been in the 90’s with lots of humidity. It only rained one day, it’s so dry everywhere.
Same here xango. However, we have had absolutely no rain in months. Can only water plants on Fridays. Can wash windshield of car using sponge and small plastic container. Weatherman predicted ocean breezes. Nothing. Oh well, at least our homes have A/.C.
Cheers to doing the Friday Trivia Dance! 🍹😄
A good evening to you RosaTowwen.
Good evening, Oodiebom!
Oh yeah! 😘
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
69 Replies
06.25.21 5:49 PM
12 Participants