Hi everyone. I Hope you are ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
and same to you!!
Hi Velvet. Hope your back is better.
It’s tolerable today, thanks for asking. It will never be fully better unfortunately.
my friend…How are you doing?
Water logged, it poured all day today but other than that pretty good. How are things up north?
I do hope you are feeling better OZ got rain all of a sudden but back to heat tomorrow. 😎
We got a little reprieve from the heat today but back in the soil tomorrow. I am so over the billions of cicadas, they are everywhere and when it’s hot they’re deafening!
Velvet, come to Florida. None here. Well, at least, not in our back or front yard.
I’m not going anywhere that it’s 78°inside! That’s waaaaay too warm for me, I keep the a/c almost 10° cooler than that at night, lol. I would be very cranky. I am OK outside when it’s hot but I want the inside cool.
This is how I like to stay cool when out.🤣
Time to chill. 😜😘
Velvet, I am with you on that one. However, when the outside temp is in the 90s and above, it does feel real cool when you enter the home. I never thought I would enjoy the temp at 78 because I am used to 65 in our home up North. But, I guess I have gotten use to it. Our night time low used to be in the 50s. Now low 70s. On a cool night the temp goes downward on it’s own. I surmise in a couple of weeks when we are up North, the temp will again go to it’s usual temps. However, the good news is that those bugs will be leaving soon and the cycle will begin all over again. Meantime, I hope you have a great evening and a wonderful, cool week. If it rains in your area, we certainly could use a few droplets. See you next week. Stay well, stay safe.
Sheba, love it. Thanks for the laughs tonight. It helped. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Actually, alot.
Hi FBN. Another oldie but a goodie. You bring many smiles each week. 😎
Thanks…so do you…lol
Good Evening Sheba. Wouldn’t mind sticking a foot in the ocean waters, but I’m afraid it is now warmer than a bathtub at 90+ degrees. Temp today on the Gulf coast mid 90s with humidity and no ocean breezes as promised. At least the house has A/C and all is well.
Well, spring training is now over, but it is still the first question. Oh well, so what else is new????
Good Evening everyone….OODIEBOM, Sheba and Fbn135 Hello and happy Friday.
Hi xango. Hope all is well.
Hello, xango! 🌻
Hello Rosatowwen, how’s things across the nation? We are super hot with lots of humidity.
Cheers to doing the Friday Trivia Dance! 🍹😄
Oh yeah! 😘
A good evening to you RosaTowwen.
Good evening, Oodiebom!
Good evening all. I see #1 trivia is back to baseball.
I was just outside trimming some trees brush sprouting in my flower bed. I’m very warm. It’s 87 degrees & 45% humidity. So it’s cooled down a little.
I just turned the A/C on in Florida. We try to keep the temp in the house 78 or higher and in the evening down to 75. The temp is set by the county to keep costs down as well as to keep the electric grid running.
Hi OODIEBOM, we have been in the 90’s with lots of humidity. It only rained one day, it’s so dry everywhere.
Same here xango. However, we have had absolutely no rain in months. Can only water plants on Fridays. Can wash windshield of car using sponge and small plastic container. Weatherman predicted ocean breezes. Nothing. Oh well, at least our homes have A/.C.
Argan for 200 tickets
How come the game isn’t working??? it keeps saying oops! Plus the Daily puzzle doesn’t work either and When is HSN going to tell us what browser to use since the old one is no longer available???? Adobe is gone…UGH….
Congrats I think you won something. 🌹
OMG you won the Bose soundbar!!!!!
They work for me in Chrome on my iPad Pro
ANNFEATHER. Please have patience, From what I was told several months ago is that the Arcade Team/Tech Support are working on alternative plans and that we should be up and running sometime around June 21st. In the process of changing over, we will lose some games while new ones will be added an a replacement. I have no idea which games will be lost or what new games are coming on board. I hope this helps to answer that question.
“{Oops” occurs if you answered the question at some time or the spelling is incorrect or the answer is wrong. Sometimes it happens when you are late in answering. You have a half hour to come up with the correct response from the time the question is posted. I hope this helps to clarify the red OOPS.
Congrats on your huge win. 😂😃
Thank you! My Prize came today! Can’t wait to set it up! I’ve been playing for many years and it really feels good to Win!
Sometimes when things aren’t working for me, I check to see if I’m signed in; even though I was signed in already, even minutes before, the system can kick you out–happens a lot. I know it’s elementary, but it is something to check and an easy fix.
By the way, congratulations on winning the Bose soundbar!
In Chrome, sometimes the response slows or hangs. I click on the “…” in the upper right corner,
History, and Clear Browsing Data 3 times. Then I x the tab and close chrome. Then when I reopen HSN.com in Chrome, it resets everything and works.
ANNFEATHERKAT40 welcome to Friday Night Trivia. I hope you will no longer be a stranger here. We do laugh quite a bit and enjoy the gifs from FBN and Sheba. It’s a fun night even when Trivia is not working as it should.
ANNFEATHERKAT40, Congratulations to you.
I guess that’s it for tonight.
Thank you Oodiebom for hosting.
Everyone have a great week.
Goodnight my friend, sleep well and sweet dreams. ♡♡♡
Ditto Velvet my friend…..Hang in there@@@
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
69 Replies
06.25.21 5:49 PM
12 Participants