I hope you are ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Well when life gives you lemons make lemonade. ✨
It has starting to drizzle here. Luckily since my visit from Xfinity, my internet has increased reliability.
There are website issues that they haven’t been able to correct for several weeks now. When all was working, the status on ordered items would change to Shipped after delivery, it would change to Delivered. Now it remains at Shipped. So, if you want to access the Return Options, you have to call Customer Service. I imagine the Friday Trivia is the lowest priority.
Update on hubby: Had the visiting nurse today. New meds which includes pills for sugar twice per day. I will check with the physician Monday to see if that med is needed. Lots of questions were asked and he was able to answer all without hesitation. The mind is definitely getting there as well as the short term memory. He will have a visiting nurse once per week for a month. He will also be getting Physical and Occupational Therapy. Those days have not been decided as yet. I felt good about the interview. Hubby has come a long way since the episode started five weeks ago today. He also began walking without the use of the walker and wheel chair. Though no where near perfect, it was good to see him try and smile at the outcome.
So happy for you that things are progressing for your hubby. Like I have said before Little steps. They mean everything❣
Your husband’s meds is one of them Metformin ER 500 mg.? You can call your pharmacy
and they can give you a lot of information on his meds as far as is this being the right combination
for him well that would be his Physician.Oodie I think you and hubby got this come what may. ✨
Yes, Sheba, it is Metforim. It was either started at the Hospital and if not, the rehab. I will let him stay on the meds as long as he is being tested for sugar. However, as you know, I am a fan of the book, “Wheat Belly.” It has worked and unfortunately, I’ve been laxed. Both of us will go on the diet and will see what happens. Last time he was up in sugar and within six weeks he was down and by the time of our doctor’s appointment he was almost at a normal area. Oops. have to close now. thundering and lighning are in the area.
GREAT NEWS! With all that is going on, it’s very nice to hear.
Sorry I am Late….Oldie
Good evening to you glad you could make it now if we just had a question. ✨😜
What’s a question?..
Too funny!!
It’s been a long day and a long time since anything has come up. ✨😎
Would you like a cool Beer?
Sure would…thanks…
“You’re late, You’re late for that important date.” But, as the oldie goes, better late than not at all.
Oops, we are getting another thunder storm……….May have to close down for a few.
Nice to have you back OODIE.
If they drop the Arcade there will be many unhappy customers. I think most play and shop at the same time. It would be a shame to let it go under the rug. They are losing many because of pricing, shipping costs, etc. etc.
How lucky can we be — the infamous “spring training” question again! Of course, by now, everyone knows the answer is baseball but you can’t get any points for that since a reply pops up that you’ve already gotten your 200 points for that response. Oh well, coupled with the lack of items to enter your points for on the bidding page for prizes what else could we expect. I’m wondering how long before they drop us entirely!
Hi Everyone!
I see we are starting out with the same ol’ same ol’ (darn)!
Big wildfire here. Pretty close to our house…just across the lake. Started last Sunday..human caused 😡 A little over 10,000 acres. Such a pristine area here in the mountains. Sad. Lots of hard workers working to protect our little town. Bless their hearts ❣❣❣-
Thank you Sheba…I pray for California too….I am in Washington state so say a little prayer for us as well 💕
My bad I was thinking you lived California so many here are from Cali.
I hope you see this if not I will re-post my family all live in Colorado and they
have fires there my mother lives there and all my siblings and their families.Prayers for all affected by these fires. ✨
Looks like the Northeast will be getting some much needed rain thanks to Henri. I will certainly be watching since our home is in it’s path.
Heat and humidity are up there here too. It felt like rain when I was out earlier. Very dry for most of the week here. Continued warnings about ideal conditions for fires.
Thank you Sheba…love to be here!
Hi from me also. Hope all is well with you.
Good to see you too Oodie (well sorta!) Hope your hubby is doing well.
Sheba, the dragon fruit is absolutely beautiful. Very sweet. Having it in a salad.
You know I am jelly. 😜 it is delicious and if you really read up on it it is good
for lowering your sugar. Lucky you I cannot find it in OZ yet. As they say tomorrow is
another day. 😎 -
Just when you think the game will start with a real Trivia question, you get stuck with baseball again and again.
Hi Sanibel. Hope you are having a nice evening. It is clear for now but the humidity and temps are up there. Had a boisterous thunderstorm about an hour or so ago. Didn’t touch the temps or the humidity. Oh well.
Good evening Oodiebom and all trivia players.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
63 Replies
08.27.21 8:14 PM
9 Participants