Hi Everyone. We are now in Florida and I can honestly say that “there is no place like home.” We were very fortunate that on our way North that there was a paramedic a few doors down from our motel room taking care of another individual when Mr. Oodie took ill. He was initially being looked at for severe dehydration. The hospital did do a couple of CAT scans and x-rays of his lower back and spine and an ultrasound on his knees. He had water on the knees with severe arthritis. At first the CAT scan showed everything was fine, but a second look proved otherwise. Seems hubby suffered a minor stroke on the lower left side. The place it occurred is seldom seen for strokes. However, for a few months now, he has shown a short term memory loss which doctors suspect is due to having COVID last year. They expect nothing less than a full recovery, though it will take time and perseverance. That being said, tonight is game night. So
I hope you are ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
This is hilarious 😂
Oh my. I’m exhausted just watching this. 😂
FBN that is absolutely the best one yet. Kudos to you……and if it’s an oldie, I do not remember this one. 😀😀
What a party! 🤪
everyone…It is a oldie…lol
Welcome back, Oodie. Good evening to all trivia fans & we start out with a real question again. 😀
88 is the answer.
Thanks so much for hosting while I was in Savannah and Richmond Hills, Georgia. What should have been one Friday night away turned out to be at least four. The support from everyone here was amazing and so appreciated. You all cannot imagine how I felt hearing from you and bringing a smile to my face that lasted all week and then some.
I will be back and forth for a few minutes. Need to unload the van of groceries.
Take it slow in the heat…
I’ve never driven a van. Kudos to you for meeting the challenge.
Sanibel, it was so easy. Yet, for some reason, I made a mountain out of that molehill. I had a very smooth ride and it was easy to go from reverse to drive. Worked just like my Elantra, only bigger. But, it didn’t feel big once behind the wheel. Guess, when hubby wants to drive we will be fighting each other for that seat.
Wow, allergies are crazy right now. I checked the Pollen app, we are at Medium High. Wouldn’t you know it, I ran out of the good allergy med. I will have to run to the store tomorrow.
Good Evening everyone. Welcome back to hosting Oobiebom.
Hello to Sheba, Sanibelsheller, fbn135 and Rosatowwen.
Fbn135, that’s just too funny. Since I am a short person, I like to be the Giraffe.-
I’m short too. I’m the devil, as I’m not big on exercising. 😊
Hi xango. It’s not too bad on the Gulf Coast this evening. We had rain this afternoon, but no lightning or thunder. Looks like we all will be dodging those raindrops all weekend long.
OODIEBOM, Its been so hot here. And then there is a wind, and heat that drys out everything so fast. Every two days my hibiscus needs watering, the leaves become wrinkled and dry. When ever it rains, it just gets the leaves but not in side the pots . I have two very large pots against the house in the front. The other day on of the was full of buds, but it gets so dry and they have not opened up.
xango, looks like things did a turn around this year. If I remember correctly, last year I kept asking you to send those drops to us if possible. Now those drops are coming and before I have a chance they make a high dive to the Gulf. Go figure.
Good evening and hello to Oodiebom, Sheba, Sanibel, fbn, xango, and all other trivia players 😃
Good Evening Girls,
Oz is cooling down for a moment last night all hades broke out with storms that lasted
for hours. Enjoy the evening. ✨😎Your choice sugar or Manuka Honey. ✨
Mmm-manuka honey, please 😋
I’ll try that manuka honey one!😄
Finally made it here, but can’t find the question(s), of course.😩
What was the first question, please??
How many keys on a piano?
However, they are back to the Spring Training question from months ago. They have been introducing one or two new questions a week–then it reverts back to the same baseball question. (Each question period is only open for 30 min. and you only get credit once for each correct answer and no penalty for any wrong answers.) -
Oh, the questions are found on the REWARDS STORE tab, located right above your sign-in, between GAMES and COMMUNITY.
HI DEFG. In the Arcade, the questions are found in the Rewards Store. Just mouse on the Rewards Store and you will see the question above the bissell and the watch now programming. To answer the question, just mouse on answer now. Next question is at 10 pm.
Good evening to you RosaTowwen.
That is a lot to deal with regarding your husband’s health–really scary and challenging, and also better news than what could have happened. Your head must be spinning–not to mention what your heart is going through. Much love to you and him, and I’m so glad you’re home safely now! ❤️❤️
The only thing that has me spinning right now are the meds. I will try to speak with the pharmacist tomorrow. She was so nice last week. Gave me the meds at that point and said whether they were morning or night. I was OK until today.
Glad to hear you have some nice people to deal with. You have a lot on your plate. Take care!
Hello Rosatowwen, we got some rain yesterday, not much but it give everything a drink of water. It thunder so loud, at one point it sounded like an explosion, then it shower. All that noise and just two medium sized showers.
Good that there is some water for your garden, and some cooling. I guess all that thunderous activity is often related to summer storms? We don’t get summer rain in southern California, so I wouldn’t know.
It’s different on the rewards store. They have 3 alternate entries for Game of the Week. I don’t remember seeing this before.
I am caffeinated. I tried Coke with coffee. Yum, but I wonder if I’ll be able to sleep tonight.
FDA gave approval today for the immunocompromised to receive a COVID-19 booster. Unfortunately, my clinic hasn’t addressed boosters yet.
Things are changing so quickly on the Covid front, it takes a little bit for people to catch up. Hopefully it happens really fast for the boosters.
SanibelShelle, oh may coca cola and coffee. Besides keeping you up at night, that’s not good for your heart.
Last week must have been a fluke. We are again stuck on baseball.
Is it just me or were there only two questions on the whole game? I answered two of them, missed the first one. Then no more questions arose.???? Yes, Im new to this! First time. Stuck on baseball question that never changed.
@SHRP123456 Welcome to the Friday night Trivia game and chat. Unfortunately Trivia night questions haven’t been the same as prior to the pandemic. We had lots of questions last week, this week only two . And mostly the Spring training question comes up every week. But you can only receive points once only. Hope to see you here next week.
Hi Sheba! I’m late! Did I miss anything?? Super smoky here in Eastern Washington…fires from BC and Oregon. Stinky too! But I will survive! In the 100’s until Monday.
Good evening MzKatz. I am glad that you are OK. I suggest you wear your mask when out and about. At least that will keep you safe, I hope. I think you need some rain to dampen those fires. Hopefully, some new life will spring from all this deluge.
Hi Odie! We need rain so bad! Almost 3 months without. Grapes are ok as they like a dry climate but this might be a bit of a stretch! At least no fires in our area! Hope you and hubby are doing ok. Yesterday was anniversary #49…hard day for me. But lots of support 💘
Mask is my second best friend next to my kitty Paula!
That is what I was concerned about your anniversary I know your birthday was last
month. I hope you have family and thank goodness you have support. ✨Your husband will always be in your heart. 💕🌹
😘 Thank you!
MzKatz, Great you had support to get through the moments. That way you are not really alone
So glad to hear that you’re ok. Must be super smoky, because some of it made it all the way down the coast. What an awful situation with so many fires burning for so long!
So sorry! Blame Canada! Not really…I love my Canadian friends!
lol, me too! 😷🥰
Thank you, Oodie for hosting.
Good night all. My Target Drive-up order is complete with my allergy pills, so have to run before they close.
Have a safe, healthy week and see you all here next week.
Hope you feel better Sanibel. Have a great evening and a better tomorrow. See you next week. May you have pleasant dreams.
Thank you for hosting and I know you are tired. Sleep well. I have a bad sinus headache
I went outside tonight with Poppy and my sinuses are acting up. No worries I have my
meds and I will take a nice Korres Shower. ✨To all Trivia Players please listen to Oodie and all and mask up. Keep your hands clean.
See you all next week and stay safe and cool. ✨😘😎
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
63 Replies
08.14.21 3:22 AM
9 Participants