Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Good Afternoon All:
Last night after saying good night I decided to take Pookie’s advice and contact customer service. I did this through the Arcade area and explained that we were all disappointed that our Trivia game on Friday, September 18th, 2020 between the hours of 8 pm and 11 pm did not happen. I also suggested that when things cannot come together for our game, that maybe a banner in the Arcade area would be most helpful. We would all be saddened by this, but we would have a choice of continuing our chat or to call it an evening. I also mentioned that double or triple points on some of the questions would be helpful. I received the following response:
HSN Customer Service
2:09 PM (18 minutes ago)
to meHello
I m sorry there was no Trivia game presented on Friday evening. I have forwarded your concerns to my leadership team on your behalf, so that they are aware of the disappointment that you experienced. We have an entire team dedicated to comments and concerns of our valued customers. I assure you that your voice will be heard.
I hope this information was helpful. Stay safe and healthy. Have a wonderful day and thank you for contacting HSN.
hsn.com Customer ServiceSo, now, it will be a wait and see. Hoping that someone from the Arcade Team will either respond or start making our game night better. I will also mention the double words that come together on another post. I wanted to deal with this first. Hope you all enjoy the weekend and the week ahead. Stay safe.
Thanks so much for following up on that. Those were good suggestions (such as the banner to notify us). As for the doublewordproblem . . . If that’s all we have to deal with, not a big deal/easy fix.
Good night to all the trivia people who faithfully showed up and I hope to see you here next week, where hopefully we can play trivia together and chat. Thank you, to our wonderful host, Oodiebom; I hope your week goes well though you seem to be surrounded by stormy weather.
I have my umbrella and so far the wind has not blown it away. Have a great evening and a better tomorrow. Good night and pleasant dreams.
I think I will also call it a night. Have a nice evening, and until next week, pleasant dreams.
@oodiebom Goodnight and to all the Trivia Players see you next week.
Please all stay safe.
Prayers for RBG.
Good night, Sheba. I hope you have a good week.
Goodnight I hope you have a great night and weekend. 😘🌹
Good night Sheba. Try to have a better evening. Meanwhile see you next week, same place, same time. Pleasant dreams.
I feel exactly like you do. I will give Ruth credit she left on the New Year. I am just
going to miss her. I hate cancer.
I have to say Good Night, no Trivia, Arcade is slow, and I am hungry. Going to make me a sandwich and that will be my dinner.
Wishing everyone great week, can’t believe September is half gone already.
Good Night.
PS, OODIEBOM, it’s not the same company for the Raw milk. They don’t deliver where I am at.-
Good night, xango. Stay safe.
Good night xango. have a great evening and a better tomorrow. See you next week. Pleasant dreams.
I am getting double tickets on majongg dimensions.
TailororKSt, I think what xango have stated that the double tickets seems to be on the regular game of majjong dimensions when it should be on the game of the week which is majjong dark dimensions. They are not really the same game. You will see the difference as soon as you try the game.
Pizza Time, Sicilian Style, Have some.😊
I’ve got to go, I forgot to eat dinner, hope everything gets worked out. 🙃
I haven’t had pizza in forever Pookie and I love Sicilian pizza. Also love black olives on pizza, especially with pepperoni and mushrooms.
Love the pizza. Thanks pookie. It will go nice with the salad I have with NE shrimp.
I give uo!!!
Everyone…C U next week!!
Sweet dreams my friend. ♡
Why does this remind me of Edward R Murrow…….
Love it FBN, but you should have the one where you clap your hands and the lights go out…….
Well the game of the week Mahjongg Dark Dimensions is not giving double tickets. But the Mahjongg Dimensions is, and that one is not listed as game of the week.
Is it my imagination, the game of the week has not changed the community page. Also in Arcade, not providing double tickets for the game of the week.
xango, I wouldn’t know about the double tickets, since my online name is missing at the top.
Is my imagination, the game of the week has not chin the community page. Also in Arcade, not providing double tickets for the game of the week.
Love the cats tonight, fbn and pookie123, and that drink looks so-ooo refreshing, Sheba! 🙂
You are so welcome. I am a little rattled tonight. I hope you have a good weekend.
Thank you Rosa. 😻
Just passing time. 🙃
Pookie that kitty is absolutely cute. I remember him/her from another post.
How are you on the East coast????
Hi OOdie, I’m okay, just dealing with this Covid thing. It really is frightening. I was out today with my mask and gloves and face shield. It was around 100 degrees with total humidity. I was melting. I had to meet with my Aunt, outside, halfway through the meeting I was soaking wet, perspiration was even running down my arms from the rubber gloves, everything takes ten times longer to accomplish. Just thankful we are both okay, so far.
pookie, I know the feeling. I do not know if the gloves work as well as washing your hands. When marketing you can pick up a veggie or a fruit and if someone prior to you also picked up the same item and has Covid 19, then the virus is on your gloves and you are passing it on to others as well. Wearing a mask for a few hours is not my cup of tea, but I do it anyway, though there are times when breathing is difficult because of the humidity here in Florida. Still have not been to a restaurant or gone retail shopping since this thing began. Guess marketing is the only time we get out for a couple of hours. Both hubby and I had the virus. Neither of us wants to experience it ever again.
I forgot to mention that you should also carry water with you. You do not want to get dehydrated. If you do not like lugging it around there are holders for water bottles with a long strap that you can wear over the shoulder.
justice ruth was and still is a magnificent role model for all women!!!!!!
Agreed mama245.
Still nothing but I won’t give up until after 9:30 because it’s appeared then in the past.
What is happening to HSN? Many not getting prizes that were won, no follow-up/communication from representatives, trivia night forgotten, etc. Surely, someone at HSN is aware of these problems!
Hi durkster and welcome to trivia. Reading Pookie’s post I think answers a few questions. The Mods at one time were able to check most of the posts on each thread. But with the pandemic, times have changed. Seems most are now working from home which makes it a bit more difficult to answer or to check on things such as Trivia. I did send an e-mail and unfortunately was not able to “chat.” I know it’s disappointing not to have this game up and running. I, for one, look forward to Friday nights for a couple of hours of fun and getting away from doing household chores. I also realize how relaxing the two and a half hours are. I’m almost human (whatever that is LOL). by the time it comes to an end. This could be because someone thought another person was taking care of this. Meanwhile, you are truly welcome to join in our conversations.
Thanks, OODIEBOM; I, too, enjoy the trivia on fridays. Hope the techs, or whoever is over the arcade, can get things worked out.
OOdie, I bumped up the Thread that had all the info I found about HSN. You can find it under the What’s Up With NAN thread, just under this thread.
Thanks pookie, I’ll take a peek.
Hi durkster. I’m going to bump up the Thread I posted what’s happening to HSN on.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
98 Replies
09.26.20 12:51 AM
15 Participants