The ghosts and goblins are out. The candy and other treats are by the door. Yeh, it’s that day, that comes around once a year. And, because it’s Friday
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
purrrrrrfecto, pookie….
I keep missing the questions. If I am on here I can’t get back to the Arcade. If I hang out at the Arcade and wait for the question to change, it doesn’t change. I have to go out of the Arcade and come back in again, so I am late in getting to it. BOO.
Now, I don’t feel so left out. Took me over 30 minutes to get back here!
We all have been there at one time or another. We are here to not only to help, but to take your mind off of other things during the questions. Some of us do stay on after the last question. We do have fun here.
I use 2 different browsers…one here…one in the arcade….
That is way above my pay grade fbn, but thanks anyway.
Thank you too OOdie. 🎈🎃🎈
Another suggestion, Pookie is if you have Windows on your computer, you can use Microsoft Edge as one browser and then you can download Google Chrome for the other. That will give you two browsers on one computer. I just mentioned the same thing to John above.
Use Edge foe one and Chrome for another….
I just saw your post and I said the same thing. Oh well, guess two minds really do think alike.
Pookie, I have the same problem. The way to avoid it is to return tho the HSN web page and then wait a few secs, then mouse on the Arcade. It should bring you in almost immediately. The question for 9:30 pm should still be available. Give it another try.
Thank you for saving me going bonkers!
john508, as you can tell we are a fun group. This is something we look forward to every week. If you are up to it, read pookie’s Halloween story. It brings out the kid in all of us. And, if you are new to Community, her story is the way the HSN Community used to be.
My wife used to love being involved with the HSN community and I couldn’t get her off the computer. Things changed a lot! We are still hanging in there!
Grant you, John, the Community is not what it used to be. Some of us are trying real hard to bring it back. Whatever you do, do not lose hope. As you can tell I am in sunny Florida, but I do have a home in the Northeast. Hubby and I have been trying to return there since the middle of May but because of what is going on we have been unable to move from point A to point B.
I grew up in Florida and miss the beach. Now, I am a little further up and been inside more often then I like. My wife had surgery and can’t get sick! What’s important, we are here and having fun. Many can’t say that and with thanksgiving around, I am very grateful for the little blessings!😇
Hate to say this, neither of us has been to the beach since we returned from the North one week before Thanksgiving last year. Wish your wife well for me. Stay safe.
Sorry, for being gone! I had a heck of a time to come back here! Something I said? Thank you for all your help and you all sound like fun. If I vanish, they threw away the key . I thought Halloween is tomorrow!🤣
john, sometimes you have to clean the history area or you can try going through the hsn website again. When there is a lot of traffic, it takes forever to get back in. Or, you can try two browsers. That does not mean necessarily two computers. If you have Windows, you may only have one browser. However, you can add another like google chrome and that way you can flip between both.
Are you having fun yet????????
Good Evening rockee721. Hope you are enjoying the game tonight.
I want to make it perfectly clear to HSN, I am not a robot.
Good Evening everyone, I hope everyone had a good week.
Good evening xango and before I forget, thanks for the showers yesterday. And finally, no humidity, no 95+++++.
OODIEBOM, Looks like the temperature is finally coming out of the nineties. We had a small shower last night, I think it will be slowing down with all the rains. The full moon is beautiful, it was so light I could seee hole back yard.
I noticed that last night. Thought neighbors had their lights on. What a beautiful evening it was.
Where’s Velvet?
pookie, she’s up above.
Now she’s on the last page. 🙃
Thank you. Have a nice evening!
Welcome to trivia night john508. Glad we were happy to help with the answers.
You are rocking with some of the answers!
Glad to hear that. It’s one of the reasons we are here. The other is just to get together during the evening, though this post does stay open for the rest of the week in case someone wants to say Hi or has a question.
So, this is the reason my wife tells me, she is eating a “vegetable “!🤣
Thanks for the answer! 😀
Good evening RosaTowwen. You were missed last week. Everything OK in CA?
Yes, thank you for asking! I had errands, and the three bank branches closest to me closed, so I had to go a little further to find a bank for a deposit. All the banks close to me have closed “temporarily” and I have just started to notice that some of the other usual places that I used to frequent have closed as well. I don’t hardly ever leave my house, so I didn’t know the extent of the closed businesses. It’s so sad. I hope everything is well with you.
Hi Rosa, most of the Banks in my neck of the woods ask us to use on line banking or you can do some banking over the phone. The Banks here are open but have less days and hours now. It is sad when you do have to go out.🧡
Thanks, Pookie. I had to make a deposit of cash to cover some bills, so this time I needed to go in person. I do most of my banking online and most of my bill paying automatic as well. It sure saves a lot of hassle. Your animations have added some more fun to our trivia corner and are enjoyed very much. 👏 🙂
Everything is fine with both of us. Still in Florida. Actually, truth be told, we feel safer staying here than flying or driving. Will wait for things to quiet down before we make a decision. Sorry to hear that the banks closed temporarily. Cannot blame them with everything that is going on in your neck of the woods. We are hoping pipman is OK. Guess retirement makes him busier than when he was a working person.
Hello, Sheba! I am loving your illustrations, as always! 😀
To All Trivia Players. 😎
Hello and Happy Halloween pookie, tutl, izzy27. and sanibel. Welcome Izzy.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
124 Replies
11.01.20 1:18 AM
13 Participants