Friday Night Trivia, October 25, 2019
Good Evening All. Trivia will be starting within 8 minutes. For all the newcomers, you do not need a code to play the game. All you do is enter the Arcade and then just above the “Game of the Week,” you will see “Rewards Store.” Click on the Rewards Store and the questions will be posted near the top, probably next to the REWARDS STORE in Blue Letters. All questions are posted for thirty minutes, so you will need to have the correct response within that time limit. Questions are worth 200 tickets each and can be used in the Rewards Store to try to win one of the sweepstakes. To answer the questions, there is an “answer” area in black to enter your response. Just mouse and click the word answer. If incorrect, you will see a red “OOPS. So, before you tear your hair out, get nervous, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be glad to help. Join us for light conversation, or whatever. Most of all, it is a fun evening and one we all look forward to each week on Fridays.
Last week you mentioned the book Wheat Belly by Dr. Davis. I looked it up and there is a revised version coming out in December, so I added it to a wish list. It looks to have some interesting concepts. The other was by Perlmutter…that is interesting too but could see that the diet was going to be a huge challenge.
It is a difficult diet. However, you have lost a few pounds and there is a plan in the book to help you gain. The diet really works on your sugar. My husband’s sugar was in the mid 150s and within four months it was between 115-120. Consequently he didn’t need meds. We go back on the diet just before we leave for Fl. and will remain on it until we head North.. For some reason ‘ll the bread and other carbs in Fl. Contain cornstarch and corn syrup. We do not see this in the Northeast.
Interesting. I could probably find it within the LA County library system but will just wait until it comes out.
The readings have dropped; 7 day average 96, 14 day 99, 30 day 101. When I got home at 6P it was 79. I’ve yet to determine what may make it spike but I have continued to dine in only, no sugar and no white/processed stuff.
Got blood orders from the doc today. Retesting the A1C and a general panel.
I think you are on the right path.
1,629 calories per 1 pound of candy corn. That is a lot of calories.
Maybe that’s what I need to gain weight!
Of course, the blood sugar would be very unhappy.
Yikes!!!! It’s a good thing that I gave up sugar years ago.
Good Evening.
Thank you and I appreciate you always being here and with the rest of the group. I missed out on some fun. Hope all is well.
Good Evening all, hope you all had a good week. And now you can have some fun too.
Hi xango. How’s the arm doing?
@ OODIEBOM, Hello there, arm is coming along. However I manage to hurt my knee and leg cleaning the bathroom and the house. Well I should have known better, anyone have a pill to turn back the years?
The same story of my life. Try Excedrin. It worked for me. I think we should check around Florida for that “Fountain of Youth.” It has to be around somewhere.
OODIEBOM, agree it should be here, perhaps in St. Augustine! I sure like a tall glass of it.
Put me in for some of those Wonder pills too!
Hi SanibelSheller, wouldn’t be wonderful if we had something like that. Well might be wishful thinking but, who knows maybe in the long future. About one hundred or two years from now.
Good evening everyone! Hope it was a good week for all!
Welcome Gabbie. Great week, though, it went too fast.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
73 Replies
10.30.19 4:48 PM
8 Participants