Where did the week go???? Never mind the week, the month of October. Cannot believe that next week is Halloween…..Oh well, as the saying goes
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
I always remember that because it is where Nadia Comaneci is from.
The Young and the Restless is based on Nadia as well. Great backstory.
I’ve always loved the theme song.Good Evening. 😘🌹
Wow, really? I had no idea. How are you doing?
The Young and The Restless is my mom favorite show.
I’ve always known about the song that is based on Nadia. 😘
I am doing alright I have a lot of appts. coming up as it will be one year.
I have had one heck of a year I am so ready to move on.
works in l/c letters too.
Pookie, do you know how Nettea is doing?
Hi OOdie, the last time I spoke to Nettea she was doing well. She said she feels strong, has a good appetite, and goes for walks with her dog. Nettea also said that she is not in any pain. The only problem she has is when she wears something that presses on her waist it hurts because of the tumors in her stomach. Nettea is an incredibly strong woman in so many ways, she has had a long and interesting life. Right now she is enjoying watching Netflix. Nettea is always upbeat and loves a good laugh. Not much to laugh about these days, but we always find something to giggle over.🧡
Pookie, thanks for the update on Nettea. You are correct, she’s a very strong woman. Please let her know I’m thinking about her and will keep her in my prayers. Is her son still nearby?
Nettea sold her home and moved in with one of her sons and his wife. It is a duplex, and Nettea has the ground floor. She is still in the Country and UpState New York. Her son built a run for her dog and cats. She still loves to go on walks in the Countryside. I’m afraid there isn’t going to be a miracle or remission for Nettea, she has been taken off all treatments. Nettea was planning on going on a trip to England to visit one of her Sisters but Covid put an end to those plans. I always tell Nettea that everyone is asking for her when I talk to her. One of her favorite memories from the JPA Thread was when we had a Disney Costume Party and she played the part of Tinkerbell. 🧡
Pookie, please, when you hear from her, please say hi from me if you remember. I hope there is some miracle in her future that will put her into remission. She is such a lovely person. Thanks for the update. I miss hearing from her and seeing all the snow in the Catskills. That area used to be a place my husband used to go to for mini awaycations. Beautiful country.
Thank you for the info. Greatly appreciated. I did leave a post for you it is now on
the second page.I will keep Nettea in my prayers.
Good question I would like to know how she is doing as well.
God be with her. I miss her so much. 🌹 -
Sheba, Nettea was in a class with me a number of years ago with HSN. At the time she had several dogs and lived in the Catskills. Using this thread we used to talk to one another several times a week until the ownership changed and we were not able to access the mail area. I know she isn’t well and hope for some sort of miracle. I just hope she is OK.
I had the pleasure to write to her on the Jewel Thread. I know she is from England and has
a son.We had some fun in the morning she loved her English Breakfast. 😘
Sheba, I am now wondering if she is in England. I did not know she had a son. Oh, how I hope she is doing alright.
Good evening rockee
Ireland? Who knew?!?! 😂
I’m Irish, I can do Irish. Hi Velvet, Hi OOdie, Hi fbn, Hi Everyone.☘
And a great storyteller you are. Glad to see Fred came along.
Freeeeeed, it’s great to see you!
Check him out on the Pumpkin Party thread, he has pumpkin carved rabbits all over the place.🎃
Hi Velve. Great to see you.
You too Oodie and everyone else as well.
Ireland for 200 tickets
Hi conniesue, glad we could help.
Good Evening everyone, Happy Friday I hope you all are well. Let’s play and get our minds off this madness around us.
Hi xango. A nice, somewhat windy day in Florida. I’m doing my happy dance. We had some real, nice, lengthy showers the last few days. I think the plants and bushes are happy.
OODIEBOM, yes a nice windy breeze here too. It’s been pleasant and not too hot.
It’s been a long, painful and busy 10 days since my procedure. It looks like I will have to do the second part in about 2 weeks. It feels good to stretch out at night, it’s sitting or standing in one place that’s excruciating. As a bonus I got food poisoning last week! 🙁 Fun times. LOL
I sure hope the good part gets better and the bad part goes away my friend. Plwase hang in there and stay safe…
I’m placating myself with warm pecan rolls! The weather has been super warm this week which is great but we have had awful fog the last 3 mornings.
Oh Velvet, I had no idea that you weren’t doing well. I do hope you are much better now and will make a quick recovery. Food poisoning, how terrible. You take it easy and please be careful.💗💗💗
Thanks Pookie, I was so miserable for 3 days. It’s all gone now TG!
Oh, Velve, I didn’t know. Food poisoning is the pits especially after a procedure. Hope you are feeling better. Please, whatever you do, don’t eat all the candy in one heap. Save some for next week. 🙂
It really is Oddie, I get weak and queasy just thinking about it.
So cool landing on the Meteor, fbn.👍
Well, we could golf………
Another good one by none other than FBN. Good evening to you
Love this Sheba.🎃
Sheba, the punch is awesome…….
Happy trivia night to all.
Hi Sanibel. Hope you are feeling better.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
76 Replies
10.24.20 3:27 AM
11 Participants