Friday Night Trivia, November 8, 2019
Good Evening All and welcome to WINTER. Trivia will be starting within 20 minutes. For all the newcomers, the game can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. The questions are posted next to the REWARDS STORE in Blue Letters. All questions are posted for thirty minutes, so you will need to have the correct response within that time limit. Questions are worth 200 tickets each and can be used in the Rewards Store to try to win one of the sweepstakes. To answer the questions, there is an “answer” area in black to enter your response. Just mouse and click the word answer. If incorrect, you will see a red “OOPS. So, before you tear your hair out, get nervous, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be glad to help. Join us for light conversation, or whatever.
Cute !!!!!
Good Evening and we are cold here in OZ. Stay warm and toasty tonight.
Everyone who play Trivia Good Evening. 🙂
Very nice Gif good evening. 🙂
BRRRRRRRRRRRR It’s freezing in the Northeast also.
Good Eve to you…
I love it when you do that image. 🙂
Good Evening @oodiebom, @sheba2011, @fbn135, and everyone else who joins in for Trivia! Chilly here too, 1 degree below freezing.
From what I’ve read, this will seem like Miami. Another Arctic Air thing next week which will be colder than this weekend. What happened to Fall??????
Game should start within a minute or two
Two minutes from my driveway!
Here you go low in sugar too. Hope you made it home safe.
Thank you kindly! Parked on the couch with the spritzer. Need to be up and work on dinner and food to take to work tomorrow.
Got a second A1C back this week: 5.6 Technically makes me a normal person! Now to put back on some of the approximately 20 pounds I lost when I cut carbs, without bringing the blood sugar back up. Have a doctor appointment on the 21st so will see what he says
I wish you best of luck. 🙂 I bet you are making another great dinner.
Knock, knock…it’s me and Oodiebom. 🙂
And I’m sort of hungry. Could go for a small bite…….hmmm. You did mention food???????????????????
ROTFLOL! OMG! Yes, Food and Drinks. 🙂 I think he makes delish meals. 🙂
Oodie it is warm in California too. 🙂
I think pipman ran off. He’s not answering the doorbell or our knock……Is he trying to tell us something?????
Good luck pipman! samslilangel chiming in late, but I just had to wish you well on your appointment. I set an alarm so I don’t miss next week. I’m in a new time zone now so I’m trying to get used to it!! OODIEBOM and ev1 else, pipman have a blessed week y’all. Peace out ✌️
Good evening to you. I thought I saw you on line. Glad to know you are OK. You can post here anytime since I check in every now and then. We missed you last week, but realized you were possibly moving into a new home and needed time to unpack and unwind. Take care. Look forward to seeing you here Friday night.
Hello OODIEBOM! I’m just checking in. I didn’t see any game tonight. 11/22/19.
Thanks for looking out for me. I felt so much love from you and this group, when I finally got the chance to pop in here. Thank you all and Have a Happy Thanksgiving dear! Lots of love & hugs
Coming to you! Hope to se y’all next week?! Blessed be!
adjective for 200 tickets
I surmise that most are away for the long weekend.
Good Evening everyone, I can’t believe I forgot the time I cooked and baked all afternoon. After dinner we took a little nap on the couch after the evening news, I cooked a good dinner with dessert today for my husband and wished him a Happy Veterans weekend. He also works for the VA and was able to come home early today and is off Monday.
And I thought you went away for the weekend.
OODIEBOM, Oh no I did all the traveling I had to when we were selling the other house.
Had enough, now all I want to do is sleep in my own bed, I really don’t like hotels. If the weather is good we might go into Orlando or Tampa, not sure which since we live in between both. -
Hope to be heading South the week of the 18th. It is very cold here and I heard that Florida will get some of the Arctic blast as well, though your temps will be in the 50s. For you, it will be similar to our 30s. Hope the farmers will be OK with their fruit and veggies.
I am liking this weeks game, it’s fun.
I enjoy a real trivia game.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
76 Replies
11.23.19 2:01 AM
11 Participants