Good Evening. Trivia will be starting within 13 minutes. For all the newcomers, the game can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. The questions are posted next to the REWARDS STORE LOGO in Blue Letters. All questions are posted for thirty minutes, so you will need to have the correct response within that time limit. Questions are worth 200 tickets each and can be used in the Rewards Store to try to win one of the sweepstakes. To answer the questions, there is an “answer” area in black to enter your response. Just mouse and click the word answer. If incorrect, you will see a red “OOPS. So, before you tear your hair out, get nervous, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be glad to help. Join us for light conversation. Topics are up to you. Most of all, Let’s have fun.
Hi, can someone please tell me what time the trivia starts PST?
Thanks in advance-
Trivia starts at 8 pm EST. Your time would be about 5 pm or thereabouts.
You are right it will be around 5:00 p.m. Pipman lives there so he will know for sure.
It starts at 8:00 p.m. EST so I am guessing it starts around 6:00 PM your time.
I hope this helps.Oodiebom will post a new thread with today’s date and all you need to know.
I hope to see you there. 🙂
Thank You everyone for all the right answers. Couldn’t do it without all your help. Have a great week N God Bless.
So good to see you. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Glad we could help. See ya next week.
Have a good week everyone. I got the “fall” stuff down (not packed yet) and a few Christmas things up, including my 3 foot Bethlehem lights battery tree that I got in 2017. I love it…easy peezy!
See everyone next week. Enjoy your shopping. Goodnight all. 🙂
Is the game over? I know I missed the first question, but now I’m lost.
So tired, but thrilled to see y’all this beautiful evening! Have a blessed night…-
Game is over. Have a great evening and the rest of the week. Amen to the blessed week.
Well, that brings us to another end of trivia. I hope you all have a great week, a better day tomorrow and happy shopping beginning with Cyber Monday. Take care. See you all next week, same time, same place. Until then may you have pleasant dreams. Goodnight.
Hey OODIEBOM! I fell asleep with my iPad in hand and missed this. Until now that is…lol
Thanks for being an awesome host, love you bunches! Yes, and have a blessed week. See you Friday! Blessed be. 👩🏻🦰🙏😇♥️♥️♥️ -
Sounds like you do what I do. Except I have been known to fall asleep at the kitchen table with the TV on. Husband would walk by and shut it off, at which time I usually say I’m still watching the program. It turns out that the program I was watching ended hours prior.
LOL! My husband does the same thing. 🙂
Hmm, has anyone seen pipman?????????
…just finished eating dinner!
Two very big soft tacos. Two Mission Carb Balance tortillas, smear of refried beans, quinoa, chicken thigh, cheese, stuffed with arugula, red onion, cilantro…salsa verde and Trader Joe’s Green Dragon sauce.
Wow, that’s quite a meal
@oodiebom They are actually fast to put together as I usually have all that stuff in the frig.
Speaking of food…yesterday was the first Thanksgiving that I can ever recall not having family OR going to someone’s house. So, I cooked.
I saw a recipe in a book for turkey in the slow cooker. A bone in breast and drum sticks actually turned out great…did 8 hours on low. I was really surprised.
Please, when you get a chance, write down the recipe. I would love to try it. Sounds mouth watering.
@oodiebom Oops… for the turkey! Will do!
@oodiebom (Disregard this post!) 😁
Sheba, you are so sweet. Those drinks look heavenly and I sure could use one about now.
Everyone grab one. Oodie you are back in the land of the warm.
Grapefruit and Rose? Really!
What would you like?
@sheba2011 I am in such a rut of making red wine spritzers. I did pick up some lime sparkling water last weekend, so will eventually try that with vodka or tequila.
LOL… thank you!
Mmm yummy! Those sure look good Sheba2011!
How are you doing? So good to see you. 🙂
Sorry I missed this Sheba2011, I’m doing well. How about yourself? So glad I didn’t miss this weeks trivia. My new time zone and three grand babies keep me hopping all the time. Never a moments Peace around here. It sure beats being home alone thinking about my lost loved one Sam. I will always be his angel and he mine. Have a blessed week Sheba, see you next week.
I fell asleep before the game was over…lol. -
God Bless you sending warm hugs from OZ. Please get some rest and take care.
So sweet of you to write. I am glad I saw it. 🙂 -
I am glad that you are all right Sam and happy that you are kept pretty busy. Take care of yourself. If you ever need us, just check in at the Trivia game. We check in periodically during the week. Take care. See ya next week if not sooner.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
64 Replies
12.07.19 12:45 AM
7 Participants