It’s Friday Night. GAME TIME
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Best Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is here, so our minds have turned
To what time has taught us, to what we’ve learned:
We often focus all our thought
On shiny things we’ve shopped and bought.
We take our pleasure in material things,
Forgetting the pleasure that friendship brings.
If a lot of our stuff just vanished today,
We’d see the foundation of each happy day
Is special relationships, constant and true,
And that’s when our thoughts go directly to you.
We wish you a Thanksgiving you’ll never forget,
Full of love and joy—your best one yet!By Joanna Fuchs
Good Evening Sheba and thank you.
Hey OODIEBOM! Happy thanksgiving dear!
Love the poem and it’s true we all have a friend in you. 👩🏻🦰♥️😇 -
AwwwwwwwGeeeeeeeeeee Sami
@oodiebom and all Trivia Players Happy Thanksgiving Weekend. 😎
Good Evening I love George. 😎
Hi George and FBN
I am fascinated by giraffes. There’s a new show on Animal Planet called Mega Zoo that featured a whole episode on giraffes. The show features behind the scenes at a massive zoo in Australia which is in 3 locations. It has to be the largest zoo in the world. Their approach with the animals is very hands on and very different from the US, UK and other locations.
Very interesting, my friend…
Good Evening Velve. I adore Animal Planet. How are you feeling this evening.
Better than last week. Not a great night but soooooo much better than last Friday and Saturday nights which were brutal.
I really like AP too! Right now there’s also new episodes of Secret Life of the Zoo then followed by Mega Zoo. There are a lot of good shows on AP. I have gotten several people hooked on the different zoo shows and the Aquarium. I have family in the Atlanta area and they said AP finished a new season of the Aquarium.
Happy Friday Trivia Night. Good luck to all. Hope you are feeling well.
My hair stylist contacted all her clients, as she had been exposed to COV19 when she recently visited her mother. Now she is in a 14-day quarantine. She has been actively visiting with relatives, both local and out-of-state visitors. I had been concerned by her activities and unfortunately it caught up with her.
Good health to all.
Hi Sanibel. I feel so sad for your hairdresser. I sincerely hope that she will be all right.
I hate to see anyone suffer and I hope she makes a full recovery.
Fourth 200 tickets
Good Evening everyone, Let’s play some games. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Good Evening xango. Happy Turkey Day to you also.
Hi OODIEBOM, I missed last week. We had a Zoom Birthday party. How are you and hubby? How was the storm there? We has lots of wind and rain, but no damage. This year it’s going to be only me and hubby for the Holidays. No Turkey, but I will make a roast chicken.
Hi again xango. Not sure if I will make a turkey this year since it’s just the two of us. I will probably go to Sam’s though since they have fresh ones. Then again, may pick up a chicken at either Sam’s or Costco. If you are mentioning Eta. We had loads of wind and torrential rain. Our drought is now officially over. We did lose a couple of siding but our neighbor found them and reattached. Other than that, no damage.
Hello Sheba, hope your Holiday will be a good one. I was looking up how to make a Pecan pie. Have not made one in a very long time. Finally decided to made mini ones for Thanksgiving. I can eat one at a time and keep the rest in the frig, Since it will be just me eating.
Making mini pies sounds like a good idea. Good luck with the recipe. Pecan is my favorite! 🙂
Hi Sami. Hope your back is better.
By the way Sam, how is your daughter feeling?
All good here OODIEBOM and I may be getting an implant to help with my herniated disc’s!
Happy thanksgiving ev1 -
Sam, that sounds like real good news.
Happy thanksgiving dear Sheba 👩🏻🦰♥️😇💯
Evening all! It really looks and feels festive here tonight! 😀
🥧 Here’s some pie to go with that beautiful dinner!
Good evening RosaTowwen. We are all getting in the mood for whatever festivities we can muster up for turkey day. It will be a little different for most of us this year, but, maybe next year we will be able to enjoy the day even more.
Evening Oodiebom! You have a talent for making a dark situation a little brighter. Love the poem also. 🙂
Thanks Rosa. I know this year will be hard on most of us. My grandpa used to say, “make the best of it.” There are so many wonderful things out there even with the pandemic. Best part, you do not have to look that far. However, those of us who have lost a loved one this year, the holidays will be a little more difficult. If you are alone, may be a good day to volunteer somewhere or better yet, adopt a pet so that you are not really alone and you do have someone that will listen and will not talk back.😃💖
Thanks for the answer Sanibel. I thought it was between 5000 and 6000
For all Trivia Players to enjoy and I am with Oodie maybe next year will be different.
Looks scrumptious!
Dieter’s delight Sheba
WOW, this time I was able to go all the way to the finished end in this weeks game. But only got 60 tickets.
But at least, xango, you are in the pool for whatever the gift is.
OODIEBOM, The only time I won anything (frying pan) was with Adam. I glad the storm didn’t do anymore damage in your area. The west side of Florida fared well this year.
xango, that’s good. i was wondering how Orlando faired and if they had the storm as well.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
107 Replies
11.27.20 3:49 AM
11 Participants