Friday Night Trivia, November 15, 2019
Good Evening All. Trivia will be starting within 20-25 minutes. For all the newcomers, the game can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. The questions are posted next to the REWARDS STORE in Blue Letters. All questions are posted for thirty minutes, so you will need to have the correct response within that time limit. Questions are worth 200 tickets each and can be used in the Rewards Store to try to win one of the sweepstakes. To answer the questions, there is an “answer” area in black to enter your response. Just mouse and click the word answer. If incorrect, you will see a red “OOPS. So, before you tear your hair out, get nervous, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be glad to help. Join us for light conversation, some laughs and of course the answers to the questions.
Old Faithful! Hey I knew that one! Woo hoo!
I am just glad to see you. 🙂
You cracked me up…..LOL
Good Evening to you. Hope you had a nice week.
It took me fifteen minutes to get in here, computer kept reloading!
Water, I got that one in.
Hey ev1… sorry I’m later, but better late than ever!-
Hi Sam. Saw your message to pipman last week and left you a Hi. Hope you had a nice week.
I did OODIEBOM! Thanks! How’s you doin? Hope all is well with you. I’m so happy to be back with the trivia gang! God bless all of you, I pray for you each and every day! Blessed be.
I am find. Packing for the trip South. Now going to do a very small round of laundry in between the questions.
Ugh…driving. Probably an hour to get home.
I am your conscience. Whatever you do, your are NOT to TEXT and DRIVE.
When you pull over, first answer is water.
@oodiebom and all the Trivia Players Good Evening. 🙂
@sheba2011 and Sanibel
Good Evening to both of you.
Good evening @oodiebom.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
68 Replies
11.16.19 4:42 AM
10 Participants