Friday Night Trivia, November 15, 2019
Good Evening All. Trivia will be starting within 20-25 minutes. For all the newcomers, the game can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. The questions are posted next to the REWARDS STORE in Blue Letters. All questions are posted for thirty minutes, so you will need to have the correct response within that time limit. Questions are worth 200 tickets each and can be used in the Rewards Store to try to win one of the sweepstakes. To answer the questions, there is an “answer” area in black to enter your response. Just mouse and click the word answer. If incorrect, you will see a red “OOPS. So, before you tear your hair out, get nervous, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be glad to help. Join us for light conversation, some laughs and of course the answers to the questions.
Thanks to all here for the lovely game time and I hope everyone has a good week.
Ahoy? Really???
Goodnight all. Next week, I will probably be on the road heading to Florida (weather permitting). I will be missing next week, so I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and Happy Black Friday Shopping which begins on November 27th. Take care of yourselves. Drive carefully and remember not to text and drive. Keep eyes on the road. Obey the speed limits. I will see you all here, same place, same time in two weeks. Good night. Pleasant dreams.
Ahoy Thanks and have a nice weekend
Ahoy! Nighty night peace and love, chow!
Goodnight all. See you next week be safe and comfortable 🙂
Great job Oodiebom!
Welcome RosaTowwen
Ahoy? Seriously? 😄
Actually, it was Ahoy-hoy. He loved that from what I’ve read. But, the majority loved hello.
Good night all. Hope you stay warm & safe through the weekend.
Just wanted to say early before everyone bolts out of here, hope everyone is well this week.
Have been working on getting ready for the “real” job tomorrow (I get up at 3:30A)…need to have food and stuff all virtually ready to go because I am on total auto-pilot at that hour.
I posted last week but it was late… November is #DiabetesAwarenessMonth. Thursday was actually #WorldDiabetesDay. FYI!
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
68 Replies
11.16.19 4:42 AM
10 Participants