It’s Friday Night. Time for TRIVIA 😂
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Happy Trivia Evening to all. I hope you all are well.
that is very nice of you!!
Thank you! Awesome picture!
Hi Sheba! Thank you for your service fbn135. We are a military family also. My sil is a Calvary scout. Excellent at what he does!😇
My back feels like that punching bag tonight! Sore and bruised from 16 injections yesterday.
Velve, injections for???? More pain????
Yep, my lower (lumbar) spine is so up and twisted right now it actually broke the bottom 2 ribs on the right side. I get 16-19 spinal injections every three weeks. I have earned bonus injections on Tuesday according to the doctor! Fun times! LOL
That is definitely not my cup of tea. Will a heating pad help if it’s on a low to med. temp??? I would say a tub, but getting out could pose more of a problem. I really hope you feel better. Sitting in a chair with a nice pillow behind the back may be soothing. At least for a little bit.
I’m propped up but stretched out!
my friend…Hang in there!!
Thanks my friend, I’ll be fine in a day or so.
Hello Velvet, I had injections yesterday too. I hope you feel better soon. I know these flares afterwards are very severe. I wanted to rip my head off last time the pain continued for 12 days straight. I prayed A Lot! 😇🙏🏻 Blessed be Velvet ♥️
Thanks Sam. The pain at the injection sites gets really bad 24 hours after but fortunately only lasts a day or two.
Hey friend fbn135! I feel ya !! That pic says it all. 😇🙏🏻♥️
Hi Sanibel. Hope you are feeling better.
Doing well, thank you. How is Florida?
We are OK now. Eta was quite a storm. Another is in the wings for next week. Looks like Iota is on the same path as Eta. However, she will be much stronger.
Stay safe and healthy! Found out , I have a fatty liver. Not from drinking, but I am a guy, who loves steak and potatoes. No more….fish, chicken and lots of healthy snacks….Nuts…
John, you can still eat your steaks, but in moderation. You may want to invest in an Air Fryer which will give you better eating habits. My hubby thinks I’m a gourmet cook. It does make the food tastier as well. Fish, chicken, turkey, along with veggies and fruit are the best sources.
Thank you, now I know what I want for Christmas. My main wish is for my family to be safe and healthy. But air fried steak sounds so good!
I made air fry steaks last night. Added onions, papaya and a few fries. Forgot to add the pineapple. For some reason the papaya tastes better when it’s air fried. The juice adds to the flavor to all meals. I do tons fo cooking with fresh fruit as a stir fry with rice. I am also looking at the Ninja indoor grill as another alternative. The temp on this one goes up to 500 which means you can sear the meats to the consistancy you like. HSN had one as a TS a few days ago. I think buying local would be better because I hate to return.
I’m praying for y’all OODIEBOM! I have family there too. Pompano beach
OM………Must be Friday the 13th. He got knocked down and I surmise the bag won…..👍😊🤦♀️
Sheba, my exact sentiment……..LOL……….LOL…….
Love your posts! Make me laugh.
Laughter is said to be the best medicine.
Sheba & OODIEBOM 🤣🤣🤣
@oodiebom and all Trivia Players Good Evening.
I saw Sam”s Avatar a few minutes ago. I surmise she is busy with the grandkids.
For the first time no! Just enjoying some quite time . They’re having a sleepover with their friend. So I’m just relaxing, yay me! 👩🏻🦰😇
😀 Good evening, everyone, and a big thanks to all the veterans!
Thank you. Wore my uniform with pride!
Hi John508, Welcome back. How is your wife feeling???
Thank you for asking. She is hanging in there. Slow healer, she was in a car accident being six years old and this is now haunting her. She is a tough cookie and her faith is her strength!
John I hope you had a great Veteran’s Day. Ours was an Eta event.
I lived in Florida before going to off to serve this country. It’s beautiful, but those storms a not to mess with. Stay safe!
Thank you!🇺🇸
Good Evening Rosa. Welcome to Friday, the 13th.
We had a black cat and she was almost 19 years old, before she left us. She was my wife’s baby, that cat talked back and stole items like keys, pens, etc. She was special and loved yoghurt and ice cream, no fat free stuff for her.🤣🐾
Let’s see. I had Felix our black and white cat that looked exactly like the cartoon. But didn’t act like a true Felix. He wanted to befriend everyone including all animals. Then following him I had Mensch. He hated when my husband drove the van. He liked a lead foot. Had to get to that destination in no time. Don’t ask about stopping at stop signs and red lights. Never heard the last of that. Mensch had Cat HIV and lived to be over 12 which is unusual for a kitty with that disease. Maybe you should think if another companion. They are great fun and do make a bad day seem better.
There are already some on the back door. For some reason, they find our house. They find us and even our foster cats stay with us . They love you no matter what and they make great companions. I wanted a dog, but with a fused back and two artificial knees, not an option. Now, I loves those felines with attitude!🐾🤣
I think you mesn FIP positive not HIV. We had 2 Korats (from Thailand ) that lived to 17 and 19. Tufts didn’t think the female would live a year.
Thank you for all of these great answers.
Thank you all for keeping this going. Will be off and on, helping my wife. God bless you all!
John, give her our best. It’s great that you can be there for her. Not good when you do not feel a hundred percent.
Eta was one h-ll of a storm. I just expected a little bit of rain and wind. Another one may hit us next week. It’s in the Caribbean at the moment and is expected to become a hurricane by tomorrow. It may become a Category 4 or 5. And I thought Eta was bad. Guess I’ve seen nothing yet.
Get your meds and food, water for a few days. These storms are not to mess with. Been there and it’s no fun. Pray for your safety.🙏
Hey OODIEBOM!! Missed you! Still very busy here. Lots of chores to do. I slid on the ice in my driveway on my way to spine injections. Fell flat on my back! Ouch!! It was hidden underneath the snow. Thank goodness my driver is very strong to pick me up. He almost fell, slid on the ice on his way to me. Blessed be y’all be safe 👩🏻🦰😇♥️
Hi Sam. Seen your Avatar a few times and wondered how you were doing. Sounds like the front of your home faces North. Please be careful. Walking on what may be the grass side is sometimes better when you have no idea what is underneath all that “dandruff.” How is your daughter feeling? The grandkids?
She’s healing well an the kids are good. That’s good advice about the grass! Will choose that route from now on. We have a steep drive and that particular spot the middle had ice built up. My sil put salt down so it was clear when I came home.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
94 Replies
11.14.20 4:43 AM
9 Participants