Do you know what day it is????? It’s Friday Night…… TIME FOR TRIVIA!!!!!!! 🙂
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….:)
Carnation..although rose came to mind first..guess that is for your 💓sweetheart ..love carnations💮
I’ve been going to say this for a couple of weeks.
Is it me or has the H and Q had a bunch of stuff that is really expensive? As in hundreds of dollars! And all that expensive food.
Maybe I just don’t need anything but it seems non-exciting (probably really good thing!)
Pipman, have you read the posts. Many are complaining about the high costs in merchandise but also the shipping. Seems that when HSN was under the previous ownership we had some days for purchasing jewelry all day for $5 shipping. Same was true for those who were into crafts. Seems this has all stopped and the blame according to HSN goes to the Vendors. It’s difficult for me to fathom that the vendors would not want free shipping because it would mean the customers would purchase more. Now you hear that these items go into favorites and hopefully, someday they would go on sale at a reasonable price.
OODIEBOM That’s interesting. I didn’t see the complaints but it seems stuff is too expensive and there is a lack of new variety. I kind of feel the same at the grocery stores. Most of mine stopped ads and it seems like there are virtually no sales…I think we are being taken.
Pipman, many places are cutting back on merchandise, ads, flyers, etc.. The supermarkets and small markets have stopped the ads because the virus does hit flyers, newspapers, books, etc.. Rather than have more people sick, these have been stopped temporarily. You will also notice that some slaughterhouses have closed along with some chicken farms and others as well due to their staff contracting the virus. Expect these prices to climb significantly. We are not driving anywhere, consequently oil and gas prices have gone down. I have already seen markets with empty meat and chicken areas, no pork to speak of. Costco had very little fish when we were there a few days ago. And there take out area was somewhat not there. Hopefully, as States open up and as this virus loses it’s hold on us, you will see more areas opening up.
Yes, if I ordered anything I would feel taken advantage of.
Carnation, My favorite flower! OODIEBOM & pipman love your responses, I still miss Cali and my Mom too for that matter. Y’all are so blessed to still have yours! 💐🙏😇
samslilangel My Mom liked carnations because they seemed to last and the scent.
BTW, Happy Mothers Day to everyone…before I forget.
Me, I enjoy anything that flowers. It always cheers me when I’m down and gives me a lift when I have things to do. I don'[t have a favorite because each one is beautiful in it’s own right. A;ways enjoy a nice bouquet.
Sheba, you wished everyone here a Happy Mother’s Day. Now it’s my time to wish you a great Mother’s Day. May you have fun and really enjoy the day. Hope you have a day to be a little lazy.
Sam I lost both parents. My mom’s favorite flower was roses or mums. She detested carnations because they didn’t last too long.
Actually telephones were just called “telephones” until cellphones (cordless) became popular, it was ONLY then that corded phones were named landlines to distinguish between the two. I know, I used to work for Ma Bell.
So the CORRECT answer is “Telephones”!!!!! But these people that do the trivia questions wouldn’t know that, they’re too young, probably not born before cellphones.
Myra1 Thanks for that factual trivia..makes sense..none of us called our phones “landlines” lol
Myra1 And then there was the “party line”. We had that for a period of time..don’t recall when we got all fancy and got a “private line”!
Oh yeah, I do remember party lines. We had one when I was a kid. Reminds me of Petticoat Junction or Lassie, lol.
RosaTowwen 😂
lol! I said the same thing! Before cordless phones, they were just phones/telephones. It obviously didn’t like either of those. I had to come here to figure out what they wanted. 😉
Hi Laurie and welcome. Glad to see that a few youngums remember the correct, I mean the real correct answer.
And Myra that was my first answer. My second was the black phone, then princess and then landline which was also incorrect because they wanted the plural with a “s.”
And you were CORRECT! Such a shame that young people know so little and don’t even care to check what they are saying.
Landlines..I remember that stumping someone last year☎ lol
Hi Tracie. Good to see you.
Hello All!
Time to pop in… LOVING being away from work. I like being sequestered! Weather in Los Angeles has been warmish but I am not complaining. I am not sure what the heck happened (I got older) but I was so cold the past couple of winters, that I love the warmth.
I’ve not done any planting in several years because of all the deaths. SO, had a landscaper guy (he shows up every 2-3 months and does clean up for a bunch of people) clean up my back area. I ordered the Roberta’s 5 plant “Where’s the Beef” set from the Q (got HORRID reviews but guess I got lucky). I eventually got them in and all 5 are doing fantastic! I can see at least 6 fruits on some of the plants and lots of blossoms…how exciting. I’ve had volunteers of small lemon pear and cherry that have sprouted into an absolute mess for years, so have been pulling all of those, to make way for the new plants (they are approaching 24″ tall). I also put in basil, cilantro, parsley, jalapeno, mint & rosemary (in pots), green onions…today did Swiss Chard seeds as well as marigold seeds around the tomatoes. Tomorrow I’m turning up a spot and will put in bush bean seeds.
I don’t ever want to get back on an airplane again!
Hi pipman. Hearing what you said about airplanes, I am with you. It’s something my husband and I were discussing prior to trivia. We will be driving to New England whenever this virus breaks (we are not holding our breath) and in case it worsens when we are there we were contemplating a return trip by plane. I don’t think so. I would be so worried about people having the virus and the air quality in the plane being no too conducive to keeping those non visible things from forming on us. We are also saying the same thing about hotels and cruises, though the hotel is something we will have to make reservations with on our return trip.
Glad you are enjoying your time away from flying. I take it you will not be returning anytime soon.
OODIEBOM Even though I wasn’t staying overnight any place, that could change with all the chaos. I have no desire to go into a hotel room, where I have no idea who was there previously. Especially bad when you can’t open room windows anymore. My company is REAL efficient at filling seats… they say that they will only book to 60% and I am sure they will fill all of those. They have said that bookings are up…40,000+ today.
As you may remember pip, my virus started in a hotel room the night prior to our cruise. It’s not so much who was there prior to you it’s how good a cleaning it gets prior to your arrival.
Hey pipman! We are expecting snow on Mother’s Day!! Ewww!! Boo hoo ! I miss California 🌞
samslilangel I saw the forecast! Ugh!
Oh Sam. I remember many years ago being in a blizzard on Mother’s Day. I had to call my Mom to cancel our trip. She couldn’t believe it until I told her to turn on the TV. You see, she lived 60 miles from us and it was her town that always had the snow and where we lived it was usually a rain event. We made it up to her a few days later when we took the trip following work as a surprise. That was better than any gift.
The plant harvest sounds yummy.Just what we all need.So glad you are “grounded” lol
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
103 Replies
05.13.20 1:11 AM
12 Participants