t’s Friday Night, TIME FOR TRIVIA!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….:)
Hey OODIEBOM! Sorry I didn’t join in last game. The riots were close to home in Minneapolis.
We were prepared to leave home if need be. It was very scary time. We are safe. Just wanted to let you know I’m okay and miss y’all terribly. God bless you dear! Prayers for our country. 😇-
I’m so glad to hear you are ok. I, too, did not not know this was so close to your home. It is a sad day for humanity all around for what happened to George and then the terrorism that followed. So glad that MN Civil Rights are investigating. All the properties that were destroyed is horrendous as well.
I live in the suburbs, so was concerned at how far the riots would extend. Of course, no way what you experienced.
Take care & be safe.
Hi Sami. I was very concerned and heard about the riots not realizing you were in the area. Please do what you need to do. Primarily, please be safe. Take care of yourself and include your children and grandchildren. Hopefully, things will quiet down in the next few days. It’s usually a small group that starts and the rest follow.
Just wanted to let you know that I’m okay and we are all set for carpet installation tomorrow?
We r safe and sound. See u next Friday. Blessed be 😇🙏👩🏻🦰
Thank you oodiebom,you are the “hostess with the mostess” sorry..that was corny..but sincere👏
Accepted. You brought a smile to my face. You will never know how much I needed that. Thanks.
Please stay safely distant, and don’t be a spreader–except always spread the love ❣️
Well, it’s that time again when all fine things come to the end. I wish everyone a great week and better tomorrows. Yes, it is a tough world out there. Yes, many are hurting. But, we can make a better world out there with a thumbs up sign, a smile (if you are not wearing a mask outside), an elbow shake, My parents instilled me that when there is a person you do not like, try to find something positive to let them know that they are special. Who knows, you may have found a new friendship. Please take care of yourselves. Stay safe. Most of all be well. Hopefully, I will see you all here. Same place. Same time. Until then, pleasant dreams. Goodnight.
Thank you for hosting OODIEBOM. Everyone have a safe weekend, and week. I can’t believe May is gone and June is here already.
Good night to all Trivia Players be safe.
Oodiebom thank you for another fun night.
Goodnight all!
I forgot to add a big hello to JMC! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you here, it seems…
Finally my last minute long winded post! Also time for dinner, so want to get to that.
The business call was in regards to dealing with an issue still with that business (ugh, there are still large issues). But, I felt much better. A very nice young attorney that had helped me previously and need him to help with another issue. I have basically been under the covid hiding/quarantine rock since early April, so decided it’s time to get moving on issues again. I just don’t want to get overwhelmed because I know myself and I will recoil back under the rock again.
The airlines. The future, for the foreseeable future is grim. My company is trying to be nice and say 2-3 years before any measurable recovery but I think it will be longer. They have said that they will permanently shed hundreds of aircraft, exit small cities permanently and probably not return to many international markets (instead feeding partner carriers in European and Asian hubs). So they want as many out of the company as possible. This week they released Voluntary Separation as well as Enhanced Retirement packages. I certainly qualify for the retirement but haven’t even begun to wrap my head around retiring at 64.5, with 34 years. My plan was, to work as long as possible and stall SS, add to my 401K and make sure I was done with massive obligations still remaining for that business. Company wants a decision by July 13th with an exit date of August 1st…they didn’t give numbers but currently there are 40-45,000 on leaves out of 90,000 employees. Basically they want to shed half the company. They will still offer 1, 2, 3 year (maybe longer) leaves but there are items in the package that will certainly never be offered again in my lifetime. Separation pay, a Retiree Medical Account to the tune of over $100,00 to be used for medical stuff, even when on Medicare…and they will fully pay all insurances until you hit Medicare age (for me, November). SO bloody much to consider! And it brings tears to my eyes that my career ends like this.
Pipman, I hope you see this. What you are going through is something that happened to me a few years ago. I, also, was offered an early retirement, but, I was not of age. I was 54. 5.. I had 35 years of service because of summer employment. My husband was already retired. I had friends that were also retired and divorced because they couldn’t make their marriage work beyond retirement. There was a lot for me to consider. I had a choice of which month I would retire in. Choice was July or August. I had also just started a new career within the same company and for a better salary. The offer included a retirement salary based upon the highest three years I was employed and a raise every year for 20 years plus a percentage based on the number of years I was with them, full medical paid by the company for 20 years. I had also paid into a retirement plan and an IRA. But, like you, would not be eligible for SS for a number of years. The one thing in my favor when making this decision was that I was still young and I could do a number of things. One was to find another job. The new employer would not have to pay me any benefits since I had these with the retirement plan. I could now enjoy that every night was Friday and every day was Saturday. Oh what a relief it would be to chuck that alarm clock and to not have to face driving in the snow, sleet or freezing rain to work in the winter. I could go to the beach every day or just stay home. As far as being bored in marriage, I looked back and realized that I was never bored so why would this worry me now. Besides, my hubby couldn’t wait for me to be home full time so we could enjoy whatever came our way without batting an eye. I finally made a decision to retire. The next question July or August. I chose July. That was my only regret. I think the extra month would have given me additional $$. But, one thing for certain, I have never looked back. You can still pilot if you can as long as your eyesight is OK. You may not be with an airline, but maybe with someone like UPS, FEDEX, USPS or maybe as a pilot for small aircraft where you can take our furry friends who need a new home or a place that doesn’t kill. You could also pilot a helicopter for people who need to get to an Emergency Room in a matter of minutes. Or, better yet, you can take the skills you already have and put them into other things such as being a social worker, a meteorologist, travel planner with Costco (OK not Costco), PR person, etc.. Or, you can return to school and learn new skills. The door is opened to you. Take it if you can. Take a look at AARP. I’m laughing now as I write this. We were members of AARP for many years. We often used them for traveling. When we started driving to Florida I was astonished to find that it was only 850 miles from my door to our rental. It was closer to 1500 miles door to door. The travel agent had left out the States of South Carolina and Georgia. Somehow or other he/she must have thought that our vehicle could jump from North Carolina to the Gulf Coast. Retirement is not the end of the world, but, rather, a new beginning filled with countless opportunities that are endless. Remember, when you asked for a “leave of absence, ” you were so looking forward to having fresh air to breathe and not having to work every weekend or to be called at the last minute because another pilot took sick. Do you wish to stay overnight in a hotel room only to fly home a day or two later? I have never been bored from the day I said goodbye to all my co workers. I now have time to do the things I totally enjoy. Don’t look back, look forward. The decision is yours. Do what will make you happy and don’t worry what others may say. You are in the driver’s seat. Go out and do whatever. Enjoy today for a better tomorrow.
Hello pipman,I feel for you,but first you are healthy..that is a big deal! None of us saw this coming(except the health community) and we don’t want Life to get in the way of Our Life,Our plans,but alas we can’t stop the pandemic from derailing everyone’s life to some extent.This is bigger than anything we could ever have imagined..and we want someone to make it right.Good people in science& medicine are working toward that,God Bless them
.I had to leave my career at the hair salon of44years because of illness .It was not the way I wanted to end things but life had other plans for me.I hope you can come to terms with the new choices you have ahead of you.Goodnight Pipman,I know you will do what your heart tells you🙄 -
Wow, what a lot to consider, and July 13 comes up awfully fast! Good luck with your decision making process. Maybe some kind of compromise might be a solution. I’m glad you’re safe on the ground for now.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
84 Replies
06.03.20 2:19 PM
12 Participants