Good Evening Everyone. So glad to be back. It was an all right trip. Some of our destinations were cancelled due to winds, the virus and the earthquake in Mexico. Now I can really say…..”It’s Friday Night and time for Trivia.” 🙂
For the newcomers, Trivia begins between 8 PM and 8:05 PM. the last question is posted between 10:30 PM and 10:35 PM. Questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Each question lasts approximately a half hour. So you need to come up with the correct response within the 30 minutes. Each correct response is worth 200 tickets which can be used in the Rewards Store. If you do not know the answer, please return To this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Join us for a weekly get together and light conversation.
A huge thank you to all of you who made the last couple of weeks a great time in my absence.
Quick reminder: This Sunday ,March 8th..at 2am we will “spring” forward 1hr..or set your clock ahead 1hr at bedtime Sat eve😉👋
That was a quick one. Good night everyone and take care this week.
Hello All! Just a quickie post…have to be up at 330A. So last Friday was the last day of operation at the business. Then it was scrambling looking for someone that could haul off all the counters, desks, shelving and STUFF. Finally found a guy. Yesterday he and 3 others came and stripped the place bare…they were like locusts! They hauled off a 8’ x 12’ truck jammed and then had to come back for more….then even helped clean up (they cut a lot of stuff up and /or smashed it with hammers). They were awesome. Nothing left in the 1000 square feet than a few boxes and the copier (have to wrestle with Canon over that). This will be a huge monkey off my back and allow me to work on other big issues with that as well as my real job. Phew.
Good News Pipman!!
So glad you checked in. I hope things will work out. Hang in there.
Glad to hear that your burden was lightened just a little bit.
Glad to hear that,rest easy now😥👋
Goodnight all. Goodnight Oodiebom I hope you feel better.
Everyone see you all next week. Pipman thinking of you.
Hope you guys won’t mind if I say goodnight. I’m getting real sleepy. So, will see you next week, same time, same place. Have a great week and a wonderful weekend. Good night.
And, yes, Xango, the chicken broth is made with tons of veggies. Will enjoy it tomorrow.
Good night OODIEBOM and thanks for hosting, feel better sweetheart. Blessed be
Well I am going to sign off. Goodnight everyone, have a great weekend.
OODIEBOM, I am so glad you are back. take care of yourself. I hope you have someone to bring you chicken broth. Thank you for hosting and see you next week.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
81 Replies
03.07.20 4:48 AM
12 Participants