IF iT’S fRIDAY NIGHT, TIME FOR TRIVIA. WELL, ALMOST!!! Good Evening Everyone. Hopefully, we are all well and if not, on the mend. For some you have been glued to the TV and for others looking for something to do other than the news. Well, tonight we will have conversation and maybe for a couple of hours get our minds set to having some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….:)
Thank you fbn135! I ♥️♥️♥️ All your posts, especially the ones for me?! 😄
@samslilangel, Sendng you get well wishes. I hope you are able to get better each and every day. Little steps to getting better and yet bit by bit you will get there. Stay safe.
Thank you xango! Your kindness touch’s my heart! ♥️ ♥️♥️ Had trouble staying online. I tried to post this three times. God bless you xango 👩🏻🦰🙏😇
I keep get bumped out of community, something to the effect err-failed. Have to clear history in Chrome & reboot iPad.
This is for you. 😘
Sami hang in there we are all fighting some kind of battle. Please be safe and well. 🌹
Thank you so much, so very much OODIEBOM and Sheba! Nine days after my fall and trying to get better every day. You both cheered me up. Thank you for your prayers and posts. I wish I knew how to send you both flowers here. Virtual hugs and prayers we are all in this together/alone! Blessed be my dear sweet friends. Thank you for sharing your story with me OODIEBOM. Just a very sad hard time for all of us. Love you all bunches and bunches! 👩🏻🦰♥️🙏
Sami, I hope you will not feel alone, ever. We are just a few minutes from one another when using this thread. OK, maybe in some instances, a day away. Whatever. Please, use this thread to reach us whenever you need to hear from someone. Health issues are our biggest concern right now. I sincerely hope and pray that you and your family stay well. If you must go out, then please, watch your step going up and down those stairs. Hold on to that railing. I know I do everytime I walk up or down the three steps that lead to our front door.
Hey OODIEBOM! That’s just my problem exactly! There are NO RAILINGS,! At the front or back three steps! Because of the COVID thing, my appointment for in home visit to get those railings was canceled until further notice! We just have to wait for those a little while longer I guess.
I swear there was a troll in the in between that tripped me …lol 🤪 thanks for keeping this open OODIEBOM! Feels good to have someone to talk to! 😇 Love you bunches ♥️♥️♥️ -
Good Afternoon Sami. So you have no railings. Hmm……..Best advice is to leave packages or mail on one of the steps. Have someone else carry that in. At least that way you can concentrate on doing one step at a time with one leg at a time. Please move slowly. I don’t want you to fall ever again…..:) No fun when you are hurting.
OODIEBOM thank you for hosting last night. I’m doing fine, no broken bones. Just torn ligaments and tissues in my clavicle. I’m actually doing everything already that can be done for this. It could take six or more weeks to heal. Everyone is different. I’m taking Tylenol and ibuprofen for pain, but not too much because it actually slows healing time. I have to exercise it daily and go back in a month. Just wanted to let you know. Please don’t worry but do keep me in your prayers. We all need those right now. I pray we all recover from this virus and stop it’s spread. I pray for you too dear OODIEBOM. I appreciate your concern and kindness. It makes me feel good to know someone out there is thinking about me. Blessed be trivia players and hope this week goes by fast! So we can trivia it up!!!
Sami, thank you for your reply. On another thread I explained why I was so concerned. When I was a youngster my parents and I went to Long Island, NY for a get together. For some reason we were going in circles looking for the venue. There was no GPS to help us and of course those were the days without seat belts. Long story short, my dad doubled park the car in order to ask a policeman for directions. He was at the curb and there was no parking spot behind him or in front. While getting directions, a UPS truck struck us from behind and as I was in the back seat, I was thrown quite forcibly to the front hitting my neck area against the seat. I screamed in pain immediately. The police officer wanted me to go to the hospital, but my parents adamantly stated otherwise. It was days later that we returned home and I went to the doctor. X-rays were taken. There were no broken bones, but I had torn every ligament in my neck. I was put on bed rest and had to wear a collar for months. I also had to go for therapy a few times a week. Because my parents waited too long, some of the ligaments did not return to their normal area. When driving I have to turn my whole body around to see what is near me especially when making a left hand turn. That is why I insisted on you seeing someone. I didn’t want you to end up like me. Looks like you will be fine. You actually made my day brighter. Thanks so much for adding the good news to the thread. It is very much appreciated. I hope you and your family stay well and far away from this virus. Take care.
Goodnight all. Carefully love each other. 😍
Great to see each and everyone, stay and be safe everyone. Have a safe weekend, and a great coming week. Good Night.
The virus could go on for a few more months. In the meantime, wash your hands, carry something in your pocket, purse, backpack to clean the handles on those shopping carts along with anti-bacterial soap. I also read on line that washing vegetables in warm water will get rid of the bacteria. It supposedly does a better job than washing with soap and water. Also remember to be at least 6 ft from the person in front of you and on either side. Do not touch any part of your face with your hands. Carry something for that purpose such as kleenex, hankerchief, etc..If I missed anything, please add it to this thread.
Hope you all had some fun tonight. Stay safe. Drive Carefully and remember to take care of your pets. Until next week, be well, stay happy, and try not to worry. We will all get through this thick or thin. It’s better together than alone. Until next week, may you all have pleasant dreams. Good Night.
This thread will remain open for the entire week. Don’t be afraid to post. I wish you all good health.
Yes we are all in this together👋
Why are you washing vegetables with soap????
Migrant workers could have picked them, who packed them, who unpacked them, etc. Also, there is always a chance of pesticides on them.
Velve, I have never washed my veggies with soap. But some people have. I think at one time something was posted to use anti bacterial soap on vegetables so you could get rid of whatever would make you ill. I think that theory has since been debunked. You can not wash salmonella or eboli from vegetables using soap and water. Actually, nothing that I know of would work on those. However, viruses have been known to die out when you use warm water. Go figure……
Thank you for hosting, Oodiebom
..everyone take care:^)
Spago. You too Sheba, OODIEBOM, Velvet and all players God Bless ev1
Good Night All. Goodnight Oodiebom every one be safe.
Keep washing your hands. 🌹
Can you use Apple Pay with Instacart? I don’t like to post my CC, if I don’t have to.
Sanibel, also look into Shipt, they also do delivery. Not in all areas but, look into it.
I am not sure, here is their numer 1-888-246-7822 just ask the type of payment methods they accept.
Hmm….I have no idea. Maybe someone here has that answer.
Very cool fbn!
Love this. 🤣
I use target drive-up for non-perishables & sundry
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
117 Replies
04.02.20 3:42 AM
11 Participants