In honor of Spring:
Letters between a father and son
Dear son;
Your mother and I love you very much, and we miss you dearly ever since you went to prison. I especially miss you now that spring is here, and it is time to plow the fields. The ground is hard, and my back is old. I am afraid I will never be able to plant the crops in time.
r>Your loving father
Dear Dad:
Do not dig in the field. That is where I hide that thing. You know I can not say what it is because they read our mail. Just do not dig out there.
Your son
Dear son:
The cops came out and dug up my fields. They said they were looking for something. Thanks, son. It looks like I will get the crops planted.
Your loving and grateful father
Two blondes are driving to Miami for spring break
On a long boring stretch of highway they start complaining about how long it’s taking to get there and the driver asks “What do you think is further away, Florida or the moon?” The passenger replies “Oh my God, you give blondes such a bad name. I can’t believe how you are, you can’t even see Florida from here!”
Hi Players: An update. I have no idea what to expect tonight as I have not received anything from the Mods or the Arcade Team. Suffice to say, I hope we have a regular game and maybe some added points (but I wouldn’t hold your breath). Whatever happens, I am sure we will have a great time as always.
It’s now nearing that 8:00 pm hour. Hmm.. it’s Friday night…… Time for Trivia
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
It’s now 9:10 and there still is no question. If they don’t want to do the Friday trivia anymore, they should stop wasting our time and just say so. This is so frustrating !
Well I guess I am going to have to get a life and move on tonight… and have a glass of wine!
Have my shots and am feeling like Super Woman…..stay healthy and happy. Here’s to next week!
Odiebom…you’re the best!
Good evening, Oodiebom. Happy trivia Friday to trivia players.
Fingers crossed that we have the regular trivia back. No more “baseball” questions. 😄
Good Evening Sanibel and congratulations again for the win. Hoping we have a game !!!!
@oodiebom and all Trivia Players Good Evening. 😎
Nice “gif” Sheba and a good evening to you.
Hi FBN. Wish those butterflies were here. Just see one Monarch every so often.
That man butterflies flying around all around all at once would scare the c rap out of me!
Bunny Time 😎
Hi Sheba, thanks for the rabbit!
You are so welcomed.
Now you can take them for a walk. I love it. 🤣😎
Sheba, absolutely adorable.
LOL that’s funny my friend!!!
I am having problems getting into the Arcade. Not sure if the first question is up and running, but will do a bit of complaining AGAIN……
This is nuts.
Hi happydragon. No word yet from the Mods. Hopefully, we will have a game.
Good evening how are you? Someone is having a great sale today. 😎💕
On the bright side, at least they stopped repeating the same question.
But Myra, tonight could be the third strike. Time for another player to be at the plate.
I hate to say it, but the mod that promised to help you on this is the same one that promised me she’d do “everything”, then did nothing, refused to respond to me anymore after her first response. I was hoping you’d have better luck.
It’s 8:10 and I don’t have a question…no question is coming up!
Good Evening everyone, hope you all had a good week. All the wonderful gif, pics, are so great here. Thanks Sheba and fbn135.
Still no question! are they not doing trivia anymore??
Same here with no question. Nice to see everyone here. Hope all else is well.
Hi melch77. I’m now wondering if the A Team has spring fever or are taking a spring break.
Hi diab1o1 and xango. I finally was able to get into the Arcade and noticed that there are no questions as yet. I have posted an inquiry to the Mods and hopefully, they will answer soon.
This is the third week in a row that we haven’t been able to play. That’s somewhere around 2 to 3 thousand tickets that we all missed out on.
OODIEBOM, you got me laughing so hard, love the father and son letters.
xango glad they put a smile on your face. We needed the laugh right about now.
It’s so rude. If they aren’t going to have Friday Trivia night, they should just post that. 😫
Maybe trivia will start an hour late because of the time change?
I was very surprised the other day, when Marlo said she was getting her #2 vaccine immunization. Florida must allocate the vaccine differently. I thought it was emergency responders, health care workers, teachers, and over 65 that were to get the first vaccines.
Florida started the vaccine process towards the end of January. Seems each county does things differently. Some counties are not following protocol. And right now, it seems they are out of vaccines.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
87 Replies
03.20.21 6:26 AM
16 Participants