Friday Night Trivia June 23, 2023
Game Of Week
This is Oodiebom’s Trivia Welcome All.
HOW TO PLAY HSN’S TRIVIA: Questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade, And begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm DST depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….
NOTE; Sometimes a little gremlin will pose a question that requires a number. In those instances it may not accept for example 16. It’s the correct response, but you may need to spell it out: sixteen. Other times there may be a two word answer such as: Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday may need to be written as one word: HappyBirthday. There are also times when the answer is a plural even though the question seems to reflect something that isn’t. However, sometimes it is easier to check this thread for the correct response.
Goodnight Oodie Trivia Players I will leave you in Oodie’s hands.
Enjoy your evening all and stay cool.
Good night everyone, Sheba thank you for hosting tonight.
Oodiebom so glad you are able to pop in. I hope your husband is getting better and is able to go home soon. -
Hail, hail, the gang’s all here
What the heck do we care
What the heck do we care
Hail, hail, the gang’s all here
What the heck do we care nowJohn Lithgow & Darren E. Burrows
Good evening I am so glad you made it I knew you would. I know you are exhausted.
How is your husband?
Sheba, thanks for starting the game tonight. Good job.
Hubby was sound asleep when I left. I am afraid he is reverting to being a child. Could be part of t he dementia. Or it could be because he is skipping too many meals. He ate good tonight. I ordered Asian food and he ate it with gusto. He asked for hotdogs and baked beans for tomorrow. Have car will travel to Costco. By the way, you do not need be a member to use their food court. I will make some baked beans tomorrow morning and when done will add it to the thermos where, hopefully, it will stay warm for quite a few hours.
Hi everyone. It has been a long, hard day. Hubby had the urologist appointment first thing this afternoon. All the tests were inconclusive, so there is one the horizon and it is non invasive where they actually watch to see if the bladder is functioning. It is an hour and fifteen minute procedure which could take longer. Date and time has not been designated as yet. Following this hubby returned to a hot rehab center where the A/C was not functioning. I returned there as well. The A/C people were there and they had the ceiling tiles down and left them that way.
Oodie, glad you could make it.
Hi TACI, so good to see you. I forgot to mention we are having a great rain storm. Thought when I left the rehab, their’ sprinkler was on. Nope, as I drove out, a gentle rain was falling. The humidity…..the air you can cut it with a knife.
Oodie, You are in the tropics. People here are awful drivers here and when it rains even worse.
At least those rains don’t last too long. -
Glad to see you. Better late than never. Goodnight, see you all next week, same time, same place
Hello Oodiebom, you made it in time.
Hi xango. I made it. Hey, it’s raining here. Just not a little bit, a much needed rain that is not a drizzle. Unfortunately, the humidity is still up there. Oh well…..We do need the rain.
Good evening, Oodiebom. How is your husband?
Hi Sanibel. Thanks for asking. He is OK, more or less. Me….exh austed. Guess I better start making home cooked meals again. It’s those meals that keep him going.
Hi Sheba, Xango and trivia players! Popping in to to say Hello and play a few games.
Hope your all enjoying the games and watermelon.-
Sheba, Looks so good! Hope you had a great day!
Hello Taci, parles-tu français?
Xango, Je souhaite. Est-ce que tu?
Un peu. French is one of the languages I studied.
Xango and Sheba, you are both so accomplished. Very Nice. Me, I can use a google translator.:)
I wish you the same.
My favorite, Vanilla
@Sheba, that’s just the way I like, soft ice cream in a cone. Reminds me of the ice cream truck that would come around thr neighborhood. Leslie W. and I would get a double, one side Vanilla and the other Chocolate.
Sheba, YUM on the watermelon!
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
63 Replies
06.24.23 3:19 AM
11 Participants